Knowledge Bank

NOTE: OSU’s instances of REDCap have not been validated for compliance with Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 11 and may not be used for eConsent and/or electronic data capture in FDA-regulated research or for any other research with requirements for which REDCap at OSU has not been validated. If you have questions, please contact

The knowledge bank is arranged around 5 themes:

  1. Getting Started (what is REDCap, how to I get an account?)
  2. Design (building forms/surveys in REDCap)
  3. Collect (data collection)
  4. Manage (management of REDCap and/or data within REDCap)
  5. Troubleshooting (what to do when things go wrong)

Many of these links are either PowerPoint Slides or Word Documents which are view-able in a browser or may be downloaded for offline viewing.

Getting Started
What is REDCap?
Getting an account / getting access to an existing project
Requesting a new project

Enable an instrument as a survey
Create a repeating instrument
Set a custom record label
Using the shared library

Administer a survey in person
Allow survey participant to save and return later
Log out of REDCap and open a a survey for a participant to complete **Applies to REDCap Scarlet only**
Use of OSU REDCap in FDA-regulated research (21 CFR Part 11) **If you do not have access to this article, please contact and request access to REDCap Grove

Adding a User to a REDCap Project
Assign a user to a Data Access Group
Build a custom dashboard

Account login doesn’t work
Account is expired / has been suspended

Engaging RIT Services
If you need someone to build your project for you, RIT offers REDCap project builds on a fee-for-service basis. Ideally an estimate for project creation should be completed before the budget for the study is completed.

What does it cost?
Effective September 1, 2023, refer to this FAQ on current rates.

What we need from you:

  • We offer consults on Thursdays where we can begin gathering requirements for your project. Please review our Project Specification Guidance on what type of information we need to provide a quote.
  • In addition to scheduling a consult, users should also submit a new project request.
  • The RIT EDC team meets on Fridays to discuss projects in the queue (proposals coming from both the Thursday consults and the RIT-EDC email box). We aim to provide a cost estimate within 7 working days of receiving a request.