As we enter the week before fair, Belmont County 4-H is going to bringing you some IMPORTANT Reminders daily on our social media platforms and here on the blog. Be on the look out for these reminders, as they will help us all to navigate a smooth and safe fair.


IMPORTANT: Any exhibitors who are taking their animals home following their show, instead of going through the sale, MUST let Leroy Carpenter, Mark Stephens or Ed Campbell know they are taking them home! This must be done before removal of any animals going home before the designated times they are released as stated in the fair tab. Animals may leave the grounds following the end of their SPECIES show & showmanship and once one of the three Senior Fair Board Members mentioned above have been informed.
Reminder: ALL MARKET Exhibitors (with Exception of Hogs) must let the Jr Fair Board Office know which animals the exhibitor plans to sell by 5 p.m. Wednesday night! Any exhibitors taking hogs may wait till after the hog show to decide which animals you want to sell. YOUR ANIMALS WILL NOT BE LISTED IN THE SALE ORDER IF YOU DO NOT REPORT WHAT YOU WANT TO SELL! Even if you only have 1 market animal on the grounds, you must let the Jr Fair Office know you are selling that animal.

Livestock Weigh-In Tuesday at Fair

This year, market sheep and goats will be weighed in before market beef in the Open Class
Beef Barn. Weigh-in will start promptly at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 8th.
Order of weigh-in will be as follows; sheep, goats, steers, feeder calves. Market Hogs will
weigh-in promptly at 8:00 a.m. in the Perkins Hog Show Arena.

Also, please be sure to remove all tags from your market animal’s ears with the exception
of FEDERAL EID TAGS, SCRAPIE TAGS, and the FAIR TAGS given to you by the Fair Board.




Wondering what to wear for your livestock show? Take a look at our suggested dress code for Junior Fair Shows below!
Please see the page from the newsletter posted below for a comprehensive schedule of the Belmont County Junior Fair. Make note of schedule changes for shows.

Good Luck & Thank You!

Good luck to two of our Belmont County 4-H Teen Ambassadors who are running for spots on the State Teen Leadership Council!

Kaylin Burress of Ridge Riders 4-H Club

Megan Garrison of Country Sunshiners 4-H Club

The Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) is a statewide group of 4-H teens and young 4-H alumni that provides a youth stakeholder perspective in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of Ohio 4-H programming. In this process, council members develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and aspirations needed for future success.  Council members share advice and recommendations to 4-H professionals in order to improve, strengthen, and expand the Ohio 4-H program.  Members also make recommendations regarding opportunities for Ohio 4-H teen programming. They serve as a sounding board for Ohio 4-H program direction.

#4hteenambassadors #4hyouthdevelopment #4hteenleaders #growingtrueleaders #belmontco4h #TrueLeaders


That’s a wrap!

2020 Livestock Skillathon is in the books! Thank you to everyone who volunteered everyday and helped make it run smoothly. Thank you to all the teen leaders who helped out and the kids who did all the sanitizing! Thanks to the Senior Fair Board for letting us utilize the Wise Building and putting up with us during paving and pre-fair prep work! Finally, thank you to the amazing kids who came and took part in the skillathon! We are proud of each and every one of you for sticking with your projects this year and making the best of a crazy year! Next stop, Belmont County Junior Fair!

4-H Opportunities Available!

Junior Fair Board Fundraiser Shirts Available!

Time to order your 2020 Belmont County Fair Shirt. This fundraiser helps support our Jr Fair Board KIDS who put all the hard work in all year long to plan and implement the county junior fair. We appreciate your support! Deadline to order shirts is August 21st! Order soon!

Calling all fashionistas!

 Sign-up for the newest 4-H SPIN club all about the fashion industry. You’ll hear from designers and experts from Abercrombie, L Brands and more, and you can join from home via Zoom. It runs every Mon., Wed., and Thurs from Aug. 17-31. Find the details and registration at go.osu.edu/fashiondesignspin.


The Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) is a statewide group of 4-H teens and young 4-H alumni that provides a youth stakeholder perspective in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of Ohio 4-H programming. In this process, council members develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and aspirations needed for future success.  Council members share advice and recommendations to 4-H professionals in order to improve, strengthen, and expand the Ohio 4-H program.  Members also make recommendations regarding opportunities for Ohio 4-H teen programming. They serve as a sounding board for Ohio 4-H program direction.

Apply to be a member! Applications for 2020-2021 are available now and are due August 14, 2020. 

Individuals must be 14-18 as of January 1 of the year of application to apply for council member, committee member, committee chair, and officer positions.  Junior Advisor applicants must be 18-20 years old (as of January 1) when they apply.

All materials must be submitted on August 14, 2020 (application, two references, signatures, and program fee)