From left to right: Dorothy Pelanda, Director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Governor Mike DeWine, and Ty Higgins, from Ohio Farm Bureau, during the keynote speech.
The Ohio State University Extension Office in Highland County assisted with the 2020 Agriculture is Everyone’s Business breakfast on February 24, 2020. The keynote speaker was Governor Mike DeWine, who participated in a panel discussion with the Ohio Department of Agriculture Director Dorothy Pelanda.
Dr. Brooke Beam, Agriculture and Natural Resources/Community Development Extension Educator, served on the programming committee for the event and created the Highland County Farmland video that was shown at the beginning of the program. Over 30 individuals directly involved with production agriculture in Highland County contributed to the construction of the video. Additionally, Beam moderated the solar farm discussion and helped coordinate the meat production practices and hemp breakout sessions.
Sara Newsome and Trinty Edenfield, along with Dr. Kevin Boys, President of Southern State Community College, are shown on stage during the opening ceremonies of the breakfast.
Sara Newsome and Trinity Edenfield, Highland County 4-H members and Junior Leaders, led the crowd of over 400 in the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge.