From left to right: Destiny Bryson, Mike Hart, Rob Holt, May Greene, Liz Brennfleck, Michelle Unsworth, Diana Grooms, and Harold Schmidt of the Greenfield Historical Society in front of the Konneker Education Museum in Greenfield, Ohio.
Brooke Beam, PhD
Ohio State University Extension, Highland County
Agriculture and Natural Resources/Community Development Extension Educator
September 19, 2018
The Leadership Highland class met on September 19, 2018, for Highland County history day. The participants began the day at the Greenfield Historical Society where Harold Schmidt and Tom Adams shared Greenfield’s history, model train display, and the Konneker Education Museum.

Tom Adams showing the model of Greenfield he constructed to the participants of Leadership Highland.
The second stop was the Parker House Hotel where participants met with Jack Hope. Mr. Hope shared a brief history of his background and many Highland County projects. A tour of the Parker House Hotel followed Mr. Hope’s presentation. Mayor Drew Hastings provided a tour of Bell’s Opera House and the history of the building. The final stop in Hillsboro was the Highland House. Carolyn Hastings, of the Highland County Historical Society, provided a tour of the building and a private viewing of The Lincoln School Story: A Battle for School Integration in Ohio documentary.
The Leadership Highland history day tour concluded in Lynchburg where Virginia Rhonemus and Elaine Williams provided a walking and driving tour of Lynchburg. A few of the historical sites visited included the covered bridge, the oldest home in Lynchburg, and the Lynchburg distillery site.

Connecting Highland and Clinton Counties, the covered bridge in Lynchburg is the only existing bridge in Ohio that connects two counties.
The next meeting of Leadership Highland will be agriculture day in October. For more information about Leadership Highland, contact Brooke Beam at the Highland County Extension Office at 937-393-1918.
Upcoming Events:
Beef Quality Assurance Training:
- Thursday, October 25, 2018, 6:30 P.M., Producer Stockyards, Hillsboro, Ohio
Call your local Ohio State University Extension Office to register for the BQA training. The Highland County Extension Office can be reached at 937-393-1918.