The Ohio State University

4. Articles/Chapters in Books

Articles/Chapters in Books:

  1. Case marking and complementizers in Persian. Stanford Working Papers on Language Universals 17 (1975), 141-144. (PDF version)
  2. Laryngeal before i/u in Greek: the role of morphology in diachronic change.  Papers from the 11th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (1975), 319-328. (PDF version)
  3. Verb raising in Modern Greek. Montreal Working Papers in Linguistics 6: Papers from the Sixth Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistic Society (1975), 152-164. (PDF version)
  4. Raising in Modern Greek: a Copying process?  290r*:  Harvard Studies in Syntax and Semantics Vol. II (1976), 241-278. (PDF version)
  5. ENVY–A functional analysis. Linguistic Inquiry 7 (Summer 1976),  503-508. (PDF version)
  6. On the cyclicity of extraposition-from-the claim. Linguistic Inquiry 8 (Winter 1977), 169-173. (PDF version)
  7. Giro apo dio morfes sti roditiki dialekto: oxlos ke oxnos (with Michael Herzfeld). [Concerning two forms in the Rhodian dialect: oxlos and oxnos]. Dodekanisiaka Xronika 4 (1978), 1-7. (PDF version)
  8. Irregular [u] in Greek. Die Sprache 25 (1979), 13-15. (PDF version)
  9. Lachmann’s Law once again. Linguistic Inquiry 10 (Spring 1979), 363-365. (PDF version)
  10. Raising to oblique in Greek. In Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (1979), 114-128. (PDF version)
  11. On the agreement of reflexive forms in English. Linguistics 17 (1979), 519-523. (PDF version)
  12. On the animate-inanimate distinction in Cree. Anthropological Linguistics 21.7 (Oct. 1979), 351-4. (PDF version)
  13. On Teaching Markedness. Innovations in Linguistics Education Vol. I, No. II (March 1980), 57-8. (PDF version)
  14. Lexical Productivity versus Syntactic Generativity. Linguistic Inquiry 11 (1980) 420-426. (PDF version)
  15. Linguistic universals and syntactic change. Language 56.345-370 (1980). (PDF version)
  16. More on AKOMA. Die Sprache 26.59 (1980). (PDF version)
  17. Locatives and obviation in Cree. International Journal of American Linguistics, 46.168-9 (1980). (PDF version)
  18. Recovery of information in relative clauses: evidence from Greek and Hebrew. Journal of Linguistics 16.237-244 (1980). (PDF version)
  19. Watkins’ Law and the Modern Greek Preterite. Die Sprache 26.179-184 (1980). (PDF version)
  20. On the so-called ‘Passive’ use of the Gothic active infinitive. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 80.369-379 (1981). (PDF version)
  21. On the Synchrony and Diachrony of Modern Greek na. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 7.139-154 (1981). (PDF version)
  22. The Role of Derivations in Syntactic Change. In Syntactic Change, ed. B. Johns & D. Strong (Natural Language Studies 25), pp. 115-135 (1981). (PDF version)
  23. A new convergence concerning the Balkan loss of the infinitive. Indogermanische Forschungen 85.176-187 (1980 [1982]). (PDF version)
  24. A note on the Oblique Law. Ohio St. Univ. Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 26.93-101 (1982). (PDF version)
  25. On some advancements to subject in Modern Greek. Ohio St. Univ. Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 26.49-58 (1982). (PDF version)
  26. Multiple causation in language contact change. Published in microfiche in ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Database by ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, document #ED205021, February 1982 (pp. 17). (PDF version)
  27. Hittite iwar, wa(r) and Sanskrit iva. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 95.93-98 (1981 [1982]). (PDF version)
  28. Oscan slaagi-. Glotta 60.112-115 (1982). (PDF version)
  29. The Balkan Infinitive loss — Some methodological problems. In Studies in Balkan Linguistics to Honor Eric P. Hamp on His Sixtieth Birthday (Folia Slavica 4.2-3), ed. H. Aronson and B. Darden (1981 [1983]), 300-308. (PDF version)
  30. More on (i)-wa(r), (with Lawrence Schourup). Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 96.56-59 (1982 [1983]). (PDF version)
  31. The Source of Ancient Greek tolupē. Glotta 60.230-234 (1982). (PDF version)
  32. On the Reduction of kika- to ka- in Plains Cree (with Catherine Jolley). Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics 8.8-10 (1983). (PDF version)
  33. Relativization in Modern Greek: Another look at the accessibility hierarchy constraints. Lingua 60.1-24 (1983). (PDF version)
  34. Old English Hengest as an Indo-European Twin Hero. The Mankind Quarterly 24.105-115 (1983). (PDF version)
  35. Gothic -ba. Indogermanische Forschungen 87.166-169 (1982 [1983]). (PDF version)
  36. Language use in the Balkans — The contributions of historical linguistics. Anthropological Linguistics 25.275-287 (1983). (PDF version)
  37. Using Indo-European comparative mythology to solve literary problems–The case of Old English Hengest. Papers in Comparative Studies Vol. 2 (1982-1983), pp. 177-186. (PDF version)
  38. Modern Greek Linguistics from the Balkan Perspective—A Survey. Mandatoforos 22.13-26 (1983). (PDF version)
  39. Ya tin idieteri θesi tu [ts]/[dz] stin eliniki fonologia [On the special status of [ts]/[dz] in Greek phonology]. In Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, 1982 [1985], pp. 227-35. (PDF version)
  40. A Note on assibilation in Hittite. Die Sprache 30.1-15 (1984). (PDF version)
  41. Hittite urenant-. Orbis 31.156-160 (1982[1985]). (PDF version)
  42. Lindeman versus Kortlandt: Summary and Evaluation. Annual of Armenian Linguistics 5.45-50 (1984). (PDF version)
  43. Latin Morphology — Another Look (with Rex Wallace). Linguistic Inquiry 15 (1984), pp. 319-28. (PDF version)
  44. Lexical Relatedness, Head of a Word, and the Misanalysis of Latin, (with Rex Wallace). Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 29 (1984), pp. 30-49. (PDF version)
  45. European Hellenism and Greek Nationalism: Some Effects on Greek Linguistic Scholarship. Journal of Modern Greek Studies  3.87-96 (1985). (PDF version)
  46. Nées apópsis gíro apó to zítima tu aparemfátu stis valkanikés glóses [Some New Views Concerning the Question of the Infinitive in the Balkan Languages]. Glossologia, A Greek Journal for General and Historical Linguistics 2-3.91-98 (1983-1984). (PDF version)
  47. The Appropriateness of [ts] in Certain Greek Suffixes. Onomata 9.21-25 (1984). (PDF version)
  48. Proto-Indo-European Consonantism: Methodological and Further Typological Concerns. In Papers from the 6th International  Conference on Historical Linguistics, ed. J. Fisiak.  Amsterdam:  John Benjamins (1985), pp. 313-321. (PDF version)
  49. Balkan Expressive and Affective Phonology — The Case of Greek ts/dz. In Papers for the V. Congress of Southeast European Studies (Belgrade, September 1984), edited by K. Shangriladze and E. Townsend. Slavica Publishers (for the US National Committee of the AIESEE), pp. 227-37. (PDF version)
  50. Greek. In The World’s Major Languages, ed. B. Comrie. Croom Helm Ltd. Publishers, 1987, pp. 410-439 (reprinted in The Major Languages of Eastern Europe, ed. B. Comrie, Routledge Publishers, 1990, pp. 144-173); updated version in The World’s Major Languages, 2nd edition (Routledge, 2009), pp. 347-372 and further update in The World’s Major Languages, 3rd edition (Routledge, 2018), pp. 357-382) (PDF version)
  51. Duck-Kettles in Canada. International Journal of American Linguistics 51.466-469 (1985). (PDF version)
  52. Complementizers, Particles, and Finiteness in Greek and the Balkans. Folia Slavica 7.3.390-411 (1985). (PDF version)
  53. The Columbus smoke-out. American Speech 60.379 (1985). (PDF version)
  54. One Rule or Many? Sanskrit Reduplication as Fragmented Affixation, (with Richard D. Janda). Proceedings of the Second Eastern States Conference on Linguistics [ESCOL ‘85], Columbus:  OSU Department of Linguistics, pp. 103-119.  [Reprinted in slightly revised form in Studies on Language Change.  Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics 34 (1986), pp. 84-107.] (PDF version)
  55. More on the Origin of the -its- Suffixes in Greek. Živa Antika 35.83-85 (1985). (PDF version)
  56. TRIONIC. American Speech 61.3.288 (1986). (PDF version)
  57. Latin sum / Oscan súm, sim, esum (with Rex E. Wallace). American Journal of Philology 108.675-693 (1987). (PDF version)
  58. On the Etymology of Hittite tuqqa:ri ‘be visible’. In A Linguistic Happening in Memory of Ben Schwarz: Studies in Anatolian, Italic, and Other Indo-European Languages, ed. by Y. Arbeitman.  (Peeters, 1988), pp. 205-213. (PDF version)
  59. How Ergative is Basque? (with Kutz Arrieta and Jane Smirniotopoulos). In Proceedings of the Third Eastern States Conference on Linguistics [ESCOL ‘86], Columbus: OSU Department of Linguistics, pp. 25-36. (PDF version)
  60. On Automatic and Simultaneous Syntactic Changes. In Studies on Language Change. Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics 34 (1986), pp. 28-55. (PDF version)
  61. The Etymology of bum: Mere Child’s Play (with Mary E. Clark). Journal of English Linguistics 21.1 (1988 [1990]), pp. 24-28 [earlier version in Studies on Language Change.  Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics 34 (1986), pp. 123-126]. (PDF version)
  62. A Greek-Bulgarian Mischsprache in the Rodope? In A Festschrift for Ilse Lehiste. Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics 35 (1987), pp. 117-123. (PDF version)
  63. On the Use of Iconic Elements in Etymological Investigation: Some Case Studies from Greek. Diachronica.  International Journal for Historical Linguistics 4.1-2.1-26 (1987). (PDF version)
  64. The How and Why of Diachronic Morphologization and Demorphologization (with Richard Janda). In Theoretical Morphology: Approaches in Modern Linguistics, ed. by M. Hammond & M. Noonan, Academic Press (1988), p. 193-210. (PDF version)
  65. Is Raising to Prepositional Object a Natural Language Grammatical Construction? In Studies in Relational Grammar 3, ed. B. Joseph & P. Postal (1990). Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, pp. 261-276. (PDF version)
  66. A Diachronic Phonological Solution to the Syntax of Vedic Negative Particles. In Studies in Sanskrit Syntax, ed. H. Hock (1991), Motilal Banarsidas Publishers, pp. 113-122. (PDF version)
  67. On a Possible Minor Sound Change of e > a in Ancient Greek. Studies in Greek Linguistics. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki.  A Festschrift for John Chadwick.  Thessaloniki:  Ekdotikos Ikos A. Kiriakidi, pp. 149-159 (1988). (PDF version)
  68. A Fresh Look at the Balkan Sprachbund: Some Observations on H. W. Schaller’s Die Balkansprachen. Mediterranean Language Review 3.105-114 (1986). (PDF version)
  69. On the Unity of Sanskrit Aspiration (with Richard D. Janda). Discussion Papers for the Sixth International Phonology Meeting and Third International Morphology Meeting, Volume 1:  Phonology (Wiener Linguistische Gazette Supplement 6 (1988)), pp. 29-31. (PDF version)
  70. Pronominal Affixes in Modern Greek: The Case Against Clisis.  In D. Brentari et al. (eds.), Papers from the 24th Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society  (1988), pp. 203-215. (PDF version)
  71. More on -gate Words: A Perspective from Greece.  American Speech 67 (1992), 222-223. (PDF version)
  72. I erminía merikón voríon típon tis prostaktikís katá ti simeriní morfolojikí θeoría [The Interpretation of Several Northern Forms of the Imperative According to Current Morphological Theory]. Eliniki Dialektolojía 1 (1989), pp. 21-26. (PDF version)
  73. The Balkan Languages. In International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, ed. by W. Bright (1992), Oxford: Oxford University Press, Volume 1, pp. 153-155.  (Revised version in Second Edition, 2003 (ed. by W. Frawley), 194-196.) (PDF version)
  74. The Greek Language. In International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, ed. by W. Bright (1992). Oxford:  Oxford University Press, Volume 2, pp. 86-92.  (Revised version in Second Edition, 2003 (ed. by W. Frawley).) (PDF version)
  75. In Further Defense of a Non-Phonological Account of Sanskrit Root-Initial Aspiration Alternations (with Richard D. Janda). In ESCOL ‘88. Proceedings of the Fifth Eastern States Conference on Linguistics. The Ohio State University Dept of Linguistics (1989), pp. 246-60. (PDF version)
  76. SUM: Further Thoughts (with Rex E. Wallace).  Classical Philology 84 (1989), pp. 319-321. (PDF version)
  77. The Benefits of Morphological Classification: On Some Apparently Problematic Clitics in Modern Greek.  In W. Dressler, H. Luschützky, O. Pfeiffer, and J. Rennison (eds.), Contemporary Morphology.  Berlin:  Mouton de Gruyter (1990), pp. 171-181.  [Preliminary version in Papers in Morphology and Syntax.  Ohio St. Univ. Working Papers in Linguistics 37 (1989), pp. 52-61.] (PDF version)
  78. A Non-Bleeding Rule in Modern Greek. Glotta 68 (1990), pp. 124-129. (PDF version)
  79. Hittite andurza ‘inside, indoors’ and the Indo-Hittite Hypothesis. In The Asia Minor Connexion:  Studies on the Pre-Greek Languages in Memory of Charles Carter (ed. Yoël Arbeitman).  Louvain:  Orbis Supplementa, Peeters (2000), pp. 123-131. (PDF version)
  80. Introduction (with Paul M. Postal). In P. Postal & B. Joseph, eds. (1990) Studies in Relational Grammar 3, pp. vii-xii.  Chicago:  University of Chicago Press. (PDF version)
  81. Mikrí simvolí sti ðiaxronía tu elénxu sta eliniká [A Small Contribution to the Diachrony of Control in Greek]. In Studies in Greek Linguistics.  Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki (1990), Supplement, pp. 33-38. (PDF version)
  82. Diachronic Explanation: Putting Speakers Back into the Picture.  In Explanation in Historical Linguistics (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 84), ed. by G. Davis & G. Iverson.  John Benjamins Publishers, 1992, pp. 123-144. (PDF version)
  83. Diachronic Perspectives on Control. In Control and Grammar, ed. by Richard Larson, Sabine Iatridou, Utpal Lahiri, & James Higginbotham, 195-234. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (1992). (PDF version)
  84. On the Problematic f/h Variation in Faliscan (with Rex E. Wallace). Glotta 69 (1991), pp. 84-93. (PDF version)
  85. On Arguing for Serial Verbs (with Particular Reference to Greek). In B. Joseph & A. Zwicky (eds.) When Verbs Collide:  Papers from the Ohio State Mini-Conference on Serial Verbs.  Ohio State Working Papers in Linguistics 39 (1990), pp. 77-90. (PDF version)
  86. Sanskrit prādur and Old Indic Dialectology. In Iranian and Indo-European Studies.  Memorial Volume of Otokar Klíma, ed. by P. Vavrousek (1994).  Prague:  Enigma Corporation, pp. 115-124. (PDF version)
  87. Is Faliscan a Local Latin Patois? (with Rex E. Wallace).  Diachronica.  International Journal for Historical Linguistics 8.2.159-186 (1991). (PDF version)
  88. I morfosíndaksi tu neoelinikú rimatikú sinólu san morfolojía ke óxi síndaksi [The Morphosyntax of the Modern Greek Verbal Unit as Morphology and not Syntax]. In Studies in Greek Linguistics (Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki), 1992, pp. 33-44. (PDF version)
  89. A Greek Perspectives on the Question of the Arbitrariness of Linguistic Signs. Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 7.335-351 (1992) (PDF version)
  90. Introduction.  In B. Joseph (ed.) Language and Power, Language and Freedom in Greek Society.  Special issue of Journal of Modern Greek Studies 10 (1992), pp. 1-9. (PDF version)
  91. Interlectal Awareness as a Reflex of Linguistic Dimensions of Power: Evidence from Greek. In B. Joseph (ed.) Language and Power, Language and Freedom in Greek Society. Special issue of Journal of Modern Greek Studies 10 (1992), pp. 71-85. (PDF version)
  92. Foreword to F. Cadora, Bedouin, Village and Urban Arabic (E. J. Brill, 1992), pp. vii-ix. (PDF version)
  93. Meta-Templates & the Underlying (Dis-)Unity of Sanskrit Reduplication (with Richard D. Janda). In ESCOL ‘91.  Proceedings of the Eighth Eastern States Conference on Linguistics.  The Ohio State University Department of Linguistics (1991), pp. 160-173. (PDF version)
  94. On Some Armenian Reduplicated Nouns: mamul, mamur, and mamuR.  In Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on Armenian Linguistics, ed. by J. Greppin.  Delmar, NY:  Caravan Books, pp. 101-114 (1992) (PDF version)
  95. Socially Determined Variation in Ancient Rome (with Rex E. Wallace). Language Variation and Change 4.105-119 (1992). (PDF version)
  96. Wackernagel Affixes: Evidence from Balto-Slavic (with Joel A. Nevis). Yearbook of Morphology 5.93-111 (1993). (PDF version)
  97. Systematic Hyperforeignisms as Maximally External Evidence for Linguistic Rules (with R. Janda & N. Jacobs). In S. Lima, R. Corrigan, & G. Iverson (eds.), The Reality of Linguistic Rules.  John Benjamins Publishing Co., 1994, pp. 67-92. (PDF version) [see also this citation in the popular press]
  98. On the Development of PIE *g’h/gh in Faliscan: a Response to Picard (with Rex E. Wallace).  Diachronica 10.1.144-150 (1993). (PDF version)
  99. The Morphosyntax of the Modern Greek Verb as Morphology and not Syntax (with Jane C. Smirniotopoulos). Linguistic Inquiry 24.2.388-398 (1993). (PDF version)
  100. Pseudo-Agglutinativity in Modern Greek Verb-Inflection and “Elsewhere” (with R. Janda). In Papers from the 28th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (1992). Volume 1, pp. 251-266.  Chicago:  Chicago Linguistic Society. (PDF version)
  101. Methodological Issues in the History of the Balkan Lexicon: The Case of Greek vré/ré and its Relatives  In Balkanistica Vol. 10 (Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Zbigniew Golab 19 March 1923 – 24 March 1994), ed. by V. Friedman, M. Belyavski-Frank, M. Pisaro, & D. Testen (1997), pp. 255-277. (PDF version)
  102. Modern Greek ts: beyond sound symbolism.  In Sound Symbolism, edited by L. Hinton, J. Nichols, & J. Ohala (Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 222-236. (PDF version)
  103. On Weak Subjects and Pro-Drop in Greek. In Themes in Greek Linguistics (Papers from the First International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Reading, September 1993), ed. by I. Philippaki-Warburton, K. Nicolaidis, & M. Sifianou. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishers (1994), pp. 21-32. (PDF version)
  104. Borrowing at the Popular Level: Balkan Interjectional Particles of Turkish and Greek Origin.  Septième Congres International d’Études du Sud Est Européen:  Rapports.  Athens:  Greek National Committee for Southeast European Studies (1994), pp. 507-520. (PDF version)
  105. Proto-Indo-European Voiced Aspirates in Italic: A Test for the Glottalic Theory (with Rex Wallace).  Historische Sprachforschung 107 (1994), pp. 244-261. (PDF version)
  106. Textual Authenticity: Evidence From Medieval Greek. In S. Herring, P. van Reenen, & L. Schoesler, eds., Textual Parameters in Ancient Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publ. Co. (2000), pp. 309-329. (PDF version)
  107. Historical Morphology. In A. Zwicky & A. Spencer, eds., The Handbook of Morphology, Blackwell Publishers, 1998, pp. 351-373. (PDF version)
  108. Cappadocian Greek aré ‘now’ and Related Adverbs: The Effects of Conflation, Composition, and Resegmentation. In K. Minas et al., eds., Filerimu Agapisis (Festschrift for Agapitos Tsopanakis). Stegi Gramaton ke Texnon Dodekanisu, Vol. 20, pp. 115-122 (Rhodes, 1997) (PDF version)
  109. On So-Called “Adverb-Incorporation” in Modern Greek (with Jane Smirniotopoulos). In Greek Linguistics ‘95. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Greek Linguistics, ed. by G. Drachman, A. Malikouti-Drachman, J. Fykias, & S. Klidi.  Graz: Neubauer Verlag (1997), pp. 117-128 (Vol. I). (PDF version)
  110. On Nostratic: The Search for Linguistic Roots.  Science Spectra 8.74-77 (1997). (PDF version)
  111. Variation in voiced stop prenasalization in Greek (with Amalia Arvaniti (lead author)). Glossologia, A Greek Journal for General and Historical Linguistics Vol. 11-12.131-166 (2000) (Preliminary version in Historical Linguistics: Ohio St. Univ. Working Papers in Linguistics 52.203-33 (1999).) (PDF version)
  112. The Indo-European Family — The Linguistic Evidence.  In:  Istoria tis elinikis glosas apo tis arxes eos tin isteri arxeotita [History of the Greek Language from the beginnings up to later antiquity], ed. by A.-Ph. Christides.  Thessaloniki: Centre for the Greek Language (2001), pp, 128-134. (PDF version)
  113. Early Movement Towards Modern Greek. In:  Istoria tis elinikis glosas apo tis arxes eos tin isteri arxeotita [History of the Greek Language from the beginnings up to later antiquity], ed. by A.-Ph. Christides.  Thessaloniki: Centre for the Greek Language (2001), pp. 516-520. (PDF version)
  114. Analogy and Sound Change in Ancient Greek. In:  Istoria tis elinikis glosas apo tis arxes eos tin isteri arxeotita [History of the Greek Language from the beginnings up to later antiquity], ed. by A.-Ph. Christides.  Thessaloniki: Centre for the Greek Language (2001), pp, 1059-1064. (PDF version)
  115. Macrorelationships and Microrelationships and their Relationship. In I. Hegedüs, P. Michalove, & A. Manaster Ramer, eds., Indo-European, Nostratic and Beyond: Festschrift for Vitalij V. Shevoroshkin (Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series, Vol. 22).  Washington, DC:  Institute for the Study of Man), 1997, pp. 168-182. (PDF version)
  116. How General are our Generalizations? What Speakers Actually Know and What They Actually Do.  In Anthony D. Green & V. Motopanyane et al., eds., ESCOL ‘96. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Eastern States Conference on Linguistics. Ithaca: Cascadilla Press (1997), pp. 148-160. (PDF version)
  117. On the Linguistics of Marginality: The Centrality of the Periphery.  In G. Anderson et al., eds., Papers from the 33rd Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society.  Chicago:  Chicago Linguistic Society (1997), pp. 197-213. (PDF version)
  118. Ancient Greek. In Facts about the World’s Languages.  An Encyclopedia of the World’s Major Languages, Past and Present, ed. by Jane Garry, Carl Rubino, Alice Faber, & Robert French.  The H. W. Wilson Co. (2001), pp. 256-262 (PDF version)
  119. Modern Greek. In Facts about the World’s Languages. An Encyclopedia of the World’s Major Languages, Past and Present, ed. by Jane Garry, Carl Rubino, Alice Faber, & Robert French.  The H. W. Wilson Co. (2001), pp. 263-270. (webpage) (PDF version)
  120. Syntax versus the Lexicon: Incorporation and Compounding in Modern Greek (with Jane C. Smirniotopoulos). Journal of Linguistics 34 (1998), 447-488. (PDF version)
  121. Introduction (with Joseph C. Salmons). In B. Joseph & J. Salmons (eds.) Nostratic: Sifting the Evidence. (Current Trends in Linguistic Theory, Vol. 142.) John Benjamins Publishers (1998), pp. 1-9. (PDF version)
  122. Selected Titles on Language and Linguistics. In S. Constantinidis (ed.) Greece in Modern Times (An Annotated Bibliography of Works Published in English in 22 Academic Disciplines During the Twentieth Century). Lanham, MD:  Scarecrow Press (1999), pp. 441-474. (PDF version)
  123. Romanian and the Balkans: Some Comparative Perspectives. In S. Embleton, J. Joseph, & H.-J. Niederehe (eds.) The Emergence of the Modern Language Sciences. Studies on the Transition from Historical-Comparative to Structural Linguistics in Honour of E.F.K. Koerner. Volume 2: Methodological Perspectives and Applications.  Amsterdam:  John Benjamins (1999), pp. 218-235. (PDF version)
  124. Processes of Spread for Syntactic Constructions in the Balkans. In C. Tzitzilis & C. Symeonidis (eds.) Balkan Linguistik: Synchronie und Diachronie (University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2000), pp. 139-150. (PDF version)
  125. The Modern Greek Negator μη(ν)(-) as a Morphological Constellation (with Richard D. Janda). In G. Babiniotis (ed.) Greek Linguistics: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Greek Linguistics.  Athens: Elinika Gramata (1999), pp. 341-351. (PDF version)
  126. Is Balkan Comparative Syntax Possible? In M. L. Rivero & A. Ralli (eds.) Comparative Syntax of Balkan Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2001), pp. 17-43. (PDF version) (webpage)
  127. Evaluating Semantic Shifts: The Case of Indo-European *(s)meuk- and Indo-Iranian *muč- (with Catherine S. Karnitis). In Historical Linguistics. Ohio St. Univ. Working Papers in Linguistics 52.151-158 (1999). (PDF version)
  128. Linguistics for ‘Everystudent’. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 28.2 (Fall, 1998), 123-133. (PDF version)
  129. On the Development of Modern Greek όχι ‘no!’. In C. Schaner-Wolles, J. Rennison, & F. Neubarth (eds.) Naturally! Linguistic Studies in Honour of Wolfgang Ulrich Dressler presented on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, pp. 207-214 (2000). (PDF version)
  130. Is there Such a Thing as “Grammaticalization?” Language Sciences (Special Issue — Grammaticalization: A Critical Assessment, ed. by L. Campbell) 23.2-3 (2001), pp. 163-186. (PDF version)
  131. The Successful Introductory Course: Bridging the Gap for the Non-Major (with Cari Spring (as lead author), Michael Flynn, Rae Moses, Susan Steele, & Charlotte Webb), Language 76.1.110-122 (Spring 2000). (PDF version)
  132. Historical Linguistics. In M. Aronoff & J. Rees-Miller (eds.) Handbook of Linguistics. Oxford:  Blackwell Publishers (2001), pp. 105-129. (PDF version)
  133. On Language, Change, and Language Change — Or, Of History, Linguistics, and Historical Linguistics (with Richard D. Janda). In B. Joseph & R. Janda (eds.) Handbook of Historical Linguistics. Oxford:  Blackwell Publishers (2003), pp. 3-180. (PDF version)
  134. Morphologization from Syntax. In B. Joseph & R. Janda (eds.) Handbook of Historical Linguistics. Oxford:  Blackwell Publishers (2003), pp. 472-492. (PDF version)
  135. consider Sentences Reconsidered in the Light of Greek Evidence. In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics April 1999 (Festschrift for Prof. Athanasios Kakouriotis), ed. by Katerina Nicolaidis & Marina Mattheoudakis. Thessaloniki:  Department of English, Aristotle University (2000), pp. 81-88. (PDF version)
  136. Comparative Perspectives on the Place of Arvanitika within Greece and the Greek Environment. In L. Tsitsipis (ed.) Arvanitika ke Elinika: Zitimata Poliglosikon ke Polipolitismikon Kinotiton.  Vol. II.  Livadia:  EXANDAS (1999), pp. 208-214. (PDF version)
  137. Typological Perspectives on Modern Greek. In Studies in Greek Linguistics 20 (Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). Thessaloniki:  Department of Linguistics, Aristotelian University (2000), pp. 33-50. (PDF version)
  138. Utterance-Finality: Framing the Issues. In B. Palek, O. Fujimura, &. B. Joseph (eds.) Proceedings of LP ‘98 (4th Linguistics and Phonetics Conference).  Prague: Charles University Press (1999), Vol. 2:  3-13. (PDF version)
  139. Utterance-Finality: What have we Learned? In B. Palek, O. Fujimura, &. B. Joseph (eds.) Proceedings of LP ‘98 (4th Linguistics and Phonetics Conference).  Prague:  Charles University Press (1999), Vol. 2:  119-120. (PDF version)
  140. The Development of the Greek Future System: Setting the Record Straight (with Panayiotis Pappas). In Greek Linguistics ’99.  Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Nicosia, September 1999.  Thessaloniki:  University Studio Press (2001), pp.  354-59. (PDF version)
  141. Language Contact and the Development of Negation in Greek and the Balkans. In Greek Linguistics ’99. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Nicosia, September 1999. Thessaloniki:  University Studio Press (2001), pp. 346-353. (PDF version)
  142. What gives with es gibt? Typological and comparative perspectives on existentials in German, in Germanic, and in Indo-European. In Studies in Memory of Edgar C. Polomé.  American Journal of Germanic Linguistics and Literatures 12.2 (Fall, 2000), pp. 187-200 (PDF version)
  143. Word in Modern Greek. In R.M.W. Dixon & A. Aikhenvald (eds.) Word:  A Cross-Linguistic Typology.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2002), pp. 243-265. (PDF version)
  144. Balkan insights into the Syntax of *me: in Indo-European. In M. Southern (ed.) Indo-European Perspectives (Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series 43).  Washington, DC:  Institute for the Study of Man, pp. 103-120 (2002). (PDF version)
  145. Language Contact and the Development of Negation in Greek — and How Balkan Slavic Helps to Illuminate the Situation. A Festschrift for Leon Twarog.  Working Papers in Slavic Studies, vol. 1.  The Ohio State University:  Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures (2002), pp. 131-39. (PDF version)
  146. On Some Control Structures in Hellenistic Greek: A Comparison with Classical and Modern Greek. Linguistic Discovery 1.1 (January, 2002). (webpage) (PDF version)
  147. Dialect Evidence bearing on the Definition of ‘Word’ in Greek. In A. Ralli, B. Joseph & M. Janse (eds.) Proceedings of the First International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory (Patras, Greece, Oct. 12-14, 2000). Patras:  Univ. of Patras, 2001, pp. 89-104. (PDF version)
  148. On Projecting Variation Back into a Proto-Language, with Particular Attention to Germanic Evidence. In Variation and Reconstruction, ed. by T. Cravens. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. (2006), pp. 103-118. (PDF version)
  149. Sanskrit as she has been Misanalyzed Prosodically (with Richard D. Janda). Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 5 (2002), pp. 59-90 (ed. by R. Singh; New Delhi: Sage) (PDF version)
  150. Morphological Reconstruction. In Morphology. A Handbook on Inflection and Word-Formation (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft), ed. C. Lehmann, et al. Mouton de Gruyter Publishers, Vol. II (2004). (PDF version)
  151. On Some Recent Views Concerning the Development of the Greek Future System (with Panayiotis Pappas). Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 26 (2002), 247-273. (PDF version)
  152. Modern Greek (with Georgios Tserdanelis). In Variationstypologie/Variation Typology, ed. by Thorsten Roelcke. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (2003), pp. 823-836. (PDF version)
  153. Language Conflict, Competition, and Coexistence: Some Preliminary Remarks (with Johanna DeStefano, Neil Jacobs, and Ilse Lehiste). In B. Joseph, J. DeStefano, N. Jacobs, & I. Lehiste (eds.) When Languages Collide:  Perspectives on Language Conflict, Language Competition, and Language Coexistence.  Ohio State University Press (2003), pp. vii-xii. (PDF version)
  154. On an Oddity in the Development of Weak Pronouns in Deictic Expressions in the Languages of the Balkans. In D. Dyer & V. Friedman (eds.) Of All the Slavs my Favorites. In Honor of Howard I. Aronson on the Occasion of his 66th Birthday (Special issue of Indiana Slavic Studies, vol. 12, 2001), pp. 251-67. (PDF version)
  155. Reconsidering the Canons of Sound-Change: Towards a “Big Bang” Theory (with Richard D. Janda). In Historical Linguistics 2001.  Selected Papers from the 15th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Melbourne, 13-17 August 2001, ed. by Barry Blake and Kate Burridge.  Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. (2003), pp. 205-19. (PDF version)
  156. Early Modern Greek /b d g/: Evidence from Rebétika and Folk Songs (with Amalia Arvaniti). In Recherches en linguistique I. Actes du 5e Colloque international de linguistique grecque. Sorbonne, 13-15 septembre 2001. Paris:  L’Harmattan (2002), pp. 67-70. (PDF version)
  157. On Defining ‘Word’ in Modern Greek. In Recherches en linguistique I. Actes du 5e Colloque international de linguistique grecque.  Sorbonne, 13-15 septembre 2001.  Paris:  L’Harmattan (2002), pp. 247-50. (PDF version)
  158. The Role of Greek and Greece Linguistically in the Balkans. In Greece and the Balkans: Identities, perceptions and cultural encounters since the Enlightenment, ed. by D. Tziovas.  Ashgate Publishers (2003), pp. 222-33. (PDF version)
  159. Defining “Word” in Modern Greek: A Response to Philippaki-Warburton & Spyropoulos 1999.  Yearbook of Morphology 2001 (ed. by G. Booij & J. van Marle, 2002), pp. 87-114. (PDF version)
  160. Evidentials: Summation, Questions, Prospects. In Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald & R. M. W. Dixon (eds.) Studies in Evidentiality (Typological Studies in Language 54).  Amsterdam:  John Benjamins Publishing Co. (2003), pp. 307-27. (PDF version)
  161. Constellations, Polysemy, and Hindi –ko (with Sharavan Vasishth). In BLS 28 (Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society).  Berkeley (2003), pp. 137-146. (PDF version)
  162. Some Reflections on Greek in a Slavic Context, in Both Academia and the Real World, with an Overview of Greek in the Former Soviet Union. In Balkan and Slavic Linguistics in Honor of the 40th Anniversary of the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures (Ohio State Working papers in Slavic Studies 2), ed. by Daniel Collins & Andrea Sims (2003).  Columbus:  Ohio State University, the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures, pp. 93-101. (PDF version)
  163. Evidentiality in Proto-Indo-European? Building a Case. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference (Los Angeles, November 8-9, 2002), ed. by K. Jones-Bley, M. Huld, A. Della Volpe, & M. Robbins Dexter (Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series, No. 47).  Washington, DC:  Institute for the Study of Man (2003), pp. 96-111. (PDF version)
  164. [+eafto/+A] anaforikes ekfrasis: dedomena apo ta nea elinika. [“[+self/+R] Anaphoric Expressions: Data from Modern Greek”]. In D. Theofanopoulou-Kondou, X. Laskaratou, M. Sifianou, M. Georgiafendis, & V. Spyropoulos, eds. Sinxrones tasis stin eliniki glosologia. Meletes afieromenes stin Eirene Philippaki-Warburton [Synchronic Tendencies in Greek Linguistics. Studies Dedicated to Eirene Philippaki-Warburton], 256-61. Athens: Pataki (2003). (PDF version)
  165. The Historical and Cultural Dimensions in Grammar Formation: The Case of Modern Greek. In F. Ameka, A. Dench, & N. Evans (eds.) Catching Language: The standing challenge of grammar writing.  Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (2006), pp. 549-64. (PDF version)
  166. Early Modern Greek /b d g/: Evidence from Rebétika and Folk Songs (with Amalia Arvaniti).  Journal of Modern Greek Studies 22 (2004), pp. 73-94. (PDF version)
  167. Rescuing Traditional (Historical) Linguistics from Grammaticalization Theory. In Up and Down the Cline – The Nature of Grammaticalization, ed. by O. Fischer, M. Norde, & H. Perridon.  Amsterdam:  John Benjamins Publishing Co. (2004), pp. 44-71. (PDF version)
  168. [+SELF / +R] Anaphoric Expressions: Further Supporting Evidence from Modern Greek. In Greek Linguistics 2003:  Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (Rethymno, Crete, September 2003) [=, via link in Table of Contents)] (PDF version)
  169. Typological and Areal Perspectives on the Reshaping of a Macedonian Verbal Ending. In Macedonian Studies.  Papers from the 5th International Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies 1-4 May 2003 at The Ohio State University (Ohio State Working Papers in Slavic Studies 4), ed. by B. Joseph & M.A. Johnson, 143-51.  Columbus:  The Ohio State University Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures, 2004. (PDF version)
  170. On the Specialized Semantics of *(s)meuk- in Iranian (with Catherine S. Karnitis). Indogermanische Forschungen 111 (2006), pp. 355-64 [published first in Indogermanische Forschungen 110 (2005), pp. 152-161 but with printing errors that led to re-publication in IF 111]. (PDF version)
  171. On phonically based analogy. Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 60.11-20 (2013)] (PDF version)
  172. The Ohio State University and Columbus and the foundations of the Linguistic Society of America (with Hope C. Dawson). Language 80.4.651-657 (2004) (PDF version)
  173. On Connections Between Personal Pronouns and Verbal Endings in the Balkans. In: Studia Caroliensia. Papers in Linguistics and Folklore in Honor of Charles E. Gribble, ed. by R. Rothstein, E. Scatton, & C. Townsend.  Bloomington:  Slavica Publishers (2006), pp.177-88. (PDF version)
  174. Some ancient shared metaphors in the Balkans. Studia Albanica 42, 45-48 (2005). (PDF version)
  175. Introduction (with Dennis R. Preston). In B. Joseph, C. Preston, & D. Preston (eds.) Language Diversity in Michigan and Ohio. Towards Two State Linguistic Profiles. Caravan Books (2005), pp. iii-xii. (PDF version)
  176. On Continuity and Change in the Dialects of Lesbos and Related Areas – Multilingualism and Polydialectalism over the Millennia. In A. Ralli, B. Joseph & M. Janse (eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory (Mytilini, Greece, September 30-October 2, 2004). Mitilini: University of the Aegean Press, 2006. (PDF version)
  177. Questions and Answers (with H. Paul Brown and Rex E. Wallace). In A New Historical Syntax of Latin Vol. 1, ed. by P. Baldi & P. Cuzzolin.  Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (2009), pp. 489-530. (PDF version)
  178. How accommodating of change is grammaticalization? The case of “lateral shifts”. Logos and Language.  Journal of General Linguistics and Language Theory 6.2.1-7 (2006). (PDF version)
  179. Languages of the World: Greek, Modern. In Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2006). Elsevier Publishers. (PDF version)
  180. Underlying and Surface Grammatical Relations in Greek consider Sentences. In Hypothesis A/Hypothesis B: Linguistic Explorations in Honor of David M. Perlmutter, ed. by D. Gerdts, J. Moore, & M. Polinsky (MIT Press, 2009) (PDF version)
  181. A Note on Slavic Loans in Romanian: [l] Revisited. In Limba Română, Limbă Romanică (Festschrift for Marius Sala), pp. 231-234 (Academia Română, Bucharest, 2007) (PDF version)
  182. What Greek Can Tell Us About the Remaking of Verb Endings. In Thermi ke fos/Licht und Wärme. Afieromatikos tomos sti Mnimi tou A.-F. Xristidis/In Memory of A.-F. Christidis, ed. by Maria Theodoropoulou. Thessaloniki, 2008, pp. 277-281. (PDF version)
  183. The relative divergence of Dutch dialect pronunciations from their common source: An exploratory study (with Wilbert Heeringa). In ACL 2007: Computational Linguistics and Historical Phonology.  Proceedings of the Ninth Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group for Computational Morphology and Phonology, June 28, 2007. Prague, Czech Republic.  Stroudburg:  Association for Computational Linguistics (2007), pp. 31-39. (PDF version)
  184. Linguistics and the Teaching of the Less-Commonly Taught Languages. In GLOSSOS 9 (Fall 2007—Contemporary Issues in Slavic and East European Studies)  []. (PDF version)
  185. Verbal Dvandvas in Modern Greek (with Nick Nicholas). In Proceedings of the 2007b Workshop in Greek Syntax and Semantics at MIT, ed. by Claire Halpert, Jeremy Hartman, and David Hill (MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 57 (2009), pp. 171-186. Cambridge: MITWPL (MIT Department of Linguistics & Philosophy). (PDF version)
  186. Historical Linguistics in 2008: The state of the art. In Unity and Diversity of Languages, ed. by P. van Sterkenberg. John Benjamins Publishers (2008), pp. 175-87. (PDF version)
  187. On Some Hyperadaptations in Greek and in Greece. In A. Ralli, B. Joseph & M. Janse (eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory (Lefkosia, Cyprus, June 14-16, 2007). Nicosia, Cyprus: Research Centre of the Kykkos Monastery, 2011, pp. 27-36. (PDF version)
  188. Broad vs. Localistic Dialectology, Standard vs. Dialect: The Case of the Balkans and the Drawing of Linguistic Boundaries. In Language Variation – European perspectives II: Selected papers from the 4th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 4), Nicosia, June 2007, ed. by S. Tsiplakou, M. Karyolemou, & P. Pavlou. John Benjamins Publishing Co., 2009, pp. 119-134. (PDF version)
  189. Historical Linguistics (with Hope C. Dawson & John Anderson). In K. Malmkjaer, ed., The Routledge Linguistics Encyclopedia (3rd edition), Routledge Publishers (2010), pp. 225-51. (PDF version)
  190. The Syntax of Albanian. In Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics, Vol. 3, ed. by J. Klein, B. Joseph, & M. Fritz. de Gruyter Mouton, 2018, pp. 1771-1788. (PDF version)
  191. Language Contact in the Balkans. In The Handbook of Language Contact, ed. by R. Hickey. Blackwell Publishers, 2010, pp. 618-633. (Updated version in 2nd edn. (Wiley Blackwell, 2020), pp. 537-550) (PDF version)
  192. How big can case-systems get? Evidence from Scottish Gaelic (with Thomas Stewart). Word Structure 2.108-120 (2009). (PDF version)
  193. Diachrony and Linguistic Competence–The Evidence from Morphological Change. Folia Orientalia 45-46 (2009-2010), 7-20 (Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow). (PDF version)
  194. Internal reconstruction. In The Continuum Companion to Historical Linguistics, ed. by S. Luraghi / V. Bubenik.  London:  Continuum Publishers, 2010, pp. 52-58. (PDF version)
  195. Greek dialectal evidence for the role of the paradigm in inflectional change. Morphology (Special Issue: Morphology Meets Dialectology, ed. by Geert Booij, Angela Ralli and Sergio Scalise) 19.1.45-57 (2009). (PDF version)
  196. Why Greek is one of The World’s Major Languages. Discussion Note. Journal of Greek Linguistics 9.187-194 (2009) (PDF version)
  197. Review article on T. Markopoulos. The Future in Greek: From Ancient to Medieval. Journal of Greek Linguistics 9.195-214 (2009) (PDF version)
  198. Indicating Identity and Being Expressive through Phonology: Some Case Studies from the Balkans. In Language, Literature, Culture, Identity. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Belgrade, 11th and 12th September 2008, ed. by Slobodan Grubačić and Dalibor Soldatić. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology, 2009.  (PDF version)
  199. The Puzzle of Albanian po. Indo-European syntax and pragmatics: contrastive approaches, ed. by Eirik Welo (Oslo Studies in Language 3.3), 27-40. Oslo: University of Oslo (2011). (PDF version)
  200. Greek ts/dz as internally complex segments: Phonological and phonetic evidence (with Gina M. Lee). Ohio State University Working Papers in Linguistics 59 (Spring 2010), 1-9. (PDF version)
  201. Arkaizmat semantikë të Shqipes [“Semantic Archaisms of Albanian”]. In Seminari ndërkombëtar për gjuhën, letërsinë dhe kulturën shqiptare 28/2.159-160 (Universiteti I Prishtinës, Fakulteti i Filologjisë, 2010). (PDF version)
  202. Forums with experts as a way to teach sociolinguistics online (with Helena Riha, Dikka Berven, and Donald Winford). American Speech 85.2.238-250 (2010). (PDF version)
  203. On Latin (s)tritavus. In Studies in Classical Linguistics in Honor of Philip Baldi, ed. by B. Richard Page & Aaron D. Rubin. Leiden:  Brill (2010), pp. 43-46. (PDF version)
  204. A Localistic Approach to Universals and Variation. In Peter Siemunds ed., Linguistic Universals and Language Variation, 394-414. Berlin:  Mouton de Gruyter (2011) (PDF version)
  205. Grammaticalization: A General Critique.  In H. Narrog & B. Heine (eds.) Handbook of Grammaticalization.  Oxford University Press (2011), pp. 193-205. (PDF version)
  206. An Albanian Source for a Greek Folk Usage. Albano-Hellenica XI-XII Number 4.6-11 (2010) (PDF version)
  207. Historical Linguistics and Sociolinguistics – Strange bedfellows or natural friends? In Language and History, Linguistics and Historiography, ed. by Nils Langer, Steffan Davies & Wim Vandenbussche. Peter Lang, 2011, pp. 67-88. (PDF version)
  208. Revisiting the Origin of the Albanian 2PL Verbal Ending –ni. In Ex Anatolia Lux: Anatolian and Indo-European studies in honor of H. Craig Melchert on the occasion on his sixty-fifth birthday, ed. by Ronald Kim, Norbert Oettinger, Elisabeth Rieken, and Michael Weiss, 180-183. Ann Arbor:  Beech Stave Press, 2010. (PDF version)
  209. On Pronoun-Personal Affix Connections: Some Light from Algonquian. In Representing Language: Essays in honor of Judith Aissen, ed. by Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo, Line Mikkelsen and Eric Potsdam, 173-179. California Digital Library eScholarship Repository. Linguistic Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz (2011) [Also available from on-demand publisher BookSurge] (PDF version)
  210. Language and the LSA: A reappraisal. Discussion Note.  Language 86.4.906-09 (2010). (PDF version)
  211. English in contact: Greek. Historical linguistics of English: An international handbook (Handbook of linguistics and communication science (HSK) series), ed. by Alexander Bergs and Laurel Brinton, Volume 2, Chap. 109, 1719-1723. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton (2012) (PDF version)
  212. Children rule, or do they (as far as innovations are concerned)? Invited peer commentary on J. Meisel “Bilingual language acquisition and theories of diachronic change: Bilingualism as cause and effect of grammatical change”. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 14.2.156-158 (2011). (PDF version)
  213. Featured Review [= Review Article] on O. Tomić, Balkan Sprachbund Morphosyntactic Features. Acta Slavica Iaponica XXIX (2011), pp. 123-131. (PDF version)
  214. Lexical Diffusion and the Regular Transmission of Language Change in its Socio-Historical Context. In The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics, ed. by J.M. Hernández-Campoy and J. Camilio Conde-Silvestre. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2012, pp. 408-426. (PDF version)
  215. Balancing Formal and Functional Explanations in Language Change and Language Contact. La Linguistique (Revue de la Société Internationale de Linguistique Fonctionnelle) 47.1.5-26 (2011). (PDF version)
  216. Multiple Sources and Multiple Causes Multiply Explored. In On Multiple Source Constructions in Language Change, Studies in Language 37.3 (Special Issue, ed. by Hendrik De Smet, Lobke Ghesquière, & Freek van de Velde, 2013), 675-691. (PDF version)
  217. Lessons from Judezmo about the Balkan Sprachbund and Contact Linguistics (with Victor A. Friedman). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 226 (2014), 3-23. (PDF version)
  218. A Variationist Solution to Apparent Copying Across Related Languages. In Copies vs. Cognates in Bound Morphology, ed. by Lars Johanson & Martine Robbeets, 151-164. Leiden: Brill Publishers (2012). (PDF version)
  219. The Etymology of the Albanian stër– Prefix. Festschrift për nder të 65 vjetorit të lindjes së Akademik Rexhep Ismajlit [Festschrift in honor of the 65th birthday of Academician Rexhep Ismajli], ed. by Bardhyl Rugova, 351-356. Prishtina: Koha (2012). (PDF version)
  220. Deixis and Person in the Development of Greek Personal Pronominal Paradigms. In Deixis and Pronouns in Romance Languages (SLCS 136), ed. by Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh and Jan Lindschouw, 19-32. Amsterdam:  John Benjamins Publishers (2013). (PDF version)
  221. Sound Symbolism, Fire, and Light in the Greek Lexicon. In Dimiurgia kai Morfi sti Glosa [Creativity and Form in Language], Deltio Epistimonikis Orologias kai Neologismon, Vol 12, ed. by Anastasia Christofidou, 40-54 (2013). Athens:  Center of Research in Scientific Terms and Neologisms, Academy of Athens. (PDF version)
  222. Demystifying Drift — A Variationist Account. In Shared Grammaticalization, with special focus on the Transeurasian languages, ed. by Lars Johanson, Martine Robbeets, and Hubert Cuyckens, 43-66. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishers (2013). (PDF version)
  223. Aspirates, Fricatives, and Laryngeals in Avestan and Indo-Iranian. In Grammatica et verba, Glamor and verve. Studies in South Asian, historical, and Indo-European linguistics in honor of Hans Henrich Hock on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. Ed. by Shu-Fen Chen and Benjamin Slade, 122-127. Ann Arbor:  Beech Stave Press (2014). (PDF version)
  224. Phonology and the Construction of Borders in the Balkans. In The Palgrave Handbook of Slavic Languages, Identities and Borders, ed. by Tomasz Kamusella, Motoki Nomachi, and Catherine Gibson, 263-275. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (2015). (PDF version)
  225. Taming – and Naming — the Greek “Subjunctive”. Selected papers of the 10th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, ed. by Zoe Gavriilidou, Angeliki Efthymiou, Evangelia Thomadaki, Penelope Kambakis-Vougiouklis, 303-308. Komotini: Democritus University of Thrace (2012). (PDF version)
  226. On Old and New Connections between Greek and Albanian: Some Grammatical Evidence. Albanohellenica 5 (Papers from the First International Conference of Greek-Albanian Studies, Tirana, Albania, March 24-5, 2012), ed. by Aristotel Spiro, pp. 7-21 (2013). (PDF version)
  227. The texture of a linguistic environment: new perspectives on the Greek of Southern Albania (with Christopher Brown). Albanohellenica 5 (Papers from the First International Conference of Greek-Albanian Studies, Tirana, Albania, March 24-5, 2012), ed. by Aristotel Spiro (2013), 145-152. (PDF version)
  228. Glottalic Theory and Greek. In Georgios K. Giannakis et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, Volume 2, 15-17. Leiden: Brill (2014) (PDF version)
  229. Phonetics. In Georgios K. Giannakis et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, Volume 3, 79-83. Leiden: Brill (2014). (PDF version)
  230. What counts as (an instance of) Grammaticalization? In Refining Grammaticalization, special issue of Folia Linguistica, ed. by Ferdinand von Mengden & Horst Simon (2014), vol. 48.2.1-23. (PDF version)
  231. General Introduction (with Hope C. Dawson). In Historical Linguistics (Critical Concepts in Linguistics), co-edited by B. Joseph & H. Dawson.  London:  Routledge, 2013, pp. 1-19.(PDF version)
  232. Non-Nominative and Depersonalized Subjects in the Balkans: Areality vs. Genealogy (with Victor A. Friedman). In Jóhanna Barddal, Na’ama Pat-el, and Stephen Mark Carey, eds. Noncanonically Marked Subjects. The Reykjavík-Eyjafjallajökull Papers [SLCS 200], 23-53. John Benjamins, 2018. (PDF version)
  233. On arguing from diachrony for paradigms. In Paradigm Change in the Transeurasian languages and beyond, ed. by Martine Robbeets and Walter Bisang [Studies in Language Companion Series (SLCS) 161]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (2014), pp. 89-101. (PDF version)
  234. Being exacting about exapting: An exaptation omnibus. In Muriel Norde and Freek van Velde (eds.), Exaptation and Language Change, 37-55. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (2016). (PDF version)
  235. Reassessing Sprachbunds: A View from the Balkans (with Victor Friedman). In Raymond Hickey (ed.) Handbook of Areal Linguistics (Cambridge University Press, 2017), 55-87. (PDF version)
  236. Language contact. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, ed. by James D. Wright, 300-306. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishers (2015). (PDF version)
  237. A New Historical Grammar of Demotic Greek: Reflections on the Κοινή Ελληνική in the 19th and 20th Centuries as Seen through Thumb’s Handbook of the Modern Greek Vernacular (with Mark Janse). CHS Research Bulletin Volume 2.2 (2014), Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC. (webpage)
  238. Research priorities in historical-comparative linguistics: A view from Asia, Australia and the Pacific (with Harold Koch, Robert Mailhammer, Robert Blust, Claire Bowern, Don Daniels, Alexandre François, Simon Greenhill, Lawrence Reid, Malcolm Ross, and Paul Sidwell). Diachronica 31(2): 267-278 (2014). (PDF version)
  239. Report of Working Group on Literature, Lexicon, Diachrony (with Loretta Auvil, David Bamman, Christopher Brown, Gregory Crane, Kurt Gärtner, Fotis Ioannides, David Mimno, & David Smith). In Computational Humanities – Bridging the Gap Between Computer Science and Digital Humanities, by Chris Biemann, Gregory R. Crane, Christiane D. Fellbaum and Alexander Mehler, pp. 20-28. Dagstuhl Reports14301:1-31. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik: Dagstuhl Publishing (2014). (PDF version)
  240. Gothic Verbal Mood Neutralization Viewed from Sanskrit. In Sahasram ati srajas. Indo-Iranian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of Stephanie W. Jamison, ed. by D. Gunkel, J. T. Katz, B. Vine, & M. Weiss.  Beech Stave Press (2016), pp. 146-152. (PDF version)
  241. Re-evaluating Georgacas: The -ιτσα controversy once again. In Од Чхкаго и назад. Papers to Honor Victor A. Friedman on the Occasion of his Retirement, ed. by Donald L. Dyer, Brian D. Joseph, and Christina E. Kramer (Balkanistica 28), 251–261. Oxford, MS: The South East European Studies Association (2015). (PDF version)
  242. Morphology and syntax … and semantics … and pragmatics: Deconstructing “semantic agreement” (with Cynthia A. Johnson). Linguisticae Investigationes. International Journal of Linguistics and Language Resources 37.2.306-321 (2014). (PDF version)
  243. Calvert Ward Watkins. Obituary (with Jay Jasanoff). Language 91.1.245-252 (2015). (PDF version)
  244. The Semantics and Syntax of Complementation Markers as an Areal Phenomenon in the Balkans, with Special Attention to Albanian. In Complementizer Semantics in European languages (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, vol. 57), ed. by Kasper Boye & Petar Kehayov, 253-280.  Berlin:  de Gruyter (2016) (PDF version)
  245. Language and Sustainability in the Greek Context.  In 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics Selected Papers / Πρακτικά, ed. by G. Kotzoglou, K. Nikolou, E. Karantzola, K. Frantzi, I. Galantomos, M. Georgalidou, V. Kouri-Kazoullis, Ch. Papadopoulou, & E. Vlachou, 5-18.  Laboratory of Linguistics of the SE Mediterranean, Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Rhodes (2014) (PDF version)
  246. Inheritance versus Borrowing in Albanian Etymology: The case of eja.  In Sprache und Kultur der Albaner. Zeitliche und räumliche Dimensionen. Akten der 5. Deutsch-albanischen kulturwissenschaftlichen Tagung (6.-9. Juni 2014, Buçimas/Albanien) (Albanologische Forschungen 37), ed. by B. Demiraj, Harrrassowitz (2015), 196-202. (PDF version)
  247. The Pre-History and Latter History of the Infinitive in Greek and Some Relevant Issues in Grammatical Analysis. Linguistic analysis and ancient Indo-European languages. Special issue of InVerbis. Lingue letterature Culture V.1.63-81 (2015) (PDF version)
  248. Multiple Exponence in Language Contact Situations: A Case Study from the Greek of Southern Albania. In Contact Morphology, ed. by Angela Ralli, 211-224. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2016. (PDF version)
  249. On Hybrid Forms in Language Contact: Some evidence from the Greek of southern Albania (with Christopher G. Brown).  Albanohellenica 6 (Papers from the Second International Conference of Greek-Albanian Studies, Tirana, Albania, March 27-28, 2015), ed. by Aristotel Spiro), (2017), pp. 49-58. (PDF version)
  250. Morphological Change. In The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology, ed. by A. Hippisley & G. Stump.  Cambridge University Press (2017), pp. 743-764. (PDF version)
  251. An Appreciation of Eric P. Hamp and of his Many Contributions to Historical Linguistics. In Albanian Historic Syllabics by Eric P. Hamp (Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial Lecture series, 9).  Oxford, MS: Balkanistica, pp. xiii-xviii (2015). (PDF version)
  252. The Limits of Context in semantic Shift: A Case Study from Albanian (with Bethany J. Christiansen). Studime. A Review for philological Studies 22 2015, 55-62 (2016). (PDF version)
  253. Përfytyrimi i gjuhës shqipe ndër gjuhëtarët e hershëm amerikanë [Mention of the Albanian Language among Early American Linguists]. In Albanian Studies in America. Scholarly conference, September 25-26, 2015, ed. by R. Ismajli, 73-86. Prishtina:  AShAK (2016) (PDF version)
  254. Balkan, Indo-European, and universal perspectives on ‘be’ in Albanian. Tavet Tat Satyam: Studies in honor of Jared S. Klein on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, ed. by Andrew Miles Byrd, Jessica DeLisi, and Mark Wenthe, 130-137. Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press (2016) (PDF version)
  255. On the Relationship between Argument Structure Change and Semantic Change (with Bethany J. Christiansen). In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Vol. 1 (2016), 26:1-11. (URL:; DOI: (PDF version)
  256. The Economics of Language Diversity and Language Resilience in the Balkans (with Adam D. Clark-Joseph). In Bridging Linguistics and Economics, ed. by Cécile B. Vigoureux and Salikoko S. Mufwene, 140-157. Cambridge University Press (2020) (PDF version)
  257. Linguistic Contact in the Ancient Balkans: A Sprachbund, or Something Else? Studies in Ancient Greek dialects. From Central Greece to the Black Sea, ed. by Giorgos Giannakis, Emilio Crespo, and Panagiotis Filos, 197-212. Berlin: de Gruyter (2019) (PDF version)
  258. The Comparative Method: Simplicity + Power = Results. Veleia 33.39-48 (2016, Special Issue for Bopp Bicentennial) (PDF version)
  259. What’s in a Name?  The case of AlbanischAlbanesisch and Broader Implications (with Alex Erdmann and Erhard Hinrichs). In Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2016, ed. by De Smedt, et al. []. Expanded version in Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2016 Aix-en-Provence, 26–28 October 2016, edited by Lars Borin, pp. 38-53 (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 136: i–i) (PDF version)
  260. Challenges and Solutions for Latin Named Entity Recognition (with Alex Erdmann, Christopher Brown, Mark Janse, Micha Elsner, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, and Petra Ajaka). In Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LT4DH), ed. by E. Hinrichs, M. Hinrichs, & T. Trippel, pp. 85-93 [COLING 2016, Osaka, 12 December 2016].  [URL for pdf:] (PDF version)
  261. Understanding Greek through Albanian: The Case of pro(s)pappous. Studime. A Review for Philological Studies 23 (2016), 137-142. (PDF version)
  262. Balto-Slavic: What Meillet was Thinking, or, What WAS Meillet Thinking?”.  Acta Linguistica Lithuanica 76.40-50 (2017). (PDF version)
  263. On Some Related προ-Forms for Generational Distance in Modern Greek. In Studies in Greek Lexicography in honor of John N. Kazazis, ed. by Georgios K. Giannakis, Christoforos Charalambakis, Franco Montanari and Antonios Rengakos, 283-289. Berlin: de Gruyter (2019). (PDF version)
  264. Introduction – Morpho-Syntactic Convergences and Current Linguistic Theory (with Iliyana Krapova). In Balkan Syntax and Universal Principles of Grammar (ed. by Iliyana Krapova and Brian Joseph).  De Gruyter Mouton (2018),  pp. 1-9. (PDF version)
  265. Morphology versus Syntax in the Balkan Verbal Complex (with Andrea Sims). In Balkan Syntax and Universal Principles of Grammar (ed. by Iliyana Krapova and Brian Joseph).  De Gruyter Mouton (2018), pp. 99-150. (PDF version)
  266. Expanding the Methodology of Lexical Examination in the Investigation of the Intersection of Early Agriculture and Language Dispersal. Language Dispersal Beyond Farming, ed. by Martine Robbeets and Alexander Savelyev, 251-266. John Benjamins, 2018. (PDF version)
  267. The Indo-Europeanization of Europe: An introduction to the issues.  Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 162.1.15-24 (2018). (PDF version)
  268. What Speakers Know — Or Don’t Know — about History and about Typology. Language Dynamics and Change 9.1.33-60 (2019). (PDF version)
  269. The Importance of Slovene for Understanding Balkanisms (with Victor Friedman). V zeleni drželi zeleni breg: Studies in honor of Marc L. Greenberg, ed. by Stephen Dickey & Mark Lauersdorf, 79-89. Bloomington, IN: Slavica (2019) (PDF version)
  270. Comparative Perspectives on Bee Law in Indo-European. Chatreššar. International Journal for Indo-European, Semitic and Cuneiform Languages 18.2.16-25 (2018) (PDF version)
  271. Can there be Language Continuity in Language Contact? Linguistic Contact, Continuity and Change in the Genesis of Modern Hebrew, ed. by Edit Doron, Malka Rappaport Hovav, Yael Reshef, and Moshe Taube, 257-285. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (2019). (PDF version)
  272. Greek Infinitive-Retreat versus Grammaticalization: An Assessment.  In Postclassical Greek: Intersections of Linguistics and Philology, ed. by Ilja A. Seržant and Dariya Rafiyenko, 145-162. Berlin: Mouton (2020). (PDF version)
  273. Historical Linguistics in the 50 Years since Weinreich, Labov, and Herzog (1968). In Hans Boas and Marc Pierce, eds., New Directions in Historical Linguistics.  Leiden: Brill, pp. 153-173 (2020). (PDF version)
  274. Language Contact and Historical Linguistics. To appear in Salikoko Mufwene & Anna María Escobar, eds., Cambridge Handbook of Language ContactVolume 1: Population Movement and Language Change (Cambridge University Press, 2022) (PDF version)
  275. Perspectives on language structure and language change: An introduction (with Lars Heltoft, Iván Igartua, Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh, and Lene Schøsler). Perspectives on language structure and language change. Studies in honor of Henning Andersen, ed. by Lars Heltoft, Iván Igartua, Brian Joseph, Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh, and Lene Schøsler, 1-10. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishers (2019) (PDF version)
  276. Andersen (1973) and Dichotomies of Change (with Hope C. Dawson). Perspectives on language structure and language change. Studies in honor of Henning Andersen, ed. by Lars Heltoft, Iván Igartua, Brian Joseph, Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh, and Lene Schøsler, 13-34. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishers (2019). (PDF version)
  277. Balkan infinitive loss, event structure and switch reference. ЧЕКАЈ: Papers for Christina E. Kramer on the occasion of her retirement, ed. by Donald L. Dyer and Jane Hacking (Balkanistica 32:2), 137-154. Oxford, MS: The South East European Studies Association (2019) (PDF version)
  278. Introduction: Some Things Old, Some Renewed, Some on Borrowing – Here, Previewed (with Richard D. Janda and Barbara S. Vance).  Handbook of Historical Linguistics, Volume 2, ed. by Richard D. Janda, Brian D. Joseph, and Barbara S. Vance, 1-4.  Oxford: Wiley, 2020. (PDF version)
  279. Historical Morphology—Overview and Update. Handbook of Historical Linguistics, Volume 2, ed. by Richard D. Janda, Brian D. Joseph, and Barbara S. Vance.  Oxford: Wiley, 2020 [updated and reworked version of #107] (PDF version)
  280. Multiple Determination in Greek and the Balkans. The Current State of Balkan Linguistics: Celebrating Twenty Years of the Kenneth E. Naylor Lectures (= Balkanistica 32.1), ed. by Brian D. Joseph, Donald L. Dyer and Mary Allen Johnson, 171-184. Oxford, MS: The South East European Studies Association, 2019 (PDF version)
  281. The Greek of Ottoman-era Adrianoupolis. In A. Ralli, ed., The Morphology of Asia Minor Greek.  Leiden:  Brill, 2019, pp. 315-333. (PDF version)
  282. System-internal and System-external Phonic Expressivity: Iconicity and Balkan Affricates. In: Operationalizing Iconicity, ed. by Pamela Perniss, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg .  John Benjamins (2020), pp. 105-121. (PDF version)
  283. What’s in a Name? Historical Linguistics and the Macedonia Name Issue.  To appear in Language, history, ideology: The use and misuse of historical-comparative linguistics, ed. by Hans Henrich Hock and Camiel Hammans. Oxford University Press (2021) (PDF version)
  284. Language Mixing in Palasa (with Rexhina Ndoci and Carly Dickerson). Journal of Greek Linguistics 19.2.227-243 (2019) (PDF version)
  285. Greek and Albanian in Palasa and Environs: A Report from the Field (with Alexander Novik, Andrey Sobolev, and Aristotle Spiro). Proceedings of MGDLT8 (8th Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory), Gjirokastër, 4-6 October 2018, ed. by Panajot Barka, Brian Joseph, & Angela Ralli, 69-78 (2019). (PDF version)
  286. Compounding and Contact. In: The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation, ed. by Pius ten Hacken and Renata Panicová. Edinburgh University Press (2020), pp. 17-31 (PDF version)
  287. Neoelliniki tipi parelθondikon xronon pou ligoun se -ηκα (Modern Greek Past Tense Forms that end in –ήκα). In Glossiki pikilia. Meletes afieromenes stin Angeliki Ralli (Linguistic Variation. Studies dedicated to Angeliki Ralli), ed. by Argyris Archakis, Nikos Koutsoukos, Giorgos Xydopoulos, and Dimitris Papazachariou, 195-204. Athens: Kapa Ekdotiki (2019). (PDF version)
  288. Practical, Efficient, and Customizable Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition in the Digital Humanities (with Alexander Erdmann, David Joseph Wrisley, Benjamin Allen, Christopher Brown, Sophie Cohen-Bodénès, Micha Elsner, Yukun Feng, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe). NAACL-HLT (1) 2019: 2223-2234. (PDF version)
  289. Echoes of Indo-European Cultural Semantics in Albanian. In Proceedings of the 5th Patras International Conference of Graduate students in Linguistics (PICGL5, Patras, May 27-29, 2018), ed. by Andreea Madalina Balas, Sophia Giannopoulou, and Angeliki Zagoura, 23-33. Patras: Department of Linguistics, University of Patras (2019, (PDF version)
  290. Something out of nothing: Degrammaticalizing grammaticalization (with Angeliki Ralli). To appear in Papers from the 24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL24), Canberra. John Benjamins Publishers, 2023. (PDF version)
  291. Eastern and Western Romance in the Balkans — The Contrasting but Revealing Positions of the Danubian Romance Languages and Judezmo (with Victor Friedman). In In and Around the Balkans: Romance Languages and the Making of Layered Languages, ed. by Francesco Gardani, Michele Loporcaro, & Alberto Giudici, special issue (2021) of Journal of Language Contact, 14(1), 127-146. (PDF version)
  292. Convergence and failure to converge in relative social isolation: Balkan Judezmo. In Between Separation and Symbiosis: South Eastern European Languages and Cultures in Contact, ed. by Andrey N. Sobolev, 265-284. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton Publishers, 2021. (PDF version)
  293. On the Unusual Variation with tamam in the Balkans. Balkanistica 33 (2020): 273-278 (in Special Section Dedicated to Grace E. Fielder) (PDF version)
  294. Here’s to a Long Life! Albanian Reflections of Proto-Indo-European Semantics. To appear in Contact, Variation, and Reconstruction in the Ancient Indo-European Languages: Between Linguistics and Philology, ed. by Michele Bianconi & Marta Capano. Leiden: Brill (2022) (PDF version)
  295. Linguistics meets Economics: Dealing with Semantic Variation (with Adam D. Clark-Joseph). In PLSA/Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 5.2 (Special Issue – Formal Approaches to Grammaticalization 2020), pp. 67-74 [] (PDF version)
  296. Sociolinguistics (with Panayiotis Pappas). To appear in Εισαγωγή στη Γλωσσολογία, ed. by Marika Lekakou and Nina Topintzi (2020). Athens. (PDF version)
  297. What is Time (and why should linguists care about it)? Language 96.4.908-937 (2020) (PDF version)
  298. What is not so (e)strange about Greek as a Balkan language. Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 22.2.57-83 (2020). (PDF version)
  299. Teaching Modern Greek to Classicists (with Jerneja Kavčič and Christopher Brown). Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 22.2.119-139 (2020) (PDF version)
  300. What Grammaticalization Is and What It Is Not: Some Observations. Cadernos de Linguística, v. 2, n. 1, p. e343, 1 Aug. 2021 (available at:; (PDF version))
  301. On the Relationship between Grammaticalization and Historical Comparative Linguistics. To appear in Grammaticalization and Studies of Grammar, Vol. X (The Commercial Press, Yichang, China) (PDF version)
  302. The Columbus Linguistics in High School Experience: Fits and Starts as a Prelude to Success (with Carly Dickerson and Victora Paxton). In PLSA/Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 6.3 (Special Issue – Linguistics in High School, ed. by Nicoleta Bateman & Mary Hudgens Henderson), article #5141 (2021) []
  303. Albanian (with Adam Hyllested). The Indo-European family, ed. by Thomas Olander, 227-248. Cambridge University Press, 2022. (PDF version).
  304. Some Positive thoughts on Albanian Negation. In: Albanologu i arvanitëve. Festschrift kushtuar 80-vjetorit të lindjes së akad. Titos Jochalas [The Albanologist of the Arvanites. A Festschrift dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Acad. Tito Jochalas], ed. by D. Kyriazis. Tirana: Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë (2022) (PDF version)
  305. More on Albanian Negation. To appear in a Festschrift volume (Journal of Indo-European Studies, 2022)
  306. The Modal Aorist in the Balkan Linguistic League (with Victor A. Friedman). Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 58.2.241-252 (2022). (PDF version)
  307. What is meant by “Modern Greek dialect”? Some thoughts on terminology and glossonymy, with a glance at Tsakonian. MGDLT9. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory, Leonidio, 4–6 June 2021, ed. by Maxim Kisilier, 50-66 (Leonidio: Tsakonian Archives, 2022). (PDF version)
  308. Leonard Bloomfield and Albanese (with Marc Pierce). Language & History (2023). DOI: (PDF version)
  309. Vowel harmony in the Balkans (with Victor Friedman). To appear in The Handbook of Vowel Harmony (2023).(PDF version)
  310. How “post” is Post-Classical?  Lessons from the augment throughout the history of Greek. To appear in Trends in Classics, ed. by Giuseppina di Bartolo & Daniel Kölligan. De Gruyter (2023). (PDF version)
  311. Ideology and Greek-Albanian bilingualism: On the permeability of language boundaries (with Rexhina Ndoci). Researching language repertoires, practices, and identities in minoritized settings: Insights from diverse Greek-speaking communities (Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism), ed. by Petros Karatsareas & Matthew Hadodo. Routledge Publishers (2023). (PDF version)
  312. The History of the Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial Lecture Series. To appear in Balkanistica 36 (2023). (PDF version)
  313. On parallels between verbal complement structures and serial verb structures in Croatian and beyond (with Tomislav Sočanac). Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Vol. 8 (2023).
  314. What Sapir was driving at: Drift as Drang nach Pfosten ‘Drive toward a Goal(post)’ (with Richard Janda). Grazer Linguistische Studien 94 (Für Bernhard Hurch, ed. by Jennifer Brunner, Petra Hödl, Veronika Mattes & Thomas Schwaiger), pp. 221-240 (DOI: 10.25364/04.49:2023.94.10)