Local Foods Directory Website

We are continuing to update the Local Food Directory daily.  There are over 100 Ohio food producers listed on the site, with products ranging from fresh meat and eggs to maple syrup. You can visit the site at https://u.osu.edu/localfoodproducers/. The survey link is also available on the Local Food Producers Directory home page if you would like to add your farm to the list.

Southern Ohio Farm Show Broadcasting

Brooke Beam, PhD

Agriculture and Natural Resources/Community Development Extension Educator

Ohio State University Extension, Highland County

April 29, 2020

On Wednesday, April 29th, we hosted the first Southern Ohio Farm Show via Zoom. The program featured a weather update by OSU Extension Climatologist, Dr. Aaron Wilson, a grain outlook by Ben Brown, OSU Extension Economist, soil sampling by Gigi Neal, and I discussed the local food directory we are building as a community resource.

If you were unable to view the show, it is also posted on our Facebook and YouTube pages. It will also be broadcasted through the Hillsboro and Greenfield local access channels.

The next broadcast of the Southern Ohio Farm Show will be held on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, at 10 AM via Zoom. You can register for the program via: https://go.osu.edu/thesouthernohiofarmshowregistration

Next week’s episode will include topics on gardening, what to do with local food in the kitchen, and a continued discussion about the markets and weather. If you do not have a computer or a smart phone, you are still able to listen to the program using the call-in option. Call the OSU Extension Office at 937-393-1918 for more information about the call-in number.