Staying on top of your studies while still having fun!


Hello Everyone! My name is Rebekah Thomas, and I am a P2 and pharmacy ambassador for the College of Pharmacy! I am originally from Pittsburgh, and I attended Slippery Rock University for my undergraduate degree. Outside of class, my favorite things to do are walk around the park of roses, get Condados tacos, and ride the bird scooters with my friend!

With school in full swing, I just wanted to share some of the planning and organizational tips I collected through my first year at the college. I used to have this ability to remember due dates and stay on top of my tasks in high school and undergrad, but that didn’t really work well for me in my first year of school. Pharmacy school definitely keeps you busy, and it can get overwhelming trying to remember all of the events, due dates, and project deadlines from straight memory. I connected with my peers and mentors within the college to gain some tips to how to better organize my time for school and for activities.

SO here is my approach to staying organized while in pharmacy school:

  1. Get a planner or use a calendar. I swear your life will be much better organized if you can see what is coming up.
  2. The syllabus is your best friend. The first thing I do is write down all of the assignments, quizzes, tests, and other important dates in the monthly section of my planner. These dates can be tentative but at least they are there so you can plan ahead! I even color coordinate by classes and will highlight the test dates.
  3. If you work put the dates and times in this section when ever you get your schedule!
  4. Now that you have a good idea when you have things do and when your exams are, look at the days where you may have off or free. This will sound weird but pencil in some time for yourself! The first thing students tend to forget is to include time for them self because they become so overwhelmed with school. It is very important for your well-being to add this time for yourself. By penciling it in your planner you can plan around it to ensure you get the “me” time that you need!
  5. You now have a good idea of what your month is going to look like. It is going to look like a lot but do not worry because now you can plan out when and how you will accomplish the task and turn it in on time!
  6. Once I have my month filled out the best I can, I will sit down every Sunday and fill out the pages for the upcoming week. In this section, I will write in the important dates, block out time to do assignments, and block out time to study. I found that It is very important to pencil in your study time because you may push it off (I used to be a big procrastinator on studying. Don’t do that in pharmacy school! ).
  7. After you block out time to do school work and study, you can see when you have time to do other fun activities!

This seems like a lot of work, but I assure you that it will alleviate so much stress when it comes to tackling your school work. Mastering the “work-life balance” that everyone is talking about starts out with great planning.


Get to Know Your Ambassadors: Joyce

Hi everyone!  My name is Joyce Zhang and I’m a P3 here at OSU’s College of Pharmacy!  I did my undergrad at OSU studying pharmaceutical sciences and creative writing through the Early Admissions Program (EAP).  This is my third year as a Student Ambassador and my second year as a Coordinator.


Cappadocia, Turkey

In my opinion, one of the best parts about being at OSU is the number of opportunities available to get involved!  Whatever your passions are, you’ll find a place for them.  Along with being a Student Ambassador Coordinator, I’m currently president of the PharmD Class of 2018, president of Buckeyes Without Borders, and a member of Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS) leadership society, Kappa Psi (a pharmaceutical fraternity), and PODEMOS.  I’m passionate about global health, and OSU has given me ample opportunity to travel abroad.  In just two weeks from Oct 21-31, 2016, I will be traveling to the mountains near Cortés, Honduras for a medical brigade with an OSU neurologist (with whom I’m currently doing research).  This past March 2016, I spent a week in Granada, Nicaragua on one of the Buckeyes Without Borders medical brigades.  In June 2015, I spent a week in El Progreso, Honduras on the PODEMOS medical brigade, and in a few months, I will be going back to serve there again this December 2016.  I also traveled to China in July 2015 to participate in a 2-week pharmaceutical internship with the West China School of Pharmacy at Sichuan University.  My dream is to volunteer with Médecins Sans Frontières one day.

Making friends with elephants in Chiang Mai, Thailand

My lucky number is 8, so here are 8 fun facts about me:

  1. If I wrote an autobiography, it would be a picture book.  I love photography and my favorite genre to write is creative nonfiction.
  2. I was born in Canada, and have since lived in Ann Arbor, Boston, New Canaan, Nashville, Cincinnati, and Columbus.
  3. Friends, running, hiking, reading fantasy books, writing memoirs, drinking bloody marys, eating sushi and kimchi fried rice, photographing beautiful moments and places, and trying new things like rollerblading and hula hooping.  Full-fat yogurt, belly laughs, getting packages in the mail, sunshine, baking cupcakes, and thrifting.  These are a few of my favorite things!
  4. I’ve traveled in 28 countries and still suffer from the travel bug.  There is still so much of the world I want to see.  Next new places on the agenda is Banff National Park over Thanksgiving break and Peru next June!

    Fox in the Snow Cafe

  5. I like my coffee with lots of cream and without sugar.
  6. My favorite book is The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
  7. If I didn’t do pharmacy, I would either become a professional photographer, travel blogger, or open up a bakery and coffee shop.
  8. I have a very intense hat collection.

Part of my hat collection

Please feel free to email me at! I would love to answer any questions about pharmacy school or just chat about life! 🙂

Joyce Zhang is currently a third-year PharmD student at The Ohio State University. She enjoys volunteering at local free clinics, providing healthcare to underserved populations on medical brigades to Nicaragua and Honduras, photography, running and hiking, and drinking tea. She is currently president of Buckeyes Without Borders, president of the PharmD Class of 2018, a Student Ambassador Coordinator, and a member of Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS) leadership society, PODEMOS, and Kappa Psi.

Joyce Zhang is currently a third-year PharmD student at The Ohio State University. She enjoys volunteering at local free clinics, providing healthcare to underserved populations on medical brigades to Nicaragua and Honduras, photography, running and hiking, and drinking tea. She is currently president of Buckeyes Without Borders, president of the PharmD Class of 2018, a Student Ambassador Coordinator, and a member of Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS) leadership society, PODEMOS, and Kappa Psi.


Get to Know Your Ambassadors: Megan

Hey Future Buckeyes!

My name is Megan Johnson and I am a P3 (or third year pharmacy student) here at the College of Pharmacy. I graduated with a Bachelors of Pharmaceutical Sciences degree from Ohio State in 2014 and I am so grateful that I was able to continue on to get my PharmD from one of the best universities in the world! This upcoming year I will be serving as one of the student ambassador coordinators for the college of pharmacy, so I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself.


I have 3 older sisters (4 girls… my poor dad!) who inspire me every day. I’m also an aunt to an adorable niece. I grew up in a small town known as Wellington,Ohio which is about 2 hours north of Columbus. I am a country girl at heart, so everyone was surprised when I chose one of the biggest universities to attend. It turns out this big city was the perfect fit for me. Growing up, I was very involved in 4-H which sparked my love for animals. I raised and showed pigs at our county fair for over 12 years. When I wasn’t outside, you could find me in the gym playing volleyball, basketball, and softball. If you can’t tell already, I am a HUGE sports person. I get season tickets every year to watch my buckeyes play football in the ‘Shoe on Saturdays. I’m also a diehard Cleveland sports fan. I can FINALLY say we won a championship 🙂


Some of my hobbies include: baking, crafting, working out, hiking, fishing, swimming, reading, watching Netflix, camping, and my most recent hobby is archery. The thing I love the most however, is enjoying time with those I love. I am a very happy, go lucky type of girl. I am extremely optimistic and believe everything happens for a reason.

I was once told, “You’ll never work a day in your life if you do something that you love.” I believe that my something is pharmacy. My passion for the profession sparked when I attended a Pharmacy Camp at The University of Toledo my Junior Year in high school. There I was able to shadow multiple pharmacists and see how much of an impact pharmacists have on their community. My oldest sister and her husband are both pharmacists that have inspired me throughout their unique journeys in the profession. Over the years I have had wonderful opportunities to shadow them and tag along on various pharmacy events. Through their experiences, I have seen that the profession of pharmacy can be anything you want it to be. This is what excites me about our profession. There are multiple settings that a pharmacist may work in or create, and the opportunities are endless.


The reason I chose to attend Ohio State for Pharmacy school is because of the vast array of opportunities that are available here. During undergrad at OSU I was able to continue to pursue my passions. I played club volleyball, joined an environmental scholars group, performed pharmacy research, and have had the time of my life. During my last two years at Ohio State I’ve found myself falling even more in love with this university (which I didn’t think was possible). Ohio State never fails to exceed my expectations! As a pharmacy student I am a member of APhA-ASP, NCPA, SSHP, and I also serve as a mentor for incoming first year pharmacy students. Throughout the past few years I have had amazing experiences with the college including rotations, a study abroad trip, and different events they’ve put on. I can’t wait to tell you more in my posts to follow!

I hope to be hearing from some of you soon! Please feel free to email me at  🙂


Hello, my name is… Victoria!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Victoria Williams, and I’m your new Ambassador Coordinator this academic year. I’d like to take some time to introduce myself to all of you so that you know a little more about me since I’ll be posting here frequently!

I grew up outside of Pittsburgh, PA though my family now lives outside Philadelphia. My non-pharmacy-related interests include pugs, reading, working out, watching TV, and spending time with friends and family.


I earned my undergraduate degree from OSU in the Pharmaceutical Sciences. During my time as an undergrad, I worked as a Resident Advisor to our Pharmacy House Living/Learning Community and worked for the College of Pharmacy in the Student Affairs Office. I also served as a teaching assistant for “Introduction to Pharmacy” and completed a research project on the effectiveness of this elective course. I started teaching cycle and strength group fitness classes at the campus gym as a junior, and continue to do so now as a PharmD student! Currently I also intern at Riverside Methodist Hospital with Ohio Health.

I’m in my second year of the PharmD program, and I’m enjoying it so much! Of course the coursework is challenging, but it’s so rewarding to be learning a subject I am passionate about alongside other motivated individuals. I love attending the College of Pharmacy here at OSU, and I can’t wait to tell you why in a future post.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions at!





Get to Know Your Ambassadors: Sarah

Hello everyone!

I’m so excited to introduce myself as one of your four Student Ambassador Coordinators! This is my second year being a Coordinator, and I look forward to everything that will come this year.

My name is Sarah and I am a P3. I am originally from the wonderful state of Arizona. Moving here was a very big transition for me, and so I can relate to many of you incoming P1s that come from a different state. In a small effort to relieve any stress you may have, I’d like to let you know that I am 100% happy with my decision to come to The Ohio State University for my PharmD, and I am so confident that you will be too. It was the best decision I could have made, and I am so fortunate to have all the opportunities for preceptors, colleagues, work, volunteering, and leadership.

Why pharmacy? Well, there are many, many reasons. The two main reasons is that I love science and math and I love helping people. Pharmacy blends these two together perfectly (in my opinion). What really reinforced that pharmacy was the perfect career for me, was getting pharmacy experience. I volunteered and worked at an independent pharmacy in Arizona. I loved everything about that job, especially the opportunity to learn so much about a unique setting of pharmacy. I currently work at The James Cancer Hospital and I absolutely love it as well. I hope that you are (or will be) just as happy as I am with pharmacy as your career choice!

Here’s what you should know about me:

  • I graduated from Arizona State University (GO DEVILS!) with a BS in Biochemistry, and a minor in Mathematics/Statistics. So, yes, I am a bit of a nerd.
  • My family and friends are everything to me.
  • I love animals – especially dogs.
  • I recently became a puppy mom to the cutest mutt you’ll ever see!! His name is Cooper (stay tuned for a picture of him).
  • I consider myself an introvert with extrovert tendencies.
  • I’m absolutely in love with Arizona. And I hate the cold.
  • I am half-Japanese and half-Caucasian.
  • I hate bugs. Like HATE them.
  • I spend my free time either hanging out with friends, crafting, reading, watching Netflix, or working out.
  • I love makeup. Gotta keep that brow game strong.
  • I love braids. It’s pretty much the only thing I do with my hair besides brush it.
  • I’m also terrible about remembering to take pictures.
  • I danced growing up, and I miss it so much. My last two years at Arizona State I got really into Latin dances.
  • I love wine and craft beer.

I suppose that is enough for now 🙂


Cooper 🙂

If you would like to contact me for any questions about Ohio, The Ohio State University, internships, volunteering, etc, please do so! My email is

Sarah Pic




Get to Know Your Ambassadors: RoseMerrie

Greetings! RoseMerrie here!

I’m so excited to start off my first post on the College of Pharmacy blog! Since you’ll be hearing a lot from me over the next few months, let me give you a bit of background information.

I’m originally from a small city on the Ohio River called Martins Ferry. I got my undergraduate degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from The Ohio State University, and now I’ll be beginning my P3 year in the professional program. I was a part of the Early Admissions Pathway (EAP) program since I decided on pharmacy when I was in high school. (More on EAP to come in future posts! It’s awesome, I promise.)

My older sister is a pharmacist, and I loved seeing all the amazing things she was doing, even as a student pharmacist. I observed some of her research on occasion, and I even tagged along with her at the Ohio Pharmacists Association’s conference one spring. Everything I saw drew me deeper into pharmacy, and at Ohio State I was really able to make pharmacy a passion of my own.

After many visits to other colleges of pharmacy, Ohio State seemed like a perfect fit for me— even looking back on my first visit here. I remember eating lunch with my dad and my little sister in the amphitheater by Mirror Lake, thinking how I could really see myself at this university. Everyone I met was so thrilled to see a potential Buckeye, and the college of pharmacy was so incredibly helpful and wanted to see me move forward with my goals as quickly and smoothly as possible.

So now in the professional program, I’m involved in a few different projects. My major focus is with our APhA-ASP (American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists) chapter as a chair for our Patient Counseling Competition. Last year I served as our Membership Vice President, so I should be able to give you a taste of the different ways you can get involved. I’m also a member of the Pharmacy Leadership Society, and I’m a mentor in the Rho Chi mentoring program for first-year student pharmacists. I’ve participated in the London study abroad program with the college—once in my undergrad and again my P1 year as a student coordinator.

I’ll cut this post now before I get too carried away. Feel free to contact me or any of the other coordinators at any time (, and get excited for our next posts when my fellow coordinators– Joyce, Sarah, and Megan– will introduce themselves!