EHS Safety Training
All users are required to complete OSU Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) online training.
Users must create an EHS account at and complete online training prior to being trained on the NMR or EPR spectrometers. Please follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to and login with your OSU name.# to create an account
- From the homepage, select “Participate in Online Training” and the choose “EHS Online Training”
- Under My Training, select the enrolled training program (listed below) and complete the online training session.
- Once EHS training is complete (indicated with a green check mark), a NMR manager or GTA will reach out to you schedule instrument training.
The follow EHS training programs are required by the NMR facility:
- Building Emergency Action Plan (BEAP)
- Lab Standard Training
The next training program is ONLY required for users who receive variable temperature NMR training (NEO400 & AVIII600) or EMX-Plus EPR training.
- Cryogenic Materials Training [ONLY Variable Temperature NMR and EMX-Plus EPR]
Safety Considerations
A complete Hazardous Communication Plan for the NMR facility is located next to the hood in CBEC 092.
Magnet Field
Persons with any metal implants, pacemakers, etc. should NOT ENTER the NMR laboratory.
DO NOT bring any metal or magnetic objects (keys, phones, laptops, credit cards, BuckID, coins, bobby pins, jewelry, etc.) within the 5 Guass line (marked by yellow tracks). If possible, do not bring these into the lab.
Superconducting NMR Magnet Quench
In the case of a magnet quench, leave the NMR lab quickly and calmly. Contact the NMR lab staff ASAP.
A quench is the rapid conversion of the cryogenic liquids inside the NMR into a gas. A quench will be obvious by a loud whoosh and sudden release of gases from the top of the instrument. The gases will look like a white fog collecting on the ceiling and floor. Stay out of the fog as the helium and nitrogen displace breathable air.
Sample Limitations and Proper Handling
DO NOT bring the following hazardous materials into the lab: powdered nano-materials, radioactive materials, biohazards (infectious diseases, viable cells, human tissues, etc.), or any acutely toxic material. Please consult the Lab Manager to design safety protocols for studying any hazardous samples.
DO NOT use pressurized tubes; ie a sealed NMR tube with volatile liquids like ammonia or ether.
ALWAYS thoroughly clean the outside of your NMR tube prior to entering the NMR laboratory.
PPE Requirements
DO NOT wear lab coats or gloves while using the computers in the NMR laboratory.
Proper PPE is required for sample preparation at the hood or while handling cryogenic liquids.
Gas Cylinders – NMR staff only
DO NOT bring a gas cylinder within the 5 Gauss line (marked by yellow tracks) of the NMR magnets. Follow all university EHS guidelines when handling cylinders including storage and transport.