Information For Sewing Masks

If you have supplies at home (please do not break stay at home rule from the state of Ohio) and can help, here are some requests for sewing fabric masks in the area. Please know there are numerous patterns, supplies, and instructions posted online but it is important to visit the links or contact each organization by email or phone and follow their specific directions. Remember, tightly woven 100% cotton is high quality cotton fabric.

For information locally in Wood County, please visit the Facebook page for Grounds For Thought coffee shop. For St. Luke’s in Maumee visit their Facebook page also.

ProMedica has a webpage set up:…/__;!!KGKeukY!lYkQn5e05uk7qdHYaW1h3…
This program is supported by The Quilt Foundry in Maumee, visit their Facebook page for more details.

If anyone knows of other requests from organizations, please share links to specific instructions in the comments section.