Self-care for the College Student

It’s okay to feel. We are living in a very new reality than what we are used to. We love the graphic below with simple but well needed reminders.

It’s important to take care of yourself always, but now more than ever while we are social distancing for the health of ourselves and others. But what does it really mean to “self-care” when you’re in college and resources are limited? Self-care doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive. Below are realistic self-care tips for college students

Self-care is:

  • Making decisions
  • Setting boundaries
  • Saying no
  • Forgiving yourself and others
  • Engaging in positive self-talk
  • Getting the things, you need to do done

We’ve made “Self-Care Bingo” for you? Can you achieve bingo or even cross off the entire board? Share with us on social media (@osuwellness) how you self-care!

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