State Farm Neighborhood Assist

Good afternoon,

Have you ever wanted to help your community with a problem but didn?t know where to start? Maybe it?s a run-down park or to help the impoverished in your community. Now, YOU have the power to fix it.

State Farm Neighborhood Assist, a crowd-sourced philanthropic initiative, lets communities determine where grant funding is awarded. Anyone 18 years of age and older in the U.S. can participate.

The application is short and simple, and you can learn more by visiting<>. The program officially launches on June 5. You, or someone you know, could be the catalyst for positive change to your community cause!

Your application will be judged based on your answers to the following three questions:

?        How much does the Cause focus on an unmet need in this community?

?        Why do you feel the $25,000 would address the unmet need?

?        How much of a lasting impact on this community would the grant have?

The submission phase starts June 5 and ends when 2,000 submissions are reached. (Last year we had 2,000 submissions in under 24 hours) You can prepare now by going to the website and downloading the submission guide. You can submit one cause in one of the three categories of safety, community development or education. All you have to do is submit the cause; you don?t have to ?run the program.?

After the 2,000 submissions are reached, the State Farm Review Committee will score all the submissions to identify the top 200 finalists.

Meet the 2018 Winning Causes<>

The top 200 finalists will then be uploaded to<> where you can vote for 10 days – from August 14-August 23. Each person gets up to 10 votes per day, every day.

The top 40 causes with the most votes will each win a $25,000 grant from State Farm!

Winners will be announced on September 25.

Please reach out if you have any questions.



Apply now for Angus Foundation scholarships Deadline May 1st!

Apply now for Angus Foundation scholarships (Click here)

Several undergraduate and graduate scholarships available from the Angus Foundation

In 2018, the Angus Foundation awarded more than $225,000 in scholarships to numerous junior members. The Angus Foundation is committed to providing avenues for success to past and present junior members. (Courtesy Photo)

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. — The May 1 deadline to apply for the Angus Foundation scholarships is fast approaching. The Angus Foundation seeks to help Angus youth offset some of those steep educational costs by awarding undergraduate and graduate level scholarships.

“The Angus Foundation is focused on the future – for research, education and youth,” said Rod Schoenbine, Angus Foundation director of development. “Providing support to help ensure the success of our junior members is our objective.”

Undergraduate and graduate student scholarship applications are available online at Applicants must have, at one time, been a National Junior Angus Association member and must currently be an active Junior, Regular or Life member of the American Angus Association®. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior or enrolled at a junior college, four-year college/university or other accredited institution and have a minimum 2.0 GPA. Eligibility requirements and application guidelines are included. Applicants will want to strictly adhere to the guidelines and provide the information requested when submitting their application to the Angus Foundation.

Applicants are required to submit the following for consideration: the 2019 application form, three letters of recommendation, a copy of their current high school/college/university transcript and their Association member code.

In 2018, the Angus Foundation awarded more than $225,000 in scholarships to numerous junior members. The Angus Foundation is committed to providing avenues for success to past and present junior members.

For more information, please contact Kris Sticken at 816-383-5100 or

–Karen Hiltbrand
Angus Communications

For more articles concerning the beef cattle industry, click here.

Raise Your Hand-Help Ohio 4-H win up to $20,000!!!

Only one in three kids say they have the skills to handle what life throws their way. If we don’t give our kids the opportunity to succeed, we all fail.

That’s where 4‑H comes in — programs that meet youth and families where they live, serve community needs and build critical life skills young people need to thrive.

You can help by raising your hand to support kids in your community! Vote now and your state’s 4‑H program could win $5K, $10K or $20K to help more young people do, learn and grow.

Join us today and Raise Your Hand, because every child deserves a chance to succeed.

Study guides and information for the 2019 Shelby Co. Junior Fair Livestock Skillathon Contest


Study guides and information for the 2019 Shelby Co. Junior Fair Livestock Skillathon Contest are now posted at

All youth exhibiting an animal at the 2019 Shelby Co. Junior Fair MUST participate in the skillathon contest in order to participate in a Junior Fair show and for their project to be deemed complete. The Skillathon Contest will be held on July 20, 2019 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. More details about the contest, including format, awards, topics, etc. can be found on the aforementioned website. In the event a youth has an approved conflict for the day and time of the skillathon contest, they may take a make-up during a pre-scheduled appointment the week of pre-fair judging (July 15-19). Youth MUST call in advance. No walk ins!

If a youth needs accommodations, please contact us at 937-498-7243 to discuss. We are happy to provide applicable accommodations, including reading assistants.

In general, studying for this year’s topics can mostly be done from the livestock 4-H Resource Manuals. I do not anticipate skillathon kits to be necessary for studying this year. However, clubs and families may still check them out if they so desire.

Please let me know if you have any questions about skillathon.

Thank you,


Bring the World Home through Ohio 4-H!

Bring the World Home through Ohio 4-H!

Looking for some new fun and educational excitement this summer? How about hosting a boy or girl from Japan in your home for 3? weeks? (July 24 – Aug. 18) The Ohio 4-H International Program is offering hosting opportunities to 75 families around the state, and Japanese youth on the other side of the world are anxiously waiting to learn who their new family might be! Host families should have their own child aged 10-15 who will serve as the main host sibling. Families will be matched with a Japanese youth of the same gender and approximate age. Special trips and activities are not required. The focus is on everyday family life. Host families provide lodging, meals, and any family activities. Medical insurance is provided. Youth bring money for personal spending (gifts, souvenirs, etc.) For more information, please visit Ohio 4-H International<> or contact Mary Lynn Thalheimer at<mailto:thalheimer.1> or 614-247-8162.




[The Ohio State University]

Mary Lynn Thalheimer

Ohio 4-H International Program Director

Ohio State University Extension | 4-H Youth Development

2201 Fred Taylor Dr., Columbus, OH 43210

Phone: 614-247-8162 | Fax: 614-292-5937<> |

Fairlawn FFA test out dates and times.

Fairlawn FFA will be giving the Quality assurance test out this year on April 12th and April 17 in the Fairlawn Ag classroom after school Starting at 3:15. Any questions or concerns please give me a call.

Nathan Sailor

Agricultural Educator /FFA Adviser

Fairlawn Local Schools

18800 Johnston Rd

Sidney Ohio 45365

(937)492-5930 ext.125