lecture on the advantages of Greek School; Greek conversation Mondays 9-10am at OSU

There will be Coffee and Chat lecture on Saturday, February 8th at 12:30 pm at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Columbus.  Dr. Christopher Brown, Lecturer in the OSU Modern Greek Program, will give a brief (20-30 minutes) talk on what the latest research is telling us about the advantages of learning Greek in childhood, and how parents can work together with Greek school teachers to make the experience of Greek school as enjoyable and beneficial as possible for their children.

Starting Monday, February 3, 9-10am, and continuing through the spring semester, there will be coffee hour for Greek conversation with Antenna television from Greece in the Crane Café of Hagerty Hall at Ohio State.

Hagerty Hall




Modern Greek Program Receives Gift

The Modern Greek Program has received a gift of $7,000 from the Nicholas D. Diamantides Scholarship Fund, Inc., which was initially endowed for members of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox parish in Akron Ohio. This Scholarship was established by a group of friends and relatives in Akron, Ohio, to honor the memory of Nicholas D. Diamantides and his lifelong commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and excellence in scholarship.

This gift will fund a book award for exceptional graduating Modern Greek students annually.

We are grateful to The Nicholas D. Diamantides Scholarship Committee and Professor Stavros T. Constantinou, Co-Chair of the committee, for presenting us this gift.

Greek conversation & Antenna television from Greece

Starting Monday, January 27, there is discussion in Greek together with screening of Greek television in Crane Café of Hagerty Hall on Mondays from 9-10am.

All are welcome to join us for Greek conversation at this time, or to stop by Crane Café between 7-11am on Mondays and 7am-noon on Fridays to see Antenna television broadcast from Greece.

Faculty Publications in the Greek Media

This Fall, Yiorgos Anagnostou participated in the public conversation about the “diaspora vote,” and the place of Greek American music, literature and film in Greece.

His three publications are as follows:

«Ελληνοαμερικανικοί τόποι. Η μελέτη, η έρευνα και η αρχειακή συλλογή της ελληνοαμερικανικής εμπειρίας». The Books’ Journal, Τεύχος 104, Δεκέμβριος.

«Η Ψήφος της διασποράς και η ελληνοαμερικανική κοινότητα». ΤΑ ΝΕΑ, 25 Οκτωβρίου, π. 10.

«Ποιοι είναι οι ελληνοαμερικανοί;» ΤΑ ΝΕΑ, 27 Νοεμβρίου.

Greek school teaching tips from Emily Pandis

While an undergraduate Modern Greek student at Ohio State Emily Pandis ’19 began teaching at the Greek School of the Annunciation Cathedral in Columbus. She is now pursuing graduate studies at American University in Washington, DC and continues her teaching in the Greek school of St. Katherine’s Church in Falls Church, Virginia.

Click here for her description of some enjoyable classroom activities that are used by her and her peers at the Hellenic Education Center of St. Katherine Church.

Click here for some resources used at St. Katherine’s Greek school for students learning the alphabet.