Bat Week

In 2019, Ohio government recognized National Bat Week. National Bat Week is every year from October 24th – October 31st. National Bat Week is an annual, international celebration of the role of bats in nature and raise awareness about the need for bat conservation.  Visit the National Bat Week’s website at for more information on bats and how to take action not matter where you are.

Ohio Bat Week Video Series:

Ohio Bat Working Group members have created a series of videos for Bat Week and beyond! These videos were created to address a variety of topics related to bats in Ohio with the intent to aid educators in preparing and delivering bat programs. We hope you find them helpful!

Special thanks to Sarah Stankavich, Danielle Thompson, Melissa Proffitt, Cindy Maravich, Tammy O’Neil, Marne Titchenell, Rick Shears, and the Education and Outreach Committee for the creation of these videos.

2023 Bat Week Events

Bat Week is October 24-31 every year! Do you have events for bat week that you would like us to share here? If so, email Marne Titchenell (

 Check out the national website for upcoming events and see below for events taking place around Ohio.

  • Bat-themed Nature On-the-Go program –  allows teachers to pick up a self-serve kit and do bat lessons in their classrooms. Each box includes 1 unit for each grade level- Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd-3rd grades. The bat box contains books, games, bat skeletons/study skins and images of native bat species. See HERE for information regarding NOG.  To reserve a Nature on the Go Bin, educators can contact CWPD Outdoor Education Supervisor Katy Lucas at or 937-433-5155.
  • Bat’s Amazing Class  – We’ll learn about how bats are an important part of our ecosystem and create a slingshot to launch our own mini bats! Thursday, October 10, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., Grant Park, Kennard Nature Nook, 6588 McEwen Rd., Ages 8 – 14, Fee: $20 residents, $26 nonresidents, Registration deadline: Friday, October 4
  • Ohio Bat Fest – Saturday, October 19 from 12-5 pm at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (2201 Fred Taylor Dr, Columbus, OH 43210). More info here.
  • Conservation In Action Series: Bat House Workshop on Tuesday, October 29. See HERE for more details.