
Ginny Bumgardner, MD PhD

MISSION: The Bumgardner laboratory is dedicated to enhanced understanding of host immune responses to cellular and solid organ transplants through transplant immunology research in order to spearhead 1) the development of novel immunotherapies which will extend transplant graft survival and test 2) strategies to minimize or eliminate the need for immosuppressive medications.

Bumgardner Office:

Doan Hall

395 West 12th Avenue

Columbus, Ohio 43210


Kimberly Dixon, Administrative Assistant to Dr. Ginny Bumgardner

Phone: 614-293-6177

Email: Kimberly.dixon2@osumc.edu

Bumgardner Laboratory:

244/250 Tzagournis Medical Research Facility

420 West 12th Avenue

Columbus, Ohio 43210


Dr. Jason Zimmerer, Research Scientist

Phone: 614-688-5700

Email: Jason.Zimmerer@osumc.edu