Jessamine Bush

Here is a problem allegedly proposed by ancient Hindu mathematicians: The square root of half the number of bees in a swarm has flown out upon a jessamine bush; 8/9 of the whole swarm has remained behind; and one female bee flies about a male that is buzzing within a lotus flower into which he was lured in the night by its sweet scent, but is now imprisoned in it. Tell me the number of the bees in the swarm.

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Let x be the number of bees in the swarm.
Then √x/2 are on the jessamine bush,
8x/9 remain behind,
and 2 are at the lotus flower.

(√x/2) + (8x/9) + 2 = x
x/2 = x/9 – 2
x/2 = (x/9 – 2)2
x/2 = x2/81 – 4x/9 + 4
(x/2) · 162 = (x2/81 – 4x/9 + 4) · 162
81x = 2x2 – 72x + 648
2x2 – 153x + 648 = 0
(2x – 9)(x – 72) = 0
x = 72 or 9/2

So x = 72.

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