Engaging in Mindfulness Amidst the Chaos

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare”. – Angela Davis  

Hello fellow Buckeyes!  

I’m sure a lot of us are feeling the pressure of mid-semester assignments and exams along with the struggle of trying to stay on top of it all. It’s important to remember to stay on top of your mental health as well. Keeping your stress in check is incredibly important, and according to the 2010 American College Health Association, the National College Health Assessment reported that more than 25% of students reported that their stress had lowered their grades, or even their ability to complete a course.  

Take some time for selfcare this week and beyond by pausing to watch your favorite movie, put on a face mask, practice yoga, journal, or whatever else you need to do to relieve stress in a proactive and healthy way. You may even consider finding something new to try! 

One of the more popular ways to relieve stress is meditation, which you can do in multiple ways and in many different places. Take a few moments to yourself and focus on your breathing with no distractions, and once you’re done, you may find yourself feeling a lot less stressed! Never tried yoga or meditation before? We got you covered.  

Join the Buckeye PAL volunteers for a bi-weekly mindfulness practice. Each session will include meditation, mindful movement and reflection. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring a journal for note-taking. Sign up for one or both of the next upcoming sessions:  

  • Wednesday Nov. 4,   8:30 pm – 9:30 pm  
  • Wednesday Nov. 18, 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm  

You can also contact a Buckeye PAL volunteer if you need someone to talk to. The Buckeye Peer Access Line (PAL) is a non-crisis peer-to-peer support line that provides a space for students to engage in brief phone conversations in order to gain support and learn about campus resources. The Buckeye PAL Line operates Monday-Friday from 8 pm – 12 am.  

Learn more about the Buckeye Peer Access Line on our website! 

Amber Lukachinsky, Buckeye PAL Volunteer  



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