Overcoming the Sunday Scaries

Your two days off are wrapping up and it’s almost time to start another week: it’s Sunday. It’s very common among students to feel anxious or stressed about going back to school or work and sad that your weekend of fun and relaxation is coming to an end. Sunday’s can often make us feel like we are running short on time or like we just don’t have the motivation to start another week. Here are a couple of ways you can overcome those Sunday Scaries and get yourself prepared, motivated, and ready for the week ahead.

  • Prep everything on Sunday

Monday morning is already tough enough, so make it easier on yourself by prepping everything you’ll need the night before. You will thank yourself in the morning when you don’t have to worry about:

  • Laying out an outfit
  • Packing a lunch
  • Packing your backpack
  • Finding anything else you’ll need for the day, like an umbrella or your gym bag Doing these things the night before will help put your mind at ease about Monday morning, and also promote time management skills and help you feel motivated and ready for the day.
  • Stay organized

Whether it’s your phone reminders, a written planner, or a whiteboard calendar in the kitchen, staying organized is a great way to combat the Sunday Scaries. Writing out your assignments, appointments, meetings, classes, and anything else you have planned can help ease the stress of feeling unprepared or unorganized. Writing out a daily planner with goals and items you want to accomplish will help make sure you stay on track and relieve any related anxieties!

  • Wear something you love

We all get that “Monday feeling”, so do whatever you can to make yourself comfortable and motivated for the dreaded first day of the week. Wearing something comfortable and something you love will make you feel good and won’t contribute any additional feelings of stress or discomfort as you head into your first week back. Whether it’s a comfy sweater, a favorite pair of shoes, or even some extra accessories, looking good makes you feel good! And comfortable clothes will give you that serotonin boost you need to thrive during the day.

  • Positive self-talk and self-care

Being kind to yourself is the most important thing when it comes to dealing with the Sunday Scaries. It’s always important to listen to your body and be mindful of what you need. Everyone self cares differently, so don’t be afraid to do whatever it is you need to do to get through the day. Letting yourself take time off, relax, and mentally and physically prepare for the week ahead is crucial for success. Be kind to yourself when you need a break and give yourself credit for all the hard things you’ve done so far! You got this!








Alison Reynolds, Graduate Student Assistant

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