Composition Identity Post


I’m using this photograph I took at the Columbus Zoo as an open composition picture. I thought that this represented my identity by my love for animals and zoos. As much as I wish these animals could be out in the wild and roaming free, I know that they are much better protected and taken cared for in zoos.



I’m using this photograph as a thirds composition picture. I chose this to represent my identity for a couple of reasons. One being that I love food. The second reason is because I love food, even more when my boyfriend makes it for me, so why not just capture a picture of it?! And the third reason why I chose this to represent my identity is because I love eating and interacting with anyone, I believe that food helps create a bond between people and I love embracing that.



I’m using this photograph as a symmetrical composition picture. I recently bought these glass markers the other day and have thought that they are hilarious. So, I had to use them in a post. I also really like how the carpet reflects into the glass, especially at the top of the water line. There are also two other guys to go along with them. Chuck and Billy have been making all my girl friends laugh, so that’s one reason why I had to use them to represent my identity. I love laughing and making people laugh, whether its from my terrible, cheesy jokes or from cowboy glass markers.



I’m using this photograph of a mini plant as my closed composition picture. I struggled to find something to use since being at my boyfriend’s house all weekend with two other guys living here, there wasn’t anything cute to capture that represented my identity. But, this plant has been sitting right in front of me the whole time. Nick has been low key obsessed with this plant since I met him. It is looking a little rough right now but I starting thinking about it and how it did represent my identity. Watching Nick water this plant and move it around the house for the past 9 months, never giving up on this little plant he paid $8 for, I realized I related to it. This plant represents my life right now. My life has been rough lately and I’m still trying to grow, while being taken care of by someone else. The plant has seen better days, as well as myself. Of course, Nick takes care of me better than the plant, but I now look at the plant completely differently after comparing it to my own life.

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