The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences


Courses taught by Dr. Matthew Sullivan


Microbiome Informatics

Class info:
3 credit hours
Full semester course, graduate level
Prereq: 5161, 6155, or permission of instructor.

Class description:
Microbes are major players across diverse ecosystems including humans, soils, and the oceans. Through concept-introducing lectures, hands-on practical exercises and a semester-long group research project, this course will introduce the student to modern approaches for interpreting sequence datasets to improve understanding of microbes and their viruses in complex communities.


Microbial Ecology & Evolution

Class info:
3 credit hours
Full semester course, graduate level

Class description:
This ‘Ecology and Evolution of Microbes’ course seeks to provide foundational knowledge on select topics relevant for studying microbes in an ecosystem context for environments ranging from the oceans and soils to the human and bioreactors.

Center of Microbiome Science recommended curriculum

Microbiome science training track

Other courses of interest

Biomedical Informatics 5750

Methods in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science

Class info:
3 credit hours
Course Director: Guy N. Brock, PhD
Full semester course

Class description:
This  twelve-week  course  educates  trainees  in  practical  biomedical  informatics,  study design,  statistical  analysis,  and  computational  techniques (R programming)  related  to  biomedical  research. The course  will provide  applied  primers  covering  foundational  biomedical  informatics  and  quantitative  science  methods employed  in  the  design,  conduct,  and  analysis  of  basic  science,  clinical,  and  translational  research  programs.