10 Benefits of Houseplants

For thousands of years, humans have brought plants indoors. But why is this? The following are 10 reasons houseplants can improve your well-being 

  1. Houseplants improve cognitive performance: Given that plants increase the amount of oxygen in your home and remove toxins, they improve concentration, memory, reaction time, and creativity. Experimental studies show that cognitive performance is better in offices with plants, and simply looking at green plants makes us more creative. 
  2. Houseplants reduce the effects of stress : A research study demonstrated that geraniums helped individuals recover faster and more completely from high stress situations. If there is a particular room where you often find yourself getting stressed, consider putting a plant in that room. 
  3. Houseplants boost your mood: Researchers have pinpointed a microbe called M. vaccae, nicknamed “outdoorphins,” which is found in soil and works as a natural antidepressant. It boosts your mood by releasing cytokines, which lead your brain to produce more serotonin. So, just being around soil boosts your mood! 
  4. Houseplants provide a sense of connectedness : It’s human nature to crave connection with others. Plants remind us that we are sharing this earth with more than other humans, and that we are all connected. Everything on this planet plays a role, and having a plant in your home can serve as a reminder of this connection with all other life forms. When we breathe, we take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Plants do the opposite, taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, making us the perfect team. 
  5. Houseplants reduce anxiety : Plants help us feel calm. Looking at a living plant brings a relaxing sensation that is not experienced when looking at a computer or phone. In fact, studies have shown that patients in hospital rooms with plants report that they feel less anxious compared to patients in rooms without plants. 
  6. Houseplants purify the air of toxins : In today’s world, we are exposed to a number of toxins, even in our own homes. The EPA states that indoor air pollution is one of the greatest risks to our health. Cleaning supplies, candles, beauty products, cookware, smoke, and other sources, release neurotoxins into the air, which can harm our brains. All plants clean the air, but NASA has shown that certain plants are particularly effective at removing toxins.  
  7. Houseplants reduce your number of sick days: Studies have shown that patients recover more quickly from surgery when their hospital rooms have plants. Patients with plants in their room had lower blood pressure, lower ratings of pain, less anxiety, and less fatigue than patients without plants in their room. One researcher has pinpointed an airborne compound that has antifungal and antibacterial properties, called phytoncides, which we absorb when nearby.  
  8. Houseplants teach us the importance of a holistic approach: Caring for houseplants requires patience. Shortcuts won’t work with plants, just as they don’t work with our own health. When a plant is unwell with shriveled brown leaves, we can’t simply paint the leaves green and call it a day. Instead, we ought to look at the whole picture, taking our time and getting to know what amount of sunlight and water the plant needs to thrive. Learning to care for our houseplants more holistically can help us care for ourselves more holistically, instead of opting for quick fixes.  
  9. Houseplants teach us to slow down : Our brains are chronically stressed, because we’re stimulated all the time these days. Taking time out of your day to slowly water a plant and carefully check its leaves gives your brain a needed break from the constant stimulation. 
  10. Houseplants improve sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for overall health. Houseplants naturally purify the air in your home, so having a few in your bedroom will improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Simply looking at plants makes us feel more calm and less stressed, which will put us in the right mindset before going to bed. To get the most out of bedroom plants, choose a plant that continues to release oxygen even at night (most plants do not), such as a snake plant.  

 Joe Doherty, Wellness Coordinator, Wellness Coaching  

  Watch this video to plant your own succulent and start reaping the benefits!








