Global Awareness

I have attempted to develop my Global awareness throughout student organizations, such as MUNDO and Allies for Diversity. I serve on the executive board of MUNDO as Action Team Leader and Communications Director where I work to expand the cultural collateral of the student body. We endeavor to introduce and educate the student body about other communities and their customs and issues. For example, some of our programs this year included a discussion of Bollywood in South Asia and its stereotypes, a study abroad to Puerto Rico and a panel discussing Islamophobia and how it’s perceived in other countries. Programs that I myself have created include a program on how beauty is perceived globally, education on invisible minorities and collaboration/discussions with SHADES, the campus group for LBGTQ people of color.

I have expanded my Global awareness through my classwork as well, taking folklore classes that examine the texts and cultures of communities worldwide. In the future, I will continue to work on MUNDO’s executive board and take other classes, like Sociology 1101H, to further my global awareness.


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