Performance Tests

Performance Test 1

Going forward, every class is being turned into days where the group can test the AEV and accomplish small objectives. For performance test 1, the team had 3 class days to design two different AEV’s and check which would minimize the energy used. The other goal of the performance test was to develop a code that allowed the AEV to travel from the starting dock to the gate, pause for 7 seconds and proceed through the gate. The team used coasting and power breaking to see which one used the most energy. A skeleton code was created where the values for distance were changed.

Performance Test 2

This week’s performance test was based on the code for performance test 1. The objective of this week was for the AEV to attach to the payload, which was across the gate, and back across the track to the gate. Another objective was that while on the way back, the payload could detach from the AEV. A issue that we ran into was to get the AEV to go at enough speed to attach to the payload, but simultaneously not let the AEV crash so both the AEV and payload fall off the track.

Performance Test 3

This week’s performance test was based on the code from the past two performance test. The objective for this week was to get the AEV back to the starting point after a full run. So, the AEV would start, go to the gate, get the payload, come back to the gate, and then stop at the starting point again. Another objective was to make sure that the AEV was safe, energy efficient, and stable.