Southern Ohio Farm Show Programming for November

Brooke Beam, PhD

Agriculture and Natural Resources/Community Development Educator

OSU Extension, Highland County


During the month of November, the Southern Ohio Farm Show will be highlighting various food science topics and recipes to help make your Thanksgiving meal a success. Each episode will feature a different dish related to the holiday meal. Additionally, the show will cover topics related to drought stressed forages, beekeeping, and tree identification.

This week’s episode features Thanksgiving Salad, which is my mother’s favorite holiday dish. The recipe comes from The Presidents’ Own White House Cookbook, compiled by Robert Jones and published in 1968. It is a unique dish that can work as a side dish or a dessert, but it is very sweet.

Over the next few weeks, there will be several opportunities for community members to participate in the Southern Ohio Farm Show. Keep an eye out for a holiday themed contest to be announced soon for our December episodes. Participation opportunities will be posted through the newspaper column and on Facebook.

The Southern Ohio Farm Show is broadcasted weekly through Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, and the local access channels in Adams, Brown, Clermont, and Highland Counties. To watch the show on demand, visit the OSU Extension Highland County Facebook and YouTube channels.

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