Accelerates or decelerates the motors (m) from a start speed (p1) to an end speed (p2) over (t) seconds.
m = motor id (motor 1 = 1, motor 2 = 2, all motors = 4)
p1 = start speed (%)
p2 = end speed (%)
t = duration of speed change (seconds)
Sets the speed of motor (m) to a power percentage (p).
m = motor id (motor 1 = 1, motor 2 = 2, all motors = 4)
p = power (%)
Run motors (m) at their power settings for (t) seconds.
m = motor id (motor 1 = 1, motor 2 = 2, all motors = 4)
t = duration (seconds)
Halts motors (m)
m = motor id (motor 1 = 1, motor 2 = 2, all motors = 4)
Reverse the polarity of motors (m).
m = motor id (motor 1 = 1, motor 2 = 2, all motors = 4)
Moves the vehicle a certain amount of marks (m) either forward or backward depending on the sign of (m).
m = amount of marks to move
Moves the vehicle to the specific offset of marks from the origin (m).
c = mark number to move to
Rotates the arm of the Servo from the point of origin (zero).
a= Angle of Servo arm movement between 0-180, rotates counter-clockwise.
Motor User Manual
Reflectance Sensor Manual