Free safety devices for students

The Office of Student Life’s Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services offers students free window and door alarms and light timers to increase their home security. Deterrence tools can play a big role in helping to prevent crimes. Access to the devices is easy. Students fill out a simple form and arrange a time to pick up the devices at the Ohio Union.
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Ride Sharing Safety Tips

Ride sharing safety tips

Before you step inside a ride sharing vehicle, it is important to familiarize yourself with tips to help keep you safe. In this week’s Safety Spotlight, OSUPD’s Lt. Marjorie Rizalvo discusses what safety precautions to take when using ride sharing services. The university also offers students discounted late-night rides via Lyft Ride Smart at Ohio State. Watch the video and know before you go.
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Free webinar helps you learn to grow fresh produce

Growing your own healthy fresh produce

Many people turned to growing vegetables as a way to maintain social distance while producing fresh healthy produce. Growing Franklin was there to help by teaching virtual online classes from spring through summer, fall and even winter. All of these classes, links and events are now available in seasonal order to help you get started growing or build on your new veggie skills. Spring is almost here! Visit Growing Franklin to learn how to live your best 2021 gardening life.
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Review Updated Public Safety Resources Webpage

Review Updated Public Safety Resources Webpage

Ohio State’s Department of Public Safety has an updated and more comprehensive safety resources webpage that includes apps, classes and other tools from across the university and nearby neighborhoods. Everyone can learn how to Survive an Active Aggressor and gain access to a free virtual guardian app. Students can discover ridesharing discounts and where to obtain free window and door alarms. Please take a moment to review these resources and help make safety a top priority for all Buckeyes.

LEAD series: Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

LEAD series: Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

Looking to expand your leadership skills? Want to connect with other students while growing skills that will allow you to succeed in class, in your co-curricular experiences and in your career path? Consider registering for the upcoming Leaders Engaging in Actions for Development (LEAD) series workshop on Feb. 4, 12:30-1:30 p.m. These workshops are open to all.
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Student Mental Wellness Resources

School can be a very stressful time. As a student, sometimes we can get overwhelmed with classes, exams, and work. It is even more important during these times that we are aware of our health, including mental health, so we can be proactive in our own wellness and reach out for guidance when needed. Below is a menu of resources available to College of Pharmacy students within our college and across campus.

In-House College of Pharmacy Psychologist

Shawn Levstek is an embedded psychologist in the College of Pharmacy for our students.

  • Works with students to address any mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, relationship concerns, substance use, eating disorders, trauma, and more.
  • Refers students to connect with other resources as appropriate, including mental health providers in the community, psychotherapy groups, medication providers, or LD/ADHD testing.
  • Office is located in Riffe 142, Tuesdays and Fridays, 8:00-5:00.
  • Teletherapy sessions conducted via Zoom.
  • To schedule an appointment, please email:

Counseling and Consultation Service

This service has two locations on campus; the 4th floor of the Younkin Success Center, and the 10th floor of Lincoln Tower.

Department of Psychology

The department of psychology offers Psychological Services, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and addiction recovery services to both students and members of the community:

Couples and Family Therapy

Ohio State has a Couples and Family Therapy clinic on campus:

Community Provider Database

This database contains hundreds of clinicians and allows one to search for mental health providers in the Columbus area using a number of filtering criteria, such as gender, competence areas, and insurance type.


The SMART Lab on campus (Stress Management and Resiliency Training) is located in the PAES building, and offers biofeedback and instruction on how to use these programs and other relaxation techniques:

Wellness Coaching

The Student Wellness Center offers

Buckeye PAL:

The Buckeye Peer Access Line is a non-emergency talk line that provides a space for students to engage in brief phone conversations to gain peer support and learn about campus resources.

Let’s Talk:

  • One-on-one, 15-20 minute, informal mental health consultations with a staff member from Counseling and Consultation Service.
  • Sign up online, available M-F from 2-4 pm (Currently via Zoom)

OSU College of Nursing MINDSTRONG:

MINDSTRONG is an evidence-based, cognitive-behavioral skills building program with a goal of improving resiliency and self-protective factors for the overall wellbeing of students. The MINDSTRONG program includes seven weekly sessions geared toward improving overall mental and physical health while supporting positive adaptation to stress, anxiety and depression.

Counseling and Consultation Service crisis line is available to students after hours every day of the year. Simply call the counseling center number, 292-5766, and hold on the line to speak with an on-call counselor after hours.