A Story of Us Podcast
A Story of Us is devoted to bringing the exciting field of anthropology to your ears no matter where you might be! It was developed in 2015 with the goal of increasing public understanding of, and access to, the field of anthropology and later merged with APOP. We discuss a range of topics including the nature of anthropology, what it means to be an anthropologist, what anthropologists study, and how we perform our research. We also discuss why anthropology is relevant to understanding diversity, our origins, human variation, and behavior. All episodes are intended for listeners who have little to no anthropology background.
Our mission is primarily achieved through semester-long series which seek to identify the relationships among the anthropological subfields within the context of an overarching theme. Each series consists of content (~15 minutes) and conversation episodes (~30 minutes) that bring together major concepts, research topics, and department members.
All our podcasts and resources are free and open for use in personal, professional, and educational settings, so join us as we explore the human experience through the eyes of the graduate students and faculty at The Ohio State University’s Department of Anthropology!
All of our current podcasts can be found here!