January 14th Update


So the semester has started again and I’m off to a great start! Spring 2023 classes include Scenic Design, Grad Studio, and a UI/UX course with Jeremy. I’m looking forward to solidifying some microcontroller experiments, and beginning some scenery exploration for my final thesis. Each class will contribute to a unique element of my thesis research:

  1. Scenic Design will help me develop and think about themed elements in the context of my installation.
  2. UI/UX Design Survey will help me evaluate and understand how to incorporate accessible and inclusive UI elements in my experience.
  3. Grad Design Studio will feature some group projects and personal explorations of microcontroller systems for Unity/Unreal.

I’m really looking forward to this semester and the work has already begun!


Research Planning

So the biggest project this semester will likely be the microcontroller projects in Grad Design Studio. I’ve already been doing lots of research and learning about the topic. I’ve gotten some practice with the Makey Makey microcontroller (MC) as well as the Bluefruit board. I plan on learning and using Arduino for my final thesis experience, so creating some tests/research for that are at the top of my list.

The current project in mind is to work with Thomas E. and Mila G. to improve and expand upon their original game idea of a collaborative VR submarine game. I will work to combine buttons and switches to create an exciting and un to use interaction system. The element will be themed to the game and work as my first exploration into actually building systems like this.

I will also be working with Dr. Lewis to help our team develop this system and answer any questions we might have during the process.

Committee Updates

The three committee members that were requested were Dr. Matthew Lewis, Shadrick Addy, and Alex Oliszewski. All three have giving me verbal confirmations of joining my committee, but Dr. Lewis has officially joined as my primary advisor. I will be meeting with my committee towards the end of the month and I plan on updating them on the projects I’m planning for this semester as well as my plans for the summer.

Summer can go a couple different ways, and it may affect the overall timeline of my thesis year. I’m preparing to once again apply to the Imagineering Show Programming internship in California. However, this year the internship runs from June to December, which means I would need to miss Fall 2023. If I am selected for the internship I will definitely accept that position and work with my advisors to devise a new thesis year schedule. If I do not get the Imagineering position, I will be looking for remote internships or positions here in Columbus. My thesis year would then continue on the normal schedule by starting in Fall 2023.

Emotional/Mental Health Check-In

Overall I’m feeling excited and prepared for the semester. I’ve arrived at a place where I’m comfortable with my thesis selection, and I’m tying up the loose ends in my knowledge to help me enter thesis year with a wellspring of knowledge and practice. My 2 major goals for this year are to create something with the microcontroller system, and get a simple test done in the Oculus pro headset. These are big goals but I believe I can definitely accomplish them with the help of my committee and my peers. I’m also very happy with the state of my research writing because I have a lot of material that will be ready for integration into my final paper. I am constantly referencing my annotated bibliography so I’m very happy I’ve created and continue to create entries for that document.

Here’s to 2023!

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