Market Chicken Order Form Now Available

It is time to order your market chickens for the 2021 Paulding County Junior Fair.    We are asking that, if multiple youth from the same family are completing the market chicken project, EACH YOUTH complete a separate order form.  This will ensure that all youth have the required NPIP paperwork.  Orders must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm on Friday, February 26th.  Please note that all market pens of chickens must consist of 3 birds of the same sex.

It is recommended that you order a few extra chickens than what is needed to create your market pens.  It is never known if you will lose some of your chicks during the first few weeks.  A larger selection also ensures you have more to choose from while choosing the birds you will be exhibiting at the fair.

Again this year, we will be placing our order through Milan Center Feed and Grain and will be ordering the Cornish Cross breed.  The price per chick is as follows:

Straight Run (not sexed before delivery): $1.80

Pullet (female): $1.75

Cockeral (male): $1.85

The pick-up date for the market chickens will be on Wednesday, April 28th from 3:00 to 4:30 pm at the Extension Office.  Payment for your order will be due when you pick up your chicks.  Invoices will be e-mailed for convenience in knowing what your payment should be.

If you have questions about ordering, your project, or any other 4-H related area, please feel free to give me a call at 419-399-8225 or send an e-mail to

2021 Paulding County Junior Fair Market Chicken Order Form

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