The golf outing – and what it means to our students

Many of you may or may not know that one of the outstanding components of ATI within the OSU system is the very high numbers of students who attend and graduate from a third level institution for the first time from their family. Many of us take it for granted that college should occur but in many situations people have to decide on following a dream or sustaining themselves and family. Students in that situation do apply to ATI and the scholarships that we can give out to help offset the costs are ultimately life changing. The network of alumni that help out our students via internships and career starts are critical but in the same way our ability to support students entering school for the first time from many of their families means that they can take that first step.

We appreciate the support that many of you provide – it all makes a difference and we hope you will continue with us as we try to excite and enthuse more students into the turfgrass industry. If you think its something you could support click on the link below and pick an option. We thank you sincerely for all you can do.

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