Width of Alley

In a narrow, sinister alley of width w a ladder of length a is placed with its foot at point P between the walls. Resting against one wall at Q, a distance k above the ground, the ladder makes a 45° angle with the ground. Resting against the other wall at R, a distance h above the ground, the ladder makes a 75° angle with the ground. The width of the alley is equal to

  1. a
  2. RQ
  3. k
  4. (h + k)/2
  5. h

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Seventeen People, Love, Etc.

Seventeen intelligent people all correspond with one another. Each person writes “letters” to each of the 16 others (emails, texts, facebook messages, carrier pigeons, whatever). In their letters, one of only three topics is discussed: love, death, or dragons. Each pair of correspondents always writes about the same one of these three topics. Prove that there is a group of at least three people who write to each other about the same topic.

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