BBC interviews Matt Sullivan on ancient ice virus recovery
Following Dr. Zhi-Ping Zhong’s recent paper, “Glacier ice archives potentially fifteen-thousand-year-old microbes and phages”, Matt Sullivan was interviewed by BBC’s Newsday show. You can listen to the interview here (starts at about 14:21) and read the paper here.
Ohio State News features Dr. Zhi-Ping’s work on 15,000 year old viruses trapped in Tibetan glacier ice
Dr. Zhi-Ping Zong, a former postdoc in the Sullivan Lab, was recently featured by Ohio State University News for his paper describing viruses from ancient Tibetan ice cores. Congratulation Zhi-Ping and team!! –> Read the official OSU press release here….
Nature News Features virus ecology and leaders in the field
New Features in Nature: beyond SARS-CoV-2 and how virus ecologists – including Mya Breitbart and Matt Sullivan – are shaping how we discover and perceive viruses from an ecosystem perspective. Link to feature article here (free) Image credit: Nature Publishing…