Movie Making Story

Coming up with an idea for this movie story was harder than I thought. I was talking to my boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend about it, Sidney, and she jokingly suggested making it about her cat, Cleo, who lives in Cleveland part time with our boyfriends. I thought about it for a couple minutes and even Nick said I should. I already had a ton of pictures and videos of her so I figured why not, its not like I had a better idea! Growing up, I never had a cat, I always had dogs, so this is the first time I am “raising” a cat. I wanted to make an actual story about her but I quickly realized how difficult it is to make a cat listen.

I started thinking about this movie more and decided to make it about her life. Nick, Ryan, Sidney and I are always wondering what Cleo’s thinking and saying things like “oh my god she probably thinks we’re so dumb” and stuff like that. So, I made a video “auto biography” on Cleo and her life. I got the whole timeline together and the order of the pictures and was really excited about it. I did add in a lot of transitions to kind of break it up and start a new part of the movie. Then, I remembered that I needed an animation, and panicked. I found a clip of her sitting and staring at nothing so I decided to add an animated mouse in. I made the mouse move around through key frames and it went really fast. The scene in itself is really fast but I didn’t know where else to animate it. Watching the movie now, I realize it is really corny but I think it turned out pretty cute! I swear I’m not a crazy cat lady!

Stop Motion Video Blog

For this blog post, I had to create a stop motion video and turn it into a story. Being super busy and sick for the past week and a half, unfortunately made me very lazy when it came to literally all my assignments. Not some of my proudest work but I figured it was the best I could do. When it came to the day I actually wanted to start this, Rachel told me no because it was almost midnight, she was half asleep and had no makeup on. So, Nick was my next option. It was very difficult to get full cooperation at first and to explain to him what exactly he had to do. We first decided on him doing a back flip. When he wrestled in high school, he would do a back flip right before the match started, it was a attention grabbing and intimidating. Since he can no longer do unlimited amounts of backflips at 23 years old, we decided on a baseball theme.

At this point, I didn’t care what the theme was, I just wanted full cooperation in what I was saying. Once I started taking the pictures, he still didn’t get the point that I had to take a ton of pictures of him, making very small movements. He finally got the concept down, and after 4 different baseball swings, almost 50 pictures for each, and multiple light changes, we finally got the end product. Since we just got filmed for an Indians commercial, it was a fun idea to have a baseball theme. I struggled making it in iMovie but after watching some tutorials after I made it and criticism from Nick, Ryan and Sidney, I got the end results to the best I could.