FYI: Grow Kindness

Grow Kindness

The Office of Student Life, in collaboration with the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, OSU Extension and the Chief Wellness Officer will be growing kindness across campus on October 17 (rain date October 18).

With generous donations from Scotts Miracle-Gro and Altman Plants, students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to plant two succulents; one to keep for themselves and one to give away in kindness to someone else. The projects will help promote kindness and mental health support.

Plants will be available for assembly from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m at the following locations:

  • Lawn in front of Traditions at Scott
  • University Square (15th and High)
  • Wexner Medical Center (Herrick Transit Hub)

Learn more:

Practicing Mindfulness Throughout the Day

Mindfulness has become a buzz word in a lot of health and wellness circles. We see this idea of mindfulness online, in classrooms, on tv, in ads…it is basically everywhere. But what is ‘mindfulness’ exactly?

There are lots of ways to define mindfulness but what it comes down to is being fully present in the moment, aware of both your surroundings and how you are feeling.

Mindfulness is the opposite of multitasking, it is practicing focus and awareness throughout our days, and giving ourselves time to process our emotions and feelings. Practicing mindfulness on a regular basis can have many positive benefits to both our physical and mental health. This includes decreased depression, increased emotional regulation, reduced anxiety and stress, better memory and concentration, improved sleep, and more.

When we think of what mindfulness is, it can be easy to generalize this concept into thinking of yoga, meditation, mantras, or breathing exercises. And while all of these things can and do support the idea of living mindfully, they are not for everyone. Below you will find some simple changes that we can make in our daily routines to practice mindfulness throughout the day.

Morning Routine:

  • What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Do you immediately reach for your phone? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. Research shows that 1 in 4 Americans reach for their phone less than a minute after waking up. Instead give your body and brain a chance to wake up! Take this time for a mindful moment and check in with yourself – Do you feel well rested? Are you hungry or thirsty? How are you feeling emotionally about the day?

Bedtime Routine:

  • We’ve all heard about how blue light can impact our ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and get quality sleep. Replace screens and TV with gentle stretching and give our brain a chance to actually relax before heading to bed. Try reading a book or magazine rather than doomscrolling until you fall asleep with your phone in your hand.


  • Meals are a time to connect with others and fuel our bodies. But with busy daily schedules, it can be easy to grab something processed and eat on the go. When planning out your weekly schedule, set aside time eat day to eat balanced meals. And take the time to enjoy the food as well as the company around you.
  • Practice intuitive eating – pay attention to what your body needs, are you hungry or full? Are you enjoying your meal? Really pay attention to the taste, textures, and smells of your food.


  • A large part of mindfulness is being present in the moment. In our interactions throughout the day, try to practice active listening skills. Be fully present when listening to others and listen to understand rather than to respond.

Mindfulness While You Wait:

  • While you are waiting in the dining line, waiting for an exam to begin, or waiting at the bus stop, practice mindfulness. Rather than jumping on your phone for a quick distraction, instead take a few deep breaths and notice your surroundings. Give your brain a break from being in front of screen and connect with those around you.

Build in time for Joyful Movement:

  • Being mindful means intentionality in our actions. Building in time for movement in your day can increase productivity and attention, even a short walk around the building can make a difference!
  • When finding time for movement in your day remove the idea of ‘should.’ This places exercise and movement onto the list of chores rather than an activity that brings us joy. Instead listen to what your body needs and find the movement that feels right to you in that moment.

This is not an exhaustive list of all the ways you can build mindfulness into your day. But it is a good start! Challenge yourself to try one or two of the above strategies. Notice how you feel and what kinds of changes it brings about.

If you are looking for additional support in incorporating mindfulness into your routine, schedule an appointment with the Student Wellness Center’s Wellness Coaching team.

-Jordan Helcbergier, Wellness Coordinator


What are the benefits of mindfulness? (

Mindfulness exercises – Mayo Clinic

Survey: 1 in 4 adults checks phone less than a minute after waking up – Study Finds


How to Vocalize Your Healthcare Needs and Ask that Question!

Going to the doctor can be intimidating. There is a real power dynamic between patient and healthcare provider that no one really talks about. This can cause a large barrier when trying to advocate for your healthcare needs and can get in the way of preventative care.

A relationship with a healthcare provider should be one built on trust, respect, and shared decision making. Below are some strategies for feeling more empowered and comfortable during your next doctor’s appointment.

Start by finding a healthcare provider you trust. Whether you are looking for a dentist, general practitioner, or a mental health counselor; you need to find someone who best fits your personal needs. Building a relationship on trust and respect is important, if you do not feel like you are getting that from your healthcare provider, it might be time to switch.

Remind yourself that answering your questions is part of a provider’s job description. You are not burdening or being annoying by asking questions. Follow-up questions lets your provider know that you need further clarification to make the most informed decision as it relates to your healthcare needs. Remember no question is too embarrassing or personal, your doctor has probably seen and heard it all.

If just the thought of asking personal questions during a doctor’s appointment brings about sweaty hands and a stressed mind, try rehearsing or writing down questions to bring to the appointment ahead of time. By writing down any questions or notes ahead of time, you will feel more prepared to bring up concerns during the appointment. This will help you to organize thoughts and it will be a little reminder of what you wanted to bring up in case your nerves get the best of you.

If you are feeling rushed, uncomfortable, or worried, vocalize that to your doctor. There are options to make you feel more comfortable during the visit, including bringing a friend or family member or requesting to have a nurse or other healthcare practitioner present during the appointment. And if you feel like you need more time, ask the doctor to schedule a follow up visit.

To prepare for your next doctor’s visit, write down and bring with you:

  • A full list of your medications and dosages, as well as any other supplements you are taking and how often.
  • A list of symptoms you would like to address during the appointment.
  • If you are discussing pain, bring notes on the pain rating, how often, and any descriptive language to help the doctor understand what the pain feels like.
  • Are there any factors that may be affecting your symptoms (change in appetite, new life stressors, etc..)
  • Any questions you would like to have addressed during the appointment.

Let’s review. Your health is a priority. Take an active role by vocalizing your concerns and needs during your next appointment by preparing ahead of time. If you need a new practitioner do some research and make the switch. There is no better time than the present to schedule an appointment with your doctor to ask that question you have been putting off for ages.


As a student at The Ohio State University, you have access to a wide variety of healthcare providers and resources through the Wexner Medical Center, the Wilce Student Health Center, and Counseling and Consultation Service including their Community Provider Database. If you need to find a new doctor or schedule a visit with your current provider, take a few minutes after reading this post to get it done!

Other Resources:

Resources | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (


How to Prepare for a Doctor’s Appointment | National Institute on Aging (


-Jordan Helcbergier (she/her), Wellness Coordinator

Destigmatizing Mental Health

Lots of folks struggle with January in Ohio: it’s cold, it’s dark, and we are adjusting to a new semester. Maybe your winter break wasn’t everything you hoped for, or maybe it was awesome and it’s hard to be back on campus. It is not uncommon to feel sad or listless, and folks may experience anything from a touch of the “Winter Blues” to Seasonal Affective Disorder. It’s okay to acknowledge you’re struggling, and to reach out to supportive others and ask for what you need.  


  • Not into New Year’s Resolutions that invariably fizzle after a few weeks? Consider reaching out to a Wellness Coach at the Student Wellness Center to help you identify and set SMART goals instead. 
  • If you set goals but are having difficulty making progress, take a closer look at what is working and what is getting in the way.  
  • Take advantage of the fresh start that the new semester brings and prioritize academic strategies. Reach out to the Dennis Learning Center, which offers free academic coaching and tips and strategies on test-taking, reducing procrastination, and improving your memory. 
  • It can be easy to “hibernate” during these cold months try to intentionally connect with your communities. Consider checking out RPAC’s group fitness classes, or joining a student organization. Student Activities manages over 1,400 student groups! 

Mental Health Tips 

  • How do you set effective goals and increase your odds of successfully meeting them? Making Change (In a Nutshell)   

Current Events 

CCS Services 

  • Drop in for a workshop on Creative Writing for Mental Health, Beating Anxiety, or Building Mastery: Skills for a Drama Free Life.
  • Group therapy is the most effective treatment for Social Anxiety. Check out our group therapy schedule – these groups meet weekly and address a variety of needs and concerns. 
  • Talk to your primary care provider about using a full-spectrum light to counter these short, dark days – lights are available in the CCS offices. 


 – CCS welcomes a new collaboration with Student Life’s Center for Belonging and Social Change. Dr. Darreon Greer now serves students and provides consultation to faculty and staff from his office in the Ohio Union. Increasing access by bringing CCS services to where students are is a good thing. 

Provided by the Office of Student Life Counseling and Consultation Service Staff

Winter Blues and Addressing SAD

Winter is upon us. The autumn semester is wrapped up, and many of us  swiftly put behind us those end-of-semester projects, research papers and final exams that  crept up way too quickly.

The winter blues leave us feeling out of touch with our natural routine and our body’s circadian rhythm. You may be feeling changes in your mood, your energy levels, or withdrawal from social interactions that make it hard just to get through the day.  Many of these symptoms describe Seasonal Affective Disorder or also known as seasonal depression, that usually emerges during months with dark and colder weather. You are not alone. Many students on campus are feeling this way, and here are some tips to help you ease into the winter season.


  1. Get some sunshine. Wake up a bit earlier to get 15 minutes of morning sun before classes or have meals outside or in a sunny spot indoors. Even on cold or cloudy days, natural light can help.
  2. Discover some hobbies. Hobbies are a wonderful way to get your mood up and socialize. Check out activities offered to you at your dorm or organizations on campus.
  3. Get Moving. Exercise can be a great way to release some stress from school or work and is a great way to find time to be outdoors as well.
  4. Create a routine. Create a schedule for when to wake up and go to sleep to avoid excessive sleeping or napping throughout the day. This can also help you find time to work on hobbies or extracurriculars in your schedule.

If these steps do not feel like enough, here is a free resource on campus that can guide you through the winter blues. The Student Wellness Center offers Wellness Coaching to all students. It provides opportunities to gain awareness regarding your capacity to create the life you want to live, both now and in the future. Wellness coaching takes a positive approach to personal development to generate meaningful goals for you.

Other Resources Available:
Counseling and Consultation Services

Student Health Services

Recreational Sports


-Shruti Asodaria, Wellness and Outreach Graduate Student Assistant

Fighting the Fear of the Freshman 15 (part two) 

So how can you go about dealing with the pressures surrounding the idea of the freshman 15? 

The first step is learning ways to combat any negative talk you may hear regarding the freshman 15 or any other college weight gain. Because this kind of talk has become so normalized, others may not be aware of the harm they may cause by bringing these topics up to incoming freshman. To make sure you prevent talk like this from bringing you down, try to challenge yourself to respond to these negative body talk statements in a purposeful way. 

If someone tries to warn you of the freshman 15, try telling them that it is simply a myth or that you will be happy with your body no matter your weight. You can also explain why statements such as those might be harmful to hear. If these seem too challenging to do, just try changing the subject.  

Besides avoiding negative body image talk, there are many ways to ensure you take steps to feeling better about yourself. At the end of the day, it’s your body, not anyone else’s, so you’re the only one who needs to like it.  

Here are a few simple steps to staying healthy and happy during your first year at college: 

  • Avoid diets. 

Studies have found that those who start a new diet their freshman year are more likely to gain weight. They also may be more likely to develop an eating disorder as well. Instead of dieting, practice intuitive eating. Intuitive eating involves eating whatever your body craves whenever you want it, guilt free.  

  • Make sure not to skip meals 

Skipping meals can lead to some of the same effects of dieting. It can also prevent you from having enough energy to perform well academically throughout the day. If you find yourself struggling to find time to eat in-between classes or other commitments, try keeping healthy snacks on hand to grab in a hurry.  

  • Drink enough water 

One study found that only about 15% of college students were drinking enough water each day. Water is important for every part of your body to function, especially your brain. Make sure to drink at least eight 8oz glasses of water each day.  

  • Get plenty of sleep 

Living minutes, or even seconds, away from your friends or a seemingly endless list of assignments can lead to many late nights during your college career. Not getting enough sleep can be extremely detrimental to your health. Try to get between at least 6-8 hours of sleep each night to make sure you are fully rested and have enough energy to take on the day.  

  • Schedule time for yourself 

With the introduction of several new commitments including a rigorous academic schedule your first semester at OSU, it can be easy to forget to make time for yourself. Remembering to take care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. To do so, find time to destress and relax in your favorite ways for at least a few minutes every single day.  

  • Find time to move 

Make time in your daily schedule to get some type of physical fitness in. This could come from taking a walk around campus or trying one of the RPAC’s group fitness classes. Doing so will not only help you take steps in the right direction for your physical health, but it can also be a great stress reliever.  

  • Utilize Ohio State’s many resources  

Ohio State has a ton of really great resources available to all students! Check out all the programs the Student Wellness Center offers including nutrition coaching and the body project to specifically work on any fears you may have surrounding college and body image.  


-Kayla Miedrzynski, Body Project Student Assistant   


Fighting the Fear of the Freshman 15 (part one) 

Almost every student has gotten the warning of the dreaded freshman fifteen before they even step foot on a college campus. You may have seen it talked about in movies or on the cover of your favorite magazines. You most likely even have heard about it from your friends and family. 

The idea that everyone gains fifteen pounds their freshman year of college has taken society by storm. We are all warned to stay away from the unlimited plates at the dining halls or sugary drinks that may be offered to us at parties, all because they can cause the number on the scale to increase. 

The beginning of your college career comes with so many things to worry about. How will I find my classes? What will my new friends be like? Am I going to be homesick? How much weight you may gain or what your body looks like should be the least of your worries.  

The beginning of freshman year is also one of the most exciting times in anyone’s life. Never before have you had so many new opportunities waiting for you. If you spend all your time worrying about potentially gaining weight, you are going to miss out on so many great experiences. It is just not worth it. 

The matter of the fact is the freshman fifteen is also simply just a myth. Numerous studies have found the average weight gain is far lower than fifteen pounds. In fact, many students do not see a change in their weight or may even lose some weight during the first year at college.  

Even if you do see a change in your body during your freshman year, so what? As long as you are happy and healthy, there is no reason to try to change the way that you look. Trying to hold on to your high school body forever is impossible. It is normal for everyone to go through different phases of their lives where their bodies transition in some way or another.  

Each and every body changes as it ages over the course of each decade. By the age of 17-19 your body is still far from being done with growing. For both men and women, bone and muscle mass reach their mass peak sometime during their late teenager years or their early twenties. It is also common for your metabolism to start slowing down around the age of 20. Even if you keep the same food and exercise habits as you did in high school, your body may react differently. This means that the body you enter college with is not the body you will be leaving college with. 

Also, during this time, students are likely to be going through some emotionally challenging events. For the first time, you will be on your own as an independent adult trying to figure out your social and personal lives. It is easy to begin to feel overwhelmed and even lost, which can have damaging effects on not only your physical health, but your mental health as well.  

These potential challenges to your mental and physical health are far more important to worry about than your weight. It is important to stay proactive rather than reactive when it comes to your health. Check out part two of this series to learn about ways to deal with the fear of the freshman fifteen.  


-Kayla Miedrzynski, Body Project Student Assistant   

How to Make the Internet a More Positive Place: 5 Steps to Clean Up Your Social Media 

Have you ever been scrolling through social media and noticed a sudden shift in your mood? Have the posts you have seen make you feel worse about yourself? If so, you are not alone. 

Many of us experience feelings of self-doubt after spending time on our social media accounts. Maybe you feel envious of the perfect lives others seem to be living, or you start to wish your body looked more like those of popular celebrities and influences.  

Whatever the case may be, there are many aspects of social media that can harm our mental wellbeing, especially when it comes to body image.  

A recent study found that “thirty-two percent of teen girls said that when they felt bad about their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse.” Facebook also found that fourteen percent of boys in the United States said Instagram made them feel worse about themselves.  

As social media is becoming more popular and we are spending more time on it each day, it is important to make sure it is not something that brings you down. Making sure this time spent online leads to a positive mindset is key to your overall wellbeing. 

One way to move towards this mindset is to complete a cleanse of your social media accounts. Doing this can make sure that time spent online helps you move towards a healthy lifestyle.  

Here are a few ways to complete a social media cleanse of your own:  

  1. Set your intentions.  
    • Think about the reasons why you use your different social media accounts. Do you enjoy talking to friends and family? Finding a new restaurant to try out? Learn something new? Make a list of these reasons and remember them when considering whether to follow or unfollow an account. If an account does not match up with one of your intentions, unfollow it! 
  2. Remove negative accounts . 
    • Look out for specific pages or people to unfollow if they tend to post content that makes you feel bad about yourself. Focus on your reaction to looking at what that account posts. If it tends to be negative, it may be time to let that account go.  
  3. Explore new content. 
    • Social media is a great resource for finding wellness content, especially about body image. The body positivity movement has become a major trend over the last few years and there are a ton of creators that specialize in creating body acceptance content. Make sure to explore accounts and hashtags recommend for you to help you find new creators to follow.  
  4. Utilize all the platforms features. 
    • Most social media platforms have some way to limit the posts that you see from certain accounts. Take some time to look into features such as muting certain accounts, turning off comments, and hiding likes. All of these can make social media a more positive space by removing some of the stress that comes along with using it.  
  5. Take a break from social media all together. 
    • Try limiting the time you spend on social media each day and exploring different ways to pass the time. There are so many ways to increase your physical and mental health by staying offline such as spending time outdoors, trying a new activity with friends, or even completing tasks on your to-do list.


-Kayla Miedrzynski, Body Project Student Assistant

Emotional Intelligence and Healthy Communication

How to foster emotional intelligence and healthy communication in your everyday life:

Emotional intelligence and nonviolent communication are both practices that focus on how you understand and relate to yourself and those around you. Strengthening your emotional intelligence and incorporating nonviolent communication into your everyday life is an ongoing process that requires self-reflection. Both of these approaches emphasize being able to identify and respectfully communicate your feelings and needs. 

Emotional intelligence and healthy communication promote safety and boundaries, as well as emotional and social wellness. These practices can also give others permission to be more open and vulnerable by modeling healthy behaviors. 

Emotional intelligence incorporates the following four elements: self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, and relationship management. 

Moreover, components of nonviolent communication include: observations, feelings, needs, and requests. 

If these concepts sound new to you, you are not alone – these strategies are not something that we are often taught in school. Here are some tips for practicing and getting started: 

  • Use the feelings wheel (depicted below) to begin building your awareness of your own feelings and emotions. This awareness can also help you identify and empathize with the emotions of those around you. 
  • Journal about your thoughts, emotions, experiences, wants, and needs. 
  • Utilize “I statements” when communicating with others. 
  • Practice openness and nonjudgment. Try to avoid blaming and shaming.  
  • Ask open-ended and clarifying questions during conversations. 
  • Listen to understand and not to respond. You can practice this skill by reflecting, repeating back, or summarizing what someone has told you during a conversation. 
  • Be mindful of the language you are using – words are powerful.  
  • Practice curiosity and self-compassion alongside compassion and kindness for others. Self-care is not selfish! 
  • Recognize the difference between INTENT and IMPACT. 
  • Focus on behaviors and ideas. For example, if you disagree with someone’s opinion, focus on the idea and not the person. Or, if you are requesting that someone make a change, focus on the behavior you want them to change rather than the person as an individual.  
  • Express what you would like for someone to do, rather than what you don’t want them to do. This practice is known as making a positive request. 
  • Incorporate mindfulness and do your best to be fully present in social situations. If you feel yourself beginning to struggle regulating your emotions during a difficult conversation, take some deep breaths or take a break. You can always pause and come back to the conversation when you begin to feel more balanced. 
  • Once you begin to feel more comfortable identifying your emotions, try to engage in deeper reflection to explore the root causes of your feelings. Can you observe what caused a certain emotion or thought to come up? What do you need in order to acknowledge, process, and cope with the emotion? For example, are you hungry? Do you need rest/sleep? Are you feeling overstimulated? What would help in this moment to allow you to recenter? 
  • Develop healthy coping strategies for times when it is difficult to regulate your emotions. To learn more about emotional regulation, check out this video from CCS. Practice sharing with people you trust what you are experiencing and what you need in these moments. 
  • When you make a mistake, take responsibility and accountability by owning up to it, offering a genuine apology, and learning from the experience.  
  • Practice! You can always start out small, with simple requests and expressions. 
  • Remind yourself that it is okay to ask for what you need. 

If you are looking for additional support to help incorporate healthy communication and emotional intelligence in your daily life, there are resources available. Counseling and Consultation Service offers free individual and group counseling for all Ohio State students. CCS’s group counseling offerings include the Understanding Self and Others Group. Another option for peer support is the Student Life Student Wellness Center’s free individual and group Wellness Coaching services which can help you to identify and set goals. 



-Lucy Hennon, Graduate Student Assistant  

Euphoria and Mental Health – Are your friends crying out for help like these characters?

Like many of you, I too have been waiting for each Sunday to arrive so I could see the next episode of the drama filled HBO series Euphoria. While the chaos that ensues at East Highland High School seems to be a different planet from the high school I went to, which some would describe as “rural Ohio” (aka Louisville, Ohio) – the drama is entertaining regardless of believability. Also not believable, how everyone has fresh nails each episode, yet no one has a job…who the hell is paying for all those nail appointments?? 

Each of the characters have very strong personalities and emotions, and whether you support or disagree with their decisions, if you saw a friend acting in the same way it would be labeled as a serious cry for help. So here is how you can help if any of your friends are acting like the following characters  

  • Maddy has all the confidence, the trouble is she struggles with caring about others and will literally do whatever manipulative thing it takes to get what it is she wants. She definitely lacks self-awareness and the emotional maturity to realize how her actions could have a larger impact on her friend group and her future. A great referral for someone exhibiting these behaviors is the Student Civility Program. An educational workshop series that engages students on topics such as personal responsibility, community safety, emotional intelligence, and healthy relationships. All of which Maddy desperately needs. 
  • As we saw this season, Kat is working on trying to find herself while struggling with her body image and low self-confidence. If you know someone who consistently practices negative self-talk, has a lack of confidence or struggles with negative body image there are a few places on campus that can help. Wellness Coaching works on personal development, boosting confidence, and finding our strengths all in a peer-to-peer coaching session. Kat may not go for the peer-to-peer model as she is not a very trusting person but we promise all of the Student Life Student Wellness Center programs are private. For body image struggles, participating in a Body Project workshop could be another great support for Kat. Finding a community of those who are also trying to find themselves and work towards body positivity could really benefit Kat as she navigates her identity. 
  • Our hero Rue struggles with substance misuse and has jumped in and out of recovery and relapse multiple times in the two seasons of the show. For a friend who is struggling with substance misuse, you have a couple of options: BASICS/CASICS for those exploring their substance use, the OSU Medical Center has a variety of Drug and Alcohol Treatment services for someone seeking help in getting sober, and finally those who are in or seeking recovery and in need of a community of support, the Collegiate Recovery Community could be exactly what they need. For those struggling with opioid use specifically, like Rue, OSU and Project Dawn are working to provide free Narcan Naloxone kits to the OSU and Columbus community. Be prepared and get your free kit by visiting the Project DAWN Narcan Kit Distribution Program Website 
  • Cassie (literally the worst), has a whole mess of struggles she needs to work through –  placing all of her value in her relationships and what her boyfriend thinks of her, backstabbing her best friend for a guy, not taking the time to mentally recover from her abortion, nervous breakdowns every other day because she doesn’t have healthy coping skills, heavy alcohol use, lack of personal awareness, the list could go on and on. If your friend is spiraling like Cassie is every episode, Counseling and Consultation Service is a great first step in getting support. Cassie needs that higher level of care from a certified counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist to work through these emotions and experiences, find healthy coping strategies, find some self-worth, and an identity outside of her relationships. 
  • Nate (seriously the other worst character) has childhood trauma that he never worked through which is negatively impacting his life and contributing to his extreme anger towards everything and his manipulative personality that is front and center in all of his unhealthy relationships. The toxic masculinity is strong with this one. First, if you or a friend is in a relationship with someone like Nate (manipulative, controlling, physically or emotionally abusive), it is not your fault and there is help – Ohio Health’s SARNCO has a campus advocate on the Columbus campus to help with safety planning, crisis response, and confidentiality. Second, Nate needs to personally work on himself and the emotions and experiences he is not addressing, a therapist could be really helpful in this space to help him process his trauma.   

One final note, if you are having sex as much as these high schoolers, please make the smart and safe decision to join the Condom Club. 

Hopefully, we don’t have to wait too long for season 3 – I need to know what was in that note Fez wrote to Lexi!! 

-Jordan Helcbergier, Wellness Coordinator |Outreach and Programs