The 2020 4-H Year is off to a rolling start!
Make sure you have some important dates saved on your calendar for the coming year.
See list below
Saturday, February 29th will be a jammed packed day of activities going on at the Belmont County Fairgrounds in the Wise Building.
4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Teen Ambassadors (partnering with Relay for Life Coordinator) will have a Relay for Life Open House event for any clubs or individuals interested in coming to learn more about getting involved in this year’s Relay for Life of Belmont County event; hosted by our very own 4-H Teen Ambassadors. This is a great opportunity to sign up for a team, ask questions and get ideas for fundraising to help our fight against cancer.
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. will be the 1st opportunity for exhibitors taking market or lactating dairy animals to fulfill their Livestock Quality Assurance (LQA) Program Requirement for 2020. There will be a test out opportunity following the LQA Program for youth 12 and up (4-H age). Youth that have been tested out for the 12-14 age level, who turned 15 on or before January 1st, must take the test again for the 15-18 test out age level. Contact Crystal Antill at the Extension office for details or if you have questions.
7:00 p.m. is the time to come to the Wise Building if you ever wanted to learn how to square dance! Everybody is welcome to the square dance training. We can always use some people to teach other groups and help with the sets!
Following the training will be a square dance sponsored by the Belmont County 4-H Horse Committee from 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. with Deep Down Country.
March Dates & Information
March 4th – The Belmont County Cloverbud Committee will hold its first meeting of the year to begin planning yearly activities for our cloverbud program. This includes cloverbud camp and fair activities. Any volunteers wishing to help with this committee are welcome to attend our meetings at the Extension office at 6:00 p.m.
Ohio 4-H Week will be held from March 8th- 14th. Any clubs planning on activities to celebrate, let the Extension office know and we can feature your club on our social media pages!
March 21st at 9:00 a.m. will be the last chance for volunteers to get the mandatory training to continue their volunteer service. Training will be held at the Wise Building on the fairgrounds. This Policy 1.50 training is the annual training that all advisors & volunteers must attend every year to work with minors. New Volunteers, who are going through the process of becoming a new volunteer with the 4-H Program are to attend a New Volunteer Orientation, which will be held at this time as well. Trainings will be followed by a round table discussion as a group and continental breakfast will be provided.
March 24th will be a second opportunity for exhibitors to attend Livestock Quality Assurance. This program will also have a test out time following the program. Program starts at 6:00 p.m. at the Wise Building.
Horse Committee is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner and Square Dance, Saturday, March 28th at the Wise Building. Tickets are $10 a person and proceeds benefit the Belmont County Horse Program. Dinners available from 4-7 p.m. followed by square dance with Deep Down Country at 8-11 p.m.
4-H Enrollment Deadline is April 1st!!!
Other Important Dates for the Year!
- April 1st 4-H Enrollment Deadline
- April 10th 4-H Council Scholarship Applications Due to EO
- May 1-3rd 4-H Horse Camp at the Belmont County Fairgrounds
- June 1st Hog Registrations Due to EO
- June 1st Jr Camp Counselors Report to Camp Piedmont
- June 2-5th 4-H Jr Camp
- June 5-7th 4-H Shooting Sports Camp @ Camp Piedmont
- June 6th Lamb/Goat Tag-In
- June 15th Feeder Registrations Due to EO
- June 22nd Jr Fair Royalty Applications Due to EO
- July 7th 4-H Still Project Judging, Times TBD
- July 24th Relay for Life Hosted by 4-H Teen Ambassadors
- July 29-Aug 9th Ohio State Fair
- Aug 13-17th Livestock Skillathon & Interview Judging, Times TBD
- August 28th Club Fair Packets Ready for Advisor Pick Up @ EO
- Sept 8 – 13th Belmont County Fair Week
- Oct 1st Jr Fair Board Applications Due
- Oct 1st 4-H Teen Ambassador Applications Due
EO–Extension Office
**Dates may be subject to change. Clientele will be notified accordingly.