Group P

Welcome to Group P, a member group of Koffolt Properties. This group will work on the design, build, and execution of an automatic efficient vehicle (AEV).  This website hosts the development of the AEV along with the ideas behind it. While looking through the drop down menu above, you can see both the team meeting notes and our groups contact information. The links below also allow you to navigate through our page.

Approach to MCR:

At Group P, we are working to design an AEV that is able to transport passengers from Linden to Easton and Polaris quickly, efficiently and safely. It will be an electric powered monorail system that is able to to move forwards and backwards. The AEV must be able to travel up and down inclines. We have a budget of $500K, and our goal is to be as efficient and effective as possible with this money by reducing costs of the production of the AEV while maintaining a high level of safety, so that all Columbus citizens can enjoy the new AEV system.

Intended Audience:

We are reaching out to all energy efficient seeking transportation companies.  We strive to meet these goals by lowering the amount of power necessary and stabilizing the AEV.  Stabilizing the vehicle also enhances the safety features, which is of utmost importance.

Contact Information


Lab 1

Lab 2

Lab 3

Lab 4

Lab 5

Advanced Research and Development

Progress Report 1

Progress Report 2