Bacterial Host Response is Key to Severity of Viral Infection
The Science Bacteria have a major impact on natural ecosystems, human health, disease progression and industrial processes using bacterial cultures, but viruses that infect bacteria can influence all of these systems. A recent study revealed how viruses that are common…
Viromics Training Workshop at OSU Helps Researchers Use Tools to Overcome Challenges in Viral Metagenomics
Researchers in the Sullivan lab recently hosted a 3-day viromics training workshop, with fellow scientists from nearly a dozen different institutions participating. The workshop focused on using the tools and resources available at iVirus (a CyVerse-supported project) and MetaVir to study and process viral metagenomic datasets. Participants…
Ocean Carbon Flux Dissected With Genetics Techniques
Humans put about 7 gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere each year. Of those 7 gigatons, the ocean takes up about 50 percent. But how the seas take up all this carbon, the ocean carbon flux, is not fully understood….
Plankton Networks Driving Carbon Export in the Oligotrophic Ocean
This new study establishes the important role of plankton networks in removing carbon from the atmosphere and depositing it deep in the ocean. And it opens up opportunities for caring for the ocean in ways that encourage it to absorb…