The 600 MHz (NMR-Sage) is still experiencing ‘atma’ failures after a probe repair and a software upgrade. The ‘atma’ command fails intermittently when tuning on the proton channel (any proton experiment or X-nuclei using proton decoupling). Your experiments can still run; however, the signal intensity will be reduced (the pulse lengths will not be optimized with a de-tuned probe). Until this issue is resolved you’ll want to avoid multi-pulse (T1, T2 measurements), quantitative protons, water suppression, and 2D experiments, especially those which are phase-sensitive (NOESY, HSQC) as they will not acquire properly.
Bruker is aware of the issue and working with me to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Please watch for updates.
CLEAN/WIPE YOUR NMR TUBES and SPINNER every time! The probe coil and glass insert are terribly dirty and may be damaged. It only takes one dirty sample to cause shimming/tuning issues, background signals, and/or costly damage.