Livestock Skill-A-Thon & Tag Pick-Up

Livestock Market Animal Tags will be available for pick up this week in the Extension office.
Tuesday, July 21st from 9 to 3 p.m.
Thursday, July 23rd from 9 to 3 p.m.
When you arrive, please call (740-695-1455) and let us know you are there and wait in your car or outside the building. We will meet you outside.

Also, we will have market animal tags available for pick up on Wednesday, July 22nd at the Belmont County Fairgrounds down around the Jr Fair Board Office from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Please, make sure to bring original copies of registrations if you have not sent them in to the office yet.


Livestock Skillathon registration is now open. Call the Belmont County OSU Extension office at 740-695-1455 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to schedule a time. Please, be prepared to pick a time for your skillathon and what projects you are taking. Reminder, all 4-H and FFA members taking livestock animal projects to the Belmont County Fair must go through Livestock Skillathon Judging! This is a requirement to show at fair. Times and information are in the July Newsletter at the website.


Caps 4 A Cause!

They have been collected but they still need cleaned!
CAP CLEANING: The teen ambassadors will be sorting/cleaning caps at the Robinson Stage building on the fairgrounds Friday, July 17th @ 9 a.m. and on Wednesday, July 22 @ 9 a.m. in the livestock show arena. They could use a lot of help. Any 4-H youth can help. We will add tickets to the pizza drawing for any 4-H member who shows up and helps.
This can also serve as community service hours, (which look great on applications, just saying)!
We will provide masks and gloves as needed and you are welcome to bring your own.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all of the people who made 4-H Still Project Judging Day happen. Pulling together such a big event is not an easy task especially under the circumstances we’ve been going through with COVID-19. We extend our greatest appreciation to all those involved; from the judges who judged our exhibitors, the volunteers that worked registration and other stations, the teen leaders who helped escort our exhibitors to judges, and to our younger future leaders working diligently to sanitize chairs in between exhibitors and keep us all safe. We also want to thank those awesome 4-H members who were willing to come out (or join us via ZOOM) and show our community judges what you learned and worked hard on the past few months. I got so many compliments on how excited some of the kids were when talking about their projects. These awesome kids and true leaders of tomorrow are the reason we do, what we do. So again, thank you all!

4-H Still Project results are coming soon!

4-H Update Friday!!!

We have had quite a busy week this week with prepping for Still Project Judging (which makes us feel somewhat like normal these days 😊).

Still Project Judging

We will be conducting Still Project Judging in the Robinson Stage Building (this is our waiting area) and the Wise Building (where exhibitors will escorted to judging area). Registration will begin at 5 p.m. Depending on weather, registration will be in the tent between the two buildings. Please, file a socially distant line in the correct line for your last name alphabetically. Signs will be posted. We are asking participants/parents to park across the road in the typical fair parking area. We will have some limited handicap parking up by the buildings. With various kids walking back and forth between buildings, we ask that you do not park between the buildings. Also, we are asking that if parents want to wait in their car, that is encouraged to limit on the amount of people in the buildings. We will also not be providing chairs for those in the waiting area of the Robinson Stage Building. This is due to not having the amount of helpers or supplies needed to sanitize chairs between individuals. Parents and families are welcome to bring their own chairs, or as previously mentioned, wait in the car. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Any persons attending judging are encouraged to wear a mask or some form of facial covering when inside or unable to keep 6 feet social distance. We will supply disposables if needed as well as gloves if preferred.

Any youth who requested a Zoom, they will get their information emailed on Monday when they are set up. This will go to the email that is provided on the request form.

  Click Picture for Larger View


Caps 4 A Cause Drop Off

4-H Teen Ambassadors will have a cap drop off for plastic caps for a cause at Still Project Judging. Drop off will be located in the Robinson Stage Building. Any 4-H youth interested in helping to clean and weigh caps will get extra entries added to their club for the pizza party drawing. This is open for all of the county youth to help with this project.


Livestock Tag Pick Up 

Early Livestock Tag Pick Up Opportunity will be at Still Project Judging in the Robinson Stage Building. We will have market animal tags ready for Hogs, Lambs, Goats, beef and dairy feeders. Exhibitors may also register for Livestock Skill-a-thon at this time as well.


Extension Office Schedules

Also, please be advised that our office staff are not currently working full time from the office. Ohio State is still encouraging us to telework from home as much as possible and days we work in the office are limited and only for essential purposes (such as prepping for judging). We are not in the office every day and may be working on things from home still. This is why all Extension clientele are asked to make an appointment before coming to the Extension office.

4-H’s dedicated day in the office is currently Thursdays.

However,  we will also be in on Monday of next week (July 13th) to finish last minute prepping for judging. If you need to drop someone off or pick something up. Please, let us know in advance by calling 740-695-1455 or emailing


 Reminder from State Leaders 

As clubs begin to begin meeting in person again, the state office has asked us to remind you to ensure a safe environment for all and to follow OSU Policies on social distancing. Also, as a reminder, members are not to attend any club meeting, 4-H event or function, if they have a fever, show signs or symptoms of COVID-19, or have been in contact with someone confirmed to have contracted COVID-19. If you attend a 4-H event or function and then contract COVID-19, please report this immediately to Crystal Antill at the Extension office!


Junior Fair Work Days

Jr Fair work days are being held this Saturday and Sunday (July 11th & 12th). Many people have confirmed they will be out to help set up various barns and buildings. No set times, just come out and help. Good way to gain some community service hours and pull this fair together!