The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences

Viromics Workshop 2024

Welcome to the 7th International Viromics Workshop!

We are pleased to announce that the next viromics workshop will be held Fall 2024, in person, at the Ohio State University.

To apply, click here. For the latest updates, follow us on X: @Lab_Sullivan & @OlivierZablo

Though we are still finalizing details, you can expect the following to be covered:
Virus identification
Genome annotation
Virus databases
Virus classification
Ecosystem-specific keynotes
Virus-host linkage strategies
+ Panel Q&A session for analytics / methods / best practices from viromics leaders.


The Department of Energy BER – award DE-SC0023307
NSF DBI iVirus (link) – award 2149505
NSF EMERGE Biology Integration Institute (link) – award 2022070
OSU Center of Microbiome Science (link)