Fall Semester
- Started graduate school in the College of Public Health, Health Behavior Health Promotion program at The Ohio State University
- Became a Staff Mentor for MUNDO at OSU
- Joined OUAB Grad/Prof Committee
- Narrowed my broad researches interest in health disparities to Asian-American health disparities,with a current focus on mental health
- Led a service-learning trip to NYC with MUNDO as a Staff Mentor
Spring Semester
- Joined Lupus Optimal Health group
- Collaboratively wrote a grant for Asian-American mental health screenings for the Asian Festival
- Became a volunteer with the Ohio Asian American Health Coalition
- Led a service-learning trip to Memphis, New Orleans and Birmingham with MUNDO about the history of the South and the Civil Rights movement
- Attended with the Midwestern Asian-American Student Union (MAASU) Conference
- Attended the Norman Y. Mineta Leadership Institute
- Was a finalist for the Graduate trustee position for OSU’s Board of Trustees
Summer Semester
- Joined the Asian Festival RN Committee
- Began doing research on mental health in Asian-Americans at Capital University
- Participated in Ohio Asian American Pacific Islander Legislative Day