Professionalism for Interviews

Interviews are high-stress environments for many students. When we are interviewing for a full-time job, it is usually towards the end of our academic career that may cause stress or anxiety about what is next for life outside of campus. However, it is important to take a few deep breaths and take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments. Also to be kind to ourselves during this process by embracing positive self-talk.

Here are some tips to do before an interview and to develop your professional development skills.

  1. Clarify your goal. Why are you seeking out this internship or job?
  2. Determine which organizations you are interested in and research more about them. Look into their company’s mission. Does their mission align with your career purpose?
  3. If the interview is in-person, have enough copies of your resume, ideally two per organization.
  4. Prepare a “tell me about yourself” pitch and have generic questions that can be asked to all employees. Such as, “What is the most challenging part of working for your organization? What are the learning and growth opportunities available for early professionals such as me in your organization/this role?”
  5. Update your professional social media profiles, such as Handshake and LinkedIn. This will allow employers to see the most up-to-date information about you, and it is a great way to connect with employers after the interview.
  6. Ensure that you are dressed professionally. Professional dress is usually a suit, blazer with slacks, or blazer and appropriate length skirt. Professional dress can be pricey, check out the Buckeye Career Closet to find free, gently used, professional clothing, shoes, and accessories.

During the Interview:

  1. Take employer business cards and on the back of the card jot down something that you connected with them on. This will help make your follow-up for a thank you more personal.
  2. Bring a notebook to take notes on the available positions and answers to questions.


Buckeye Career Closet:

Career Fairs and Preparations:

Shruti Asodaria, Graduate Student Assistant

Overcoming the Sunday Scaries

Your two days off are wrapping up and it’s almost time to start another week: it’s Sunday. It’s very common among students to feel anxious or stressed about going back to school or work and sad that your weekend of fun and relaxation is coming to an end. Sunday’s can often make us feel like we are running short on time or like we just don’t have the motivation to start another week. Here are a couple of ways you can overcome those Sunday Scaries and get yourself prepared, motivated, and ready for the week ahead.

  • Prep everything on Sunday

Monday morning is already tough enough, so make it easier on yourself by prepping everything you’ll need the night before. You will thank yourself in the morning when you don’t have to worry about:

  • Laying out an outfit
  • Packing a lunch
  • Packing your backpack
  • Finding anything else you’ll need for the day, like an umbrella or your gym bag Doing these things the night before will help put your mind at ease about Monday morning, and also promote time management skills and help you feel motivated and ready for the day.
  • Stay organized

Whether it’s your phone reminders, a written planner, or a whiteboard calendar in the kitchen, staying organized is a great way to combat the Sunday Scaries. Writing out your assignments, appointments, meetings, classes, and anything else you have planned can help ease the stress of feeling unprepared or unorganized. Writing out a daily planner with goals and items you want to accomplish will help make sure you stay on track and relieve any related anxieties!

  • Wear something you love

We all get that “Monday feeling”, so do whatever you can to make yourself comfortable and motivated for the dreaded first day of the week. Wearing something comfortable and something you love will make you feel good and won’t contribute any additional feelings of stress or discomfort as you head into your first week back. Whether it’s a comfy sweater, a favorite pair of shoes, or even some extra accessories, looking good makes you feel good! And comfortable clothes will give you that serotonin boost you need to thrive during the day.

  • Positive self-talk and self-care

Being kind to yourself is the most important thing when it comes to dealing with the Sunday Scaries. It’s always important to listen to your body and be mindful of what you need. Everyone self cares differently, so don’t be afraid to do whatever it is you need to do to get through the day. Letting yourself take time off, relax, and mentally and physically prepare for the week ahead is crucial for success. Be kind to yourself when you need a break and give yourself credit for all the hard things you’ve done so far! You got this!


Alison Reynolds, Graduate Student Assistant

What is Creative Wellness? Opportunities to add creativity into your day

Year after year, Wellness Assessment reports tell us that Ohio State students are struggling with their creative wellness. Consistently, this dimension finds itself in the bottom three dimensions of our campus community, right next to financial and emotional wellness.

So, what exactly is creative wellness? And why are so many students struggling to be well in this area?

According to the Student Life Student Wellness Center website, “the creatively well person values and actively participates in a diverse range of arts and cultural experiences as a means to understand and appreciate the surrounding world. Creative wellness is appreciating beauty in self, expressing your identity and using multiple perspectives to understand complex topics.”

Often we hear from students, “I am just not a crafty person” or, “Coloring stresses me out.” But creative wellness is more than just painting and coloring, it is about finding meaningful ways to incorporate creativity into your life. Which can mean very different things to different people.

For some creative wellness will include engaging in activities and hobbies like arts and crafts, dancing, or cooking, or even focusing on your own creative self-expression. For others creative wellness could be using creativity in your academic and professional experiences by proposing new ideas, problem-solving and coming up with creative solutions.

Today we challenge you to define creative wellness for yourself. How does this area of wellness fit into your routine? What are some simple changes you can make to boost creativity throughout your day?

If you are struggling to come up with something, here are some more suggestions:

  • Use your creativity to come up with a new running route.
  • Try listening to a new artist on Spotify.
  • Grab your friends and head to see the new art exhibit opening at the Wexner Center for the Arts.
  • Attend a free music or art event on campus or check out the long list of events available through D-tix.
  • Try a new activity or hobby by joining one of the many creative and performing arts student organizations on campus.

However you choose to add creativity into your day, know that simple changes can make a big impact on your overall health and wellness.

For those who are looking for support in finding a new self-care activity, Wellness Coaching through the Student Wellness Center can assist with identifying opportunities and helping students find community on campus.


Creative Wellness : Student Wellness Center (

Discount Ticket Program (D-Tix) : Student Activities (

Welcome to the Wex! | Wexner Center for the Arts (

Find a Student Organization : Student Activities (

Wellness Assessment : Center for the Study of Student Life (

Wellness Coaching : Student Wellness Center (


Jordan Helcbergier, Wellness Coordinator