Generation Rx Lab at COSI welcomes new assistant director

Cynthia CananThe Generation Rx Lab at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) recently welcomed Cynthia Canan as the new assistant director.

The Lab is an innovative educational experience at COSI run by Canan, lab director Nicole Kwiek, and undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. Located in the Life exhibit, visitors of all ages can conduct engaging, hands-on experiments as they learn about the science of drugs.

Canan, a two-time graduate of Ohio State, has a passion for teaching others.

“I really love science education,” said Canan. “I did an internship two years ago with the Generation Rx Lab and loved it. It was great to teach the kids, but I really loved teaching the parents too and seeing their face when they learn something new as well.”

Canan received a BS in Biology and Psychology and a PhD in Biomedical Research with a focus in Immunology. Her hometown is Dublin, Ohio.

Visitors of COSI can stop by the Generation Rx Lab in the Life Exhibit on the second floor to meet Canan and her staff and participate in the Daily Shows.

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