CTC and Lab Space



                                   Bumgardner laboratory Transplant Immunobiology


CTC and Lab Space

The Ohio State University (OSU) Comprehensive Transplant Center (CTC) Signature Program was created in 2005 based on a competitive internal process. Signature Programs are recognized for their unique contributions to The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (OSUWMC) and as such receive additional institutional resources including contiguous office space, laboratory and research space in Wiseman Hall and in the Tzagournis Medical Research Facility (MRF). Additional space and equipment for microsurgical procedures is available to the Bumgardner lab in the newest and largest OSU research facility–the ten story Biomedical Research Tower (BRT) http://ular.osu.edu/about/facilities/brt/. The Tzagournis MRF is adjacent to the BRT with underground tunnels connecting the two buildings.

Tzagournis Medical Research Facility- 420 W. 12th Ave.

The following laboratory spaces are available for research: Dr. Bumgardner’s labs are located in Room 250 and Room 244 of the Tzagournis MRF. This laboratory space is equipped for cellular, molecular and biochemical analyses (including BSL II human blood experimentation). This space has been utilized to perform experiments which measure extracellular and intracellular protein staining for FACS analysis and to perform immune cell isolation, cell culture work, in vitro assays, analysis by ELISA and other cellular and immune assays.


Key CORE facilities

Flow cytometry https://cancer.osu.edu/research-and-education/shared-resources/analytical-cytometry

Animal Facility http://ular.osu.edu/

Microscopy and Imaging Facility https://www.cmif.osu.edu/

Small Animal Imaging Core Lab https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/heart-vascular/heart-lung/core-labs/small-animal-imaging-core-lab

Pathology Core Facility https://cancer.osu.edu/for-cancer-researchers/resources-for-cancer-researchers/shared-resources/comparative-pathology-and-digital-imaging