
Being Kind has many benefits to your overall health and well-being. Did you know, kindness increases: energy, happiness, lifespan, pleasure and serotonin and decreases: pain, anxiety, stress, depression and blood pressure.  

We could all benefit from a little extra kindness right now. Take 5 minutes and send a message of gratitude to a friend, call a loved one, or engage in an activity that gives you to joy to be kind to yourself.  

Is expressing your creative side something you enjoy? Help spread kindness at Ohio State by submitting artwork that could be featured in outdoor spaces around campus.  

The Office of Student Life and Kind Columbus are hosting a contest for Ohio State students, faculty, staff, alumni and Columbus community members to submit artwork that could be featured in outdoor spaces around campus. These Instagrammable Walls will help promote kindness, positivity and mental health support on campus and in the Columbus community. In addition to seeing their artwork displayed around campus, winners of the #BeKind Instagram Wall Contest will also receive $500 to donate to a non-profit organization from the Columbus Foundation’s Giving Store of their choice. 

The #BeKind Instagram Wall Contest is open throughout February 2021. To lean more and submit artwork please visit the Kindness Website 


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