March 1st Update

Trash Room Puzzle Game

That’s the working title of our exciting new VR puzzle game! We are currently working on getting the headset mechanics working in Unity and bringing in the first large assets for the environment. As of now, the headset and base movement mechanic are working correctly within our project, and we’re moving from the whitebox stage to the initial modeling phase. Here are some progress shots:

Scenic Design Project

For my third project in my scenic design course I’m finally able to work digitally. This is an excellent way to prototype and learn for my future thesis installations. These projects force us to create scenery and work within the constraints of the space, which is something I will have to do for my eventual thesis. For this project, we are focusing on creating a set design forĀ Of Mice and Men. This is my progress so far, and features some texturing progress and development of my different scenery elements.

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