Condoms: So Many Choices, So Little Time

Ribbed or regular? Latex or polyurethane? Flavored or not? When it comes to condoms, there are so many things to consider that deciding which kind to buy can feel overwhelming. As a college student, it’s important to buy condoms that work well for you, because condoms are crucial in preventing unintended pregnancy and they are the only contraceptive that can reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Here’s a guide to help you separate myths from facts and choose the best condoms for you! 

Size matters
One of the most important parts of using a condom is making sure it fits! Condoms that are too tight can cause pain, and condoms that are too loose run the risk of slipping off during sex. Sizing varies depending on the brand, so your best bet is to try out your chosen brand’s standard size and then size up or down if the condom feels uncomfortably tight or slips off easily when you try to move it. Choosing a condom that fits well will help both you and your partner experience more pleasure and peace of mind — you’ll thank yourself for it! 

Latex to lambskin– choosing the right material
The most common type of condoms you’ll find at your local drugstore are made of latex. Latex pairs well with water-based lubricant; silicone-based and other types of lube can cause latex to tear. Latex works well for many people, but if you or your partner has a latex allergy, you’ll want to look for other options. Polyurethane and lambskin condoms are alternatives to the traditional latex condom. Polyurethane is a form of plastic, and condoms made of this material are effective at preventing pregnancy and STIs; however, polyurethane is thinner and breaks more easily than latex, so it’s a good idea to use a water- or silicone-based lube to help avoid breakage. Lambskin condoms are made of natural animal material and also prevent pregnancy, but they don’t prevent STIs. This means lambskin isn’t the best choice for most college students.  

Textures, flavors, and sensations, oh my!
If you’re like me, you’ve probably passed through the family planning aisle at your local drugstore and been astounded by the huge variety of textures and sensations promised by many of the brands: “ribbed for her pleasure,” “fire and ice,” just to name a few. Condoms that feature a ribbed or studded design are meant to increase the pleasure of the receptive partner during intercourse, but we’re all different, and not all of these work for everybody. It’s a good idea to try a number of these types of condoms if you’re interested in finding ways to increase pleasure. Thinner condoms can also be a good choice to increase sensation for both partners! 

Flavored condoms look fun, and they can be- but only for oral sex. They actually aren’t designed to be used for vaginal or anal sex because the sugary ingredients they contain can cause yeast infections.  

“Warming” condoms are designed to increase a sensation of warmth to make erections last longer, while “numbing” condoms desensitize both partners, which seems a little counterintuitive to the pleasure most people want during sex. These types of condoms can be fun to try, but they may cause irritation for some. If that happens, just opt for a different type of condom that feels good for both partners! 

Now that you can tell the many types of condoms available to you apart, go and find the best type of condom for you and any partners you might have. Remember, it can take some trial and error- but it’s worth it to keep you safe and feeling good. 

Note: This post is about external (male) condoms. Internal (female) condoms and dental dams are other barrier methods that are effective in preventing the spread of STIs. Resources with information about them are below.  




Sara Kleine, Safer Sex Wellness Ambassador

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