New Year, New Link for the Southern Ohio Farm Show Zoom


If you would like to join the weekly Zoom for the Southern Ohio Farm Show, there is a new link to register for the program. Register by visiting:

The Zoom meetings are broadcasted every Wednesday at 10 am.

Southern Ohio Farm Show, January 20, 2021

This week on the Southern Ohio Farm Show, we have: -biosecurity with Will Hamman -Part 2 of the Farm Bill Decision with Chris Bruynis -Ride along with Ross Meeker to deliver grain to the elevator. Tune-in for the live broadcast of the Southern Ohio Farm Show every Wednesday via Zoom at 10 am. Register in advance for the Zoom broadcast by visiting:…

Southern Ohio Farm Show Holiday Programming Planned for Dec 23rd 

Santa and Mrs. Claus visit a local farm while admiring the holiday decorations in the area.


Brooke Beam, PhD

Agriculture and Natural Resources/Community Development Extension Educator

OSU Extension, Highland County


December 16, 2020


On the next episode of the Southern Ohio Farm Show, we have some special guests from the North Pole. Santa and Mrs. Claus stopped by a local farm when they were out looking at the festive lights in the area and they will make a guest appearance on the Southern Ohio Farm Show. The contestants in the lighting contest will also be featured in this special holiday program.

In this week’s episode, the Fairfield FFA Chapter was highlighted with their soybean field they planted as a class project. Other segments included how to care for poinsettias, information on cover crops, and how to make peanut butter cups for the holidays.

As the Ohio State University Extension offices around the state transition into a period of virtual programming, take time to explore the dozens of programs available for you to attend from the comfort of your own home. For a full listing of agriculture and natural resources Extension programming, visit If you need assistance registering for one of the programs or would like a call-in number for one of the webinars, contact our office at 937-393-1918.

While this year’s holiday celebrations may look different than they have in the past, take time to celebrate with your family in a safe manner. Whether in person or by Zoom, I hope you are all able to enjoy the holiday season and stay healthy.

Southern Ohio Farm Show, December 16, 2020

In this episode of the Southern Ohio Farm Show:
-Pam Bennett provides tips on how to care for poinsettias;
-James Morris discusses cover crops;
-we visit with the Fairfield FFA Chapter about their soybean field; and
-Ken Ford and his son, Luke, demonstrate how to make peanut butter cups for the holidays.


Southern Ohio Farm Show, December 9, 2020

This week on the Southern Ohio Farm Show, we visit a Christmas tree farm, learn about winterizing sprayers with Richard Purdin, learn more about tax exempt rules with Chris Bruynis, and bake cutout cookies with Kathy Bruynis and her grandchildren. Tune in next week for another new episode of the Southern Ohio Farm Show!