This lab is focused on the initial design process of the team created AEV. Before class, the team was prompted to draft an individual design of an AEV. This design should include an isometric view of the vehicle along with multi-view drawings. These designs weren’t meant to be over-detailed as they are just drafts. The individual designs can be seen below.
Draft #1
Explanation: “The main design feature of this prototype is the body of the AEV resembles that of a fish. The body is thin and tall but also curved to that it can travel smoothly. An outer shell should be made so that everything can fit inside nicely and nothing is hanging or dangling outside. However, the shell should be very thin to avoid creating extraneous weight. As for the motors, I would suggest stacking them on top of each other on the back of the vehicle. This would make it easier to make the AEV thinner.”
-Maycee Hurd
Draft #2
Explanation: The prototype above is to similarly represent a football. A football is what came to mind when introduced to aerodynamics. The outer casing would be designed in Solidworks and 3D printed. The design would be light, durable, and aerodynamic. The only catch was the cost. 3D printing would cost a lot of our small budget. If there was one mistake, the budget would not be able to take that hit. Inside the casing would be a smaller plastic square piece. All the contents would be able to fit inside and screw onto the small piece. A hole on the sides would be created to connect the motors to the Arduino. The motors would be facing opposite of each other. Therefore the power is evenly distributed.
-Anna Goodge
Draft #3
The motive behind this design is to create a light but aerodynamic vehicle. The way that air flow is controlled is important. The boat shape provides aerodynamic front and back as well as maintaining balance. In addition, the design would be light and not require a ton of materials, which in turn would hopefully cut down on price and increase efficiency. Using the smaller square piece and then the two trapezoids would create this balanced designed.
Draft #4
Explanation: “This design was based upon minimizing the weight and expense of the AEV. It utilizes the X-shaped piece of plastic to form a shape like that of a plane. There is a motor and propellor on each “wing”, and the arduino and battery are on the center part of the cross. This design uses the L-shaped arm which is connected at the middle of the cross parallel to the motors.”