2022 AGPA Summit

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8:30-9:00: Breakfast & On-Site Registration

Pre-function Cartoon Room

9:00-9:15: Welcoming remarks

Cartoon Room

Dr. Ana Casado, AGPA President

9:15-9:50am: Plenary Session: Liaison

Cartoon Room

Improving your Recruitment Strategy:  How to Secret Shop your Program

Jillian Baer, Client Delivery Manager at Liaison

Chris Dempsey, Director of Solution Consulting at Liaison 

Katie Doviak, Senior Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management Solutions at Liaison 

9:55-10:35: Plenary Session

Cartoon Room 

Embracing Harm Reduction and Creating a Recovery Ready Campus

Ahmed Hosni, Assistant Director, OSU Student Wellness Center, hosni.2@osu.edu

Participants will learn about harm reduction principles, what it means for a campus to be recovery ready, and what resources are available to students who are drug users or are hoping to make healthy changes to their drug use. Participants will also have the opportunity to take a Narcan Kit at no cost after a 10 minute Narcan training session.

10:35-10:45: Break

10:45-11:35: Breakout Session 1

1. Programming Needs for Graduate and Professional Students

Barbie Tootle Room 

Chrisse Edmunds, Associate Director, Center for the Study of Student Life, The Ohio State University, edmunds.32@osu.edu
Zarek Bell, Resource Analyst, Center for the Study of Student Life, The Ohio State University, bell.1783@osu.edu
Arianna Camel, Associate Director, Student Life Student Wellness Center The Ohio State University, camel.2@osu.edu

Graduate and professional students have unique needs on the Ohio State campus. These students range in age, caregiver status, life experience, and professional trajectories. Co-curricular programming around professional development, belonging and inclusion, health and well-being and social engagement can enhance the graduate and professional student experience at Ohio State and impact future career and well-being outcomes. Our presentation will consist of three main parts: reporting on survey findings, reporting on focus group findings, and an interactive brainstorming discussion about how to better meet the programming needs of graduate and professional students. This presentation will go in-depth on student survey responses related to interest in and satisfaction with currently offered programs and barriers to attendance. These results are broken down by type of graduate program: Master’s, doctoral and professional students. Additionally, we will share the findings of focus groups where graduate and professional students spoke more in-depth on their interactions with co-curricular programming. This section of the presentation will include strengths of current programming, areas for growth, and more detail on barriers students face to participating in programming. The final portion of our presentation will be an interactive brainstorming discussion where participants can work together to brainstorm new ideas and solutions to current programming needs.

2. Managing Transitions, Cultivating Resiliency and Creating Space for Self-Care

Hayes Cape

Lauren Battista, Wellness Program Manager, The Ohio State University Office of the Chief Wellness Officer Buckeye Wellness, battista.28@osu.edu

In the midst of stressful moments, hardships and lifestyle adjustments, it is important to focus on taking care of yourself and invest in your own well-being and resiliency. In this interactive symposium, we will explore coping strategies for resiliency during periods of change and how to create your own self-care plan during this difficult time. Discover ways to cultivate your well-being through setting healthy boundaries and creating a self-care plan that meets your own specific needs as we inch toward a new normal on our campus communities. Learning outcomes: Participants will be able to recall at least two differences between stress and burnout. Participants will be able to identify at least two self-care practices they can incorporate into their lives.

3. Event Planning 101

Rosa M. Ailabouni

Kerry Hodak, Graduate and Professional Student Sr. Specialist, Buckeye Careers, hodak.2@osu.edu

Whether you are a graduate program coordinator, grad/prof student, admissions professional, or looking to a career in the public or private sector, you may find yourself responsible for planning an event. This event could be any of the following: • Recruitment Event • Outreach workshop • Conference • Job Candidate Visit • Community Building Event • And the list goes on This workshop will cover the basics of planning an event, demystifying the steps that go into a successful event. Learning these skills will allow you to focus more on your core job duties whether that is administrative, advising, recruitment, program management, or using your technical skills in the public or private sector. Further, these skills are also transferrable to your personal life. Attendees will learn about best practices for event planning from ideation to post-event assessment. At the completion of the workshop, attendees will have completed an exercise related to an upcoming event as well as have checklists and guides for various aspects of the event planning process.

11:40-1:10: Lunch, sponsored by Liaison,

Cartoon Room

12:30pm: Dr. Charlene Gilbert

Senior Vice Provost for Student Academic Excellence

12:40pm: Dr. Anika Anthony

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Associate Professor

Breakout Session 2, 1:10-2:00pm

4. Why Wellness Matters: Utilizing Wellness Assessment Data to Support Students

Rosa M. Ailabouni

Jordan Helcbergier, Wellness Coordinator, The Ohio State University Student Life Student Wellness Center, helcbergier.1@osu.edu
Roger Perkey, Wellness Coordinator, The Ohio State University Student Life Student Wellness Center, perkey.10@osu.edu

In this session, attendees will explore the health and wellness needs of the graduate and professional student population at The Ohio State University. During this interactive program, attendees will learn about the 10 dimensions of wellness, the development and implementation of the Wellness Assessment, and how to utilize data to create a culture of care while setting goals around preventative measures they can implement to support our graduate and professional student community. After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify their role in supporting student well-being
  2. Understand the 10 dimensions of wellness and holistic wellness model
  3. Articulate how the Wellness Assessment was development and how it is administered on Ohio State’s campuses
  4. Utilize data to develop goals around the wellness needs of Ohio State’s graduate and professional student population

5. Diversity Discussion: Improving Admissions & Recruitment Practices to Build Inclusive Student Populations

Hayes Cape

Todd Thobe, Assistant Director of Marketing & Recruitment, thobe.34@osu.edu
Shauntae Yankasky, Admissions & Assessment Coordinator, yankasky.2@osu.edu

Come join an interactive discussion where graduate & professional administrators share best practices when it comes to building more inclusive student populations through admissions and recruitment. We will share what the College of Public Health has done recently, and hope to hear how diversity, equity, and inclusion practices are being implemented in your programs too.

6. Bringing Research to Practice – Faculty, Staff, and Doctoral Student Perspectives within Arts and Sciences

Barbie Tootle Room 

Julie Humbel-Courtney, EdD, Honors Program Director, Honors & Scholars Center, The Ohio State University, humbel-courtney.1@osu.edu
Cheryl L. Lyons, EdD, Director, Student Life Disability Services, The Ohio State University, lyons.169@osu.edu
Quantá Taylor, EdD, Executive Director of Student Involvement, University of Louisville, quanta.taylor@louisville.edu

This program will entail study overviews and findings of 3 distinct dissertations in practice conducted with Arts & Sciences Graduate Studies Office sponsorship. Each scholar will review their findings and offer suggestions for how this research may be applied to further practice. Topics will include:

  1. Faculty perceptions of graduate advising and mentoring
  2. Current practices of orientation and onboarding within the College of Arts and Sciences
  3. Stories of socioemotional well-being: Doctoral students’ lived experiences of relationship with faculty and peers

Attendees will learn about these quantitative and qualitative findings and themes that may illuminate current trends and inspire future inquiry and practice.

Breakout Session 3, 2:00-3:00pm

7. Lessons Learned from Remote Work: A group discussion, facilitated by Nina Parshall/Coffee and snack break, Buckeye Paws

Barbie Tootle Room/Cartoon Room 

Join us as Nina Parshall facilitates an informal group discussion surrounding what we’ve learned from our 2+ years working (semi-)remotely. Come in and out of the discussion as you please, finding time for meditation, coloring, coffee and other refreshments, as well as a special visit from Buckeye Paws! To take us into our afternoon keynote sessions, the wellness will lead those of us who chose to participate in a gentle chair yoga session.

2:00-2:15pm: Buckeye Wellness Chair Yoga, Facilitated by Nicole Johnson

Room TBA

3:10-4:00pm: Keynote Speaker

Fostering Graduate Student Success: The POWER of the Practitioner

Cartoon Room

Brian Orefice, Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies, College of Arts & Sciences, The Ohio State University

Dr. Brian M. Orefice currently serves as the Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at Ohio State. He also teaches as a lecturer at Ohio State and at the University of Miami (FL) in their graduate programs in higher education administration. He teaches graduate courses in enrollment management, college student development theory, and contemporary issues in higher education. He earned his B.A. in Economics and Government from Connecticut College, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Leadership: Higher Education and Student Affairs from The Ohio State University. His dissertation research was in enrollment management, exploring the impact of financial aid on student recruitment, persistence, and retention. In his higher education career, he has held administrative positions in both academic and student affairs, including residential life, honors and scholars programs, commuter student services, and orientation and parent programs.

4:00-5:00: Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson

Disrupting Burnout

Cartoon Room

5:00: Conclusion of event & Awards Ceremony (Raffle Prizes)

Cartoon Room 

Hosted by Jackson Stotlar

Happy hour to follow in Woody’s Tavern