Class that impacted me

I have taken many rigorous courses over the past two years. One class that has really impacted me over the years has been Biology 1114. In high school, I loved chemistry and math but hated biology and physics. When I took Biology 1113, which is about cell structure and genetics, my freshman year, it just reminded me of high school and I was not interested in it at all. But when I got to Biology 1114 which is about evolution, behavior, and diversity in structure and function, it changed my outlook about the course. It was so interesting and I enjoyed the material. Going into the class my outlook was negative and I thought to myself why did I have to take another biology course. But after I finished the class, I realized I was just focused on one side of biology and I like the macro level. Learning about ecology and selection was intriguing. I have finished my biology requirements but if any class similar to this will help me fulfill my general elective requirement, I will happily take it.

Sophomore Year

Sophomore year had a lot of ups and downs but they taught me valuable lessons. My classes only got harder and work increased. I joined a new organization and took on new leadership roles. Managing school, work, and clubs was very hard but I did it by organizing my time well and having great people help me along the way. I was artistic director of an organization my friends and I helped launch called Buckeyes First. It is a great resource for first generation college students. I was elected as vice president of philanthropy for Alpha Gamma Delta in November. I joined club rugby in September because I wanted to try something out of my comfort zone. I ended up loving it and plan on continuing to play. I volunteered at CarePoint East as an ambassador and at Nationwide Childrens in the sibling clubhouse where I play with the siblings of patients in order to distract them. Being more involved and creating many cherished friendships has made me more excited for my third year in college. I know my classes will be challenging but I am prepared to take my junior year head on.

This e-portfolio highlights my experiences at Ohio State that have impacted me as person and helped me advance my career goals.

My personal vision statement would be: To be able to make a difference in someone’s life by going to medical school and becoming a surgeon. Not only is surgery challenging and intriguing but it gives the team of doctors the ability to help people lead better and fuller lives. This also affects the person’s family and friends which gives you the opportunity to make a positive impact on many people.

Kappa Delta Rho supporting Alpha Gamma Delta’s nighttime nacho fundraiser for fighting against hunger. Me (dressed up as the AGD mascot) with my sisters and a couple of KDR members.

Alpha Gamma Delta has an event called nighttime nachos every semester. It is my sorority’s main event that helps us raise at least $3,000 for our philanthropy. We host it at our chapter house and sell nachos, cookies, and other things to members of the community from 2pm-2am. Since I am really young, my assigned shift was the last shift of the night. But I came two hours earlier so I could help sell at the event. Ever since I was in high school, I have been an avid volunteer. Doing community service and raising money for a good cause always feels rewarding. Participating in this event not only helped me understand AGD’s philanthropy but seeing how much we raised made me feel very ecstatic for the amount of people supporting good causes in order to make a difference. This was my first philanthropy event and the sorority made it enjoyable for everyone while obtaining the fundraising goal for the event.

Jackie, Dalina, and I at a kick off in the Ohio Stadium.

Buckeyes First Program

I am considered a first generation college student since none of my parents went to college. Applying to college was a difficult process for me because I had to figure everything out by myself and my parents were unable to help. Ohio State did a program before college started called Buckeyes Firsts. We met everyday for three days and would talk about different topics of college life and how to deal with everything. We were put into small groups with two peer leaders each. I am still in contact with my peer leaders and the peer leader group. They are there to help us if we have any questions or need anything. Buckeyes first had three meet up dates in the first semester where the two advisors will talk with us and have a lesson planned. One of my biggest fears was not being able to make close friendships when coming to Ohio State but through Buckeyes Firsts, I met my best friends. I have a good friend group and I have people who will help me with anything that I need.

Year in Review

College was different from what I was expecting. I was very stressed and did not know what to expect from my midterms at first but after the first month, it slowly got easier. On my next midterms, I improved by a lot and I learned how to cope with my stress and manage my time better. I even joined pre-med club and was chosen to be on the service committee for it. I occasionally volunteer for Red Cross and local 5K’s. Overall my college experience has been positive and I look forward to my second semester.


Hannah Daulbaugh and I at the Making Strides of Columbus walk on October 14, 2018.

Service Engagement is a big priority for me. I volunteered over 500 hours in high school at two hospitals, the library, and many school events. Here at Ohio State, I plan on volunteering at the James Medical Center, Nationwide Children’s and at some Red Cross drives through pre-medicine club. I plan on volunteering at other events like the breast cancer awareness walk and local nursing homes.


Medical Explorers Program at Mercy Health Hospital 

In October 2017, I started a program at Mercy Health Hospital. This program would meet once a month and lasted until May 2018. During those meetings different areas of the health field would be explored. I heard from a trauma surgeon, learned how to read an EKG, how to read CT and MRI scans, how to start and IV, how to do different types of sutures, how to use the daVinci robot, how to perform CPR, how to prevent a patient from crashing (practiced with a simulation), and shadowed a physical therapist. This program was definitely beneficial and I am glad I was a part of it.